App Events

Add events to your app to view analytics, measure ad performance and build audiences for ad targeting


Adding App Events to your app lets you learn more about how people are using your app through Facebook Analytics for Apps. With Analytics for Apps you can get insight into how many people are launching your app, how often people are making a purchase, and many other built-in events or custom events that you define.

App Events can also be used to measure your Mobile App Install Ads performance and build Custom Audiences for Ad Targeting.

Learn More

Best Practices
Learn best practices for implementing App Events, depending on your particular business or type of app. See examples for apps in e-commerce, retail, gaming and travel categories.

Learn the most common questions developers have related to integrating App Events and using Facebook Analytics for Apps.


Learn more about Facebook Analytics for Apps
If you implement App Events in your app, you can use Facebook Analytics for Apps to view demographic information about the people who are using your app, build funnels to understand mobile app performance and learn about actions that people take in your app over time.

Mobile App Advertising

Targeting with App Events
App Events lets you build dynamic Custom Audiences when people take specific actions in your app. Target people who abandonded your shopping cart or haven't yet registered, or create lookalike audiences of your high value customers.

Mobile App Install Ads
Drive installs for your mobile app and use App Events to measure the actions people take within your app after install.

Mobile App Engagement Ads
Improve your loyalty and retention by re-engaging people who abandoned a cart or haven't completed a tutorial. With Custom Audiences for Mobile Apps, you can retarget people back to your app using dynamic rules that you define.