Audience Network

Monetize your mobile app with Facebook ads

Getting Started

Apply Now

You will need to apply for the Audience Network before you begin implementation. We'll make sure to get back to you as soon as we can about the status of your application.

5 Step Setup Guide

Add our SDK and create your ad placements. Follow this guide to get started.

Implement the Ad Units

Ads for iOS

Ads for Android

Help and Troubleshooting

Help Center

Answers to frequently asked questions


Audience Network guidelines and policies

Tutorial Videos

Top FAQs and Audience Network overview

Example Ads

Banner, interstital and native ad examples

Getting Paid

Payment interface and payout process

Developer Support

Get support for your integration

Case Studies

Hear how one of the world’s largest global app developers was able to successfully monetize their suite of utility apps while maintaining a top notch user experience.

Hola Launcher
Learn how Android app developer Holaverse is commanding high CPMs and creating highly relevant ad experiences with custom native ads.

Clean Master
With the goal of creating a first class advertising experience, Clean Master, the flagship app from Cheetah Mobile, implemented native ads and instantly saw increased CPMs and positive user feedback.

Trivia Crack
Trivia Crack quickly and easily implemented the Audience Network and used hyper-targeted and localized ads to monetize at a global scale.

News Republic
News Republic’s primary concern was ensuring ads did not disrupt the look and feel of the user experience, which made native ad units an ideal solution.

Shazam began working with the Audience Network to test native ads hoping they could monetize their app in a way that look and felt natural.

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood
Glu chose to integrate an interstitial ad from Facebook’s Audience Network into Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, aiming to monetize its app while maintaining a best-in-class user experience.

Diamond Dash
With the hope that ads uniquely targeted to users would increase performance, Wooga chose full-size interstitial ads from the Audience Network to run in Diamond Dash, its award-winning mobile game.

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