Games Developer Center

Make your game a success on any platform — iOS, Android, or

Games Overview
Quickly integrate Facebook Games APIs.

API Migration Guide
Upgrade your title to the latest version of the Facebook platform.


Find More Players

Use App Ads for Installs to drive traffic to your game and find more players.

Helping Your Games Get Discovered

Millions play games on and Facebook-connected mobile games. Facebook will help you get discovered by the right people.

App Center for Games

Submit your app for listing in the App Center to enable over one billion people to find your game.

Cross Promotion

Learn how to use the Business Manager and Business Mapping APIs to enable cross-promotion between titles on Facebook.


Learn about the various social channels available to help you grow your game, and best practices to make them effective.


Requests are a private and direct communication between two players.


Notifications allow you to send short, free-form messages to users of your game.


Sharing is an important part of Facebook Platform and vital to ensure your games' organic distribution.

Open Graph

Open Graph allows you to share structured information about players' gaming activity.

App & Game Groups

Organize your players into clans, alliances or teams using Facebook Groups.

Cross Platform

Learn how to leverage Facebook's ubiquitous presence across multiple platforms.


Monetize Your Game

Monetize your game with Facebook's Audience Network.

Facebook Payments

Turn players into payers by leveraging Facebook's fast and flexible payments solution.

Payments Overview

Price virtual goods internationally for a global audience, improve the checkout experience for users and efficiently handle payment via mobile.

Gift Cards

Enable direct redemption of Facebook Gift Cards into game currency or items.

Best Practices

Learn proven tips and techniques to better implement payments and monetize your game, in order to drive long term value for your business.


Establish a recurring revenue stream by offering weekly or monthly subscriptions plus support for an optional free trial period.


Facebook SDK for Unity

Build cross-platform 3D games on Facebook rapidly and easily with the Facebook SDK for Unity. The Unity engine and ecosystem gives developers a world class technology platform from which they can build games that work seamlessly across multiple platforms quickly and effectively.

Cocos2d-x with Facebook

Build cross-platform 2D games on Facebook with Cocos2d-x and Cocos2d-JS and enjoy easy integration with built-in support for Facebook's platform features. Share a single code base and integrate with Facebook without importing additional frameworks or SDKs.

Getting Started with Unity

This document provides an step-by-step guide to get started with the Facebook SDK for Unity.

Unity SDK Reference

This document provides the API details for the Facebook SDK for Unity.

Unity Games Tutorial

Learn how to integrate the Facebook SDK for Unity into your Unity Web Player game.

Mobile to Canvas Porting Guide

Cocos2d-x and Unity both make it easy to bring a mobile game to Facebook Canvas, but mobile and Web games have some key differences that you should keep in mind when development. This document provides a high level overview of the things you may need to consider when porting a game from a mobile platform to Facebook Canvas.


Friend Smash

Fully featured, open source Facebook sample game. Learn how to build, grow and cross-promote a game that is social by design.

Canvas Game Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to implement Facebook's key social technologies into an existing game on the web.

iOS Game Tutorial

Using Xcode, Objective-C and C++, learn how to implement Facebook's SDK for iOS into a game for iPhone and iPad.

Android Game Tutorial

Built natively in Eclipse using Java, learn how to implement Facebook's SDK for Android from the ground up.

Production & Checklists

Managing your Development Cycle

A walkthrough of features available to help you manage your development, staging and production game releases.

Games on Facebook Checklist

A comprehensive overview of all recommended best practices for games on

Mobile Games Checklist

A comprehensive overview of all recommended best practices for mobile games both on Android and iOS.

Mobile Games Best Practices

Learn how to best leverage Facebook's social technology when building a native mobile game from this detailed guide.

How-To and Reference Guides


Learn how to construct Requests to allow your players to communicate 1-on-1.

Multi-Friend Selector

Build your own multi-friend selector to improve the user experience within your game.

Feed Gaming

Learn how to embed an interactive gaming experience directly into News Feed.

Open Graph

This tutorial will walk you through getting started with building for Open Graph.


This tutorial will guide you through adding a payment solution to your product.

Mobile Price Points

Enable mobile price-points within your game to take full advantage of mobile payments.

Graph API for Scores

Learn how to gain increased distribution through Facebook by publishing a player's score.

Graph API for Achievements

Gain additional distribution by rewarding your players after they've earned achievements.

Invitable Friends API

Discover and invite new people into your game to take advantage of Facebook's social distribution.