ARD (full name: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – "Consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany") is a joint organization of Germany's regional public-service broadcasters. It was founded in 1950 in West Germany to represent the common interests of the new, decentralized, post-war broadcasting services — in particular the introduction of a joint television network.
The ARD is the world's second largest public broadcaster after the British Broadcasting Corporation, with a budget of €6.3 billion and 23,000 employees. The budget comes primarily from the licence fees required to use radios and TV sets in Germany. For radio and TV reception, the fee is currently €17.98 per month. These fees are not collected directly by the ARD, but by the GEZ, a common organization of the ARD member broadcasters, the second public TV broadcaster ZDF, and Deutschlandradio.
ARD maintains and operates a national television network, called Das Erste ("The First") to differentiate it from ZDF, a.k.a. "das Zweite" ("The Second"), which was founded in 1961. The ARD network began broadcasting on 31 October 1954 under the name of Deutsches Fernsehen ("German Television"), becoming Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen ("First German Television") with a corporate redesign in 1984; it adpoted its current name (Das Erste) in 1994. ARD's programs are aired over its own terrestrial broadcast network, as well as via cable, satellite and IPTV.
Mark Knopfler – on ‘Geld oder Liebe’ ARD TV, Germany 1996
ARD German TV Features Delhi Poetry Slam
ARD about Yanukovich's Palace
HbbTV ARD Das Erste EPG Example
Innovalight (now DuPont) - U.S. solar startup story and China (ARD German TV Jan 2011)
Putin On German TV: Critics say show turns into 30-minutes of Kremlin propaganda
ARD Kommentator rastet aus
Klondike Chonamara,fuadar óir,gold rush,Connemara,drama TG4,TV, Uachtar Ard, Oughterard,Klondyke
Doping allegations involving 800 blood tests rock world of athletics
ARD Tagesthemen: Mitrovica Rock School and 2012 Skopje Summer School
ARD 1 Germany 1985
HbbTV ARD News and Wetter Example
Europamagazin ARD - Austria covers up Aliyev
German TV presenter calls out online ‘racist nobodies’ live on air
A sweeping story of the battle of good against evil is told through an anthology of short animated films about a glowing green orb (the Loc-Nar) that is the personification of ultimate evil in the universe. Based loosely on the French magazine "Heavy Metal."
Keywords: 2d-animation, abduction, accidental-death, actor-playing-multiple-roles, adult-animation, alien, alien-abduction, alternative-reality, animated-nudity, animated-zombie-horror
A Step Beyond Science Fiction
Louder And Nastier Than Ever
Columbia Pictures takes you beyond the future into a universe you've never seen before...... A universe of mystery. A universe of magic. A universe of sexual fantasies. A universe of awesome good. A universe of terrifying evil.
Den: [as the Queen presents her disrobed body to him] Wow, 18 years of nothing, and now twice in one day ! What a place.
[after sex]::Robot: Earth women who experience sexual ecstasy with mechanical assistance always tend to feel guilty!
Harry Canyon: Hey, kiss my ass!::Hooker: I'll do it for twenty bucks !
Edsel: [completely wasted from Nyborg] I think... you're coming in a little high, man.::Zeks: [wasted from Nyborg, but more lucid] Look, man, if there's one thing I know, it's how to drive while I'm stoned. It's like you know your perspective's fucked so you just let your hands work the controls as if you were straight.
Taarak the Defender: [voiceover] To defend: this is the pact. But when life loses its meaning and is taken for naught, then the pact is to avenge!
Den: There was no way I was gonna walk around this place with my dork hanging out!
Harry Canyon: [as a nude redhead begins intercourse with him] Sucker play or not, I must have turned her on somethin' fierce. I mean, this dame was goin' for broke. Maybe it was her first time with a New Yorker, I dunno. Anyway, nothing beats good old American know-how. And I was givin' this broad the Stars And Stripes For Ever.
Ard: If you refuse, you die; she dies... everybody dies!
Desk Sergeant: Before you go any further, pal, I gotta tell ya it's cash up front. A thousand bucks a day for a full investigation, another thou' if the assailant is caught. Do you understand?::Harry Canyon: Yeah. Hey, here's a dollar. Thanks for nothin'.::Desk Sergeant: Think you can do better?... Punk.
Harry Canyon: The U.N. Building. What a joke! They turned it into low rent housing. It's a dump.
Mark Knopfler – on ‘Geld oder Liebe’ ARD TV, Germany 1996
ARD German TV Features Delhi Poetry Slam
ARD about Yanukovich's Palace
HbbTV ARD Das Erste EPG Example
Innovalight (now DuPont) - U.S. solar startup story and China (ARD German TV Jan 2011)
Putin On German TV: Critics say show turns into 30-minutes of Kremlin propaganda
ARD Kommentator rastet aus
Klondike Chonamara,fuadar óir,gold rush,Connemara,drama TG4,TV, Uachtar Ard, Oughterard,Klondyke
Doping allegations involving 800 blood tests rock world of athletics
ARD Tagesthemen: Mitrovica Rock School and 2012 Skopje Summer School
ARD 1 Germany 1985
HbbTV ARD News and Wetter Example
Europamagazin ARD - Austria covers up Aliyev
German TV presenter calls out online ‘racist nobodies’ live on air
"Auf eigenen Spuren: 1. Rausch ohne Drogen". 45’, ARD, 1977.
TV ARD "Nachtjournal" report about brickfilming (german)
September 11, 2001. Live TV Coverage Montage
Amy Macdonald, The first TV-Interview in Germany / Fruehstuecksfernsehen ARD / Februar 2008
golego - Teaser TV Production 2011 / BR, ARD
Athletics mass doping
30.04.2012, ASTRA analog: ASO-Laufband beim "Ersten" (ARD)
German Public Broadcaster Scores Top Weekend Ratings With Soccer League Kick-Off
Television History: Casio Pocket TVs from the 1980s with ARD
Erasing Internet Archives in Germany (in German) ZAPP NDR/ARD (9 Sept 2010)
Kenyan Athletic Officials Reject Accusations of Massive Doping
television new studio newsroom opening clips compilation
News intro compilation Europe 2015 (HD)
NWW NWO World-News 2011 (deutsch ARD org.release version)
News intros compilation Europe 2014 (HD)
ARD Propaganda Doku! Terrorfront Syrien FSA QAIDA längst gebunden im Wüstenkrieg!
Aveco's ASTRA Studio 2 controls news production at SWR in Germany
Wilson Kipsang' defends Kenya's athletes over doping claims
Tropo ducting propagation on 2003. Feb, 28 [TV] (ARD, CT1, TV2 Danmark)
IAAF Rejects Accusations of Doping in Athletics
Ukraine Verschwörungsvideos und die ARD D EU NATO Ostinvasion liegt erst mal auf Eis!
Varoufakis interview in German television, 4/2/2015
Germany / Flags of Federal states.
The Future of Television Entertainment - Magine TV
Sandie Newton, TV Entertainment news anchor interviewed by Dan McGrath EZ103
ARD Panne - Tagesschau
'Richard the Lionheart' 1960s TV show goes HD thanks to Alive
HDTV Trailer Broadcasting [powered by ESM Entertainment]
Ruslana.Wild Dances (Ukraine) (The Grand Final ESC Istanbul 2004) (i-HD)
Ruslana.Wild Dances (Ukraine) (The Semi-Final ESC Istanbul 2004) (i-HD)
Clever ! spezial - the show that creates knowledge "on TV Sat.1 Germany
Greek Banks Prepare To Reopen
Greek Banks Reopen But Cash Limits Remain
HBBTV on Samsung UE40D6200 LED TV
TV Das Erste - Crowd Supporters
KAFVKA - Rückschritt | Gefällt mir nich' TEASER
CBN Intro 3Sec
Hbbtv on Azbox Me
KHMER TVC A Very nice CellcarD
Sports and Tech Meetup "The Future of Sports TV and Video"
Krept Konan - Don't Judge Me (Ft Anthony Thomas)
Emotional Cities at German public service television
ARD Studio South Asia - First German Television
Berlin Fashion Week: ARD features KORHANI home
WM-Blog 6: Workflows im IBC bei ARD und ZDF
Owenea FM's Outside Broadcast To The Ard Patrick 60th Anniversary Celebration
Hannah Heile - Mein verrücktes Jahr in Bangkok (My crazy year in Bangkok), 2011
ATO: Good Bye ARD-Sender Bad Mergentheim UHF ch E48 (DTV-transition)
Sat.1 Clever - Telekinesis - Miroslaw Magola - The Emmy Awards.
Highland Titles - Schottische Hochland Titel
NEW Shaun the Sheep Full Episodes English 2015 Part 4 I The Best Animated For Kids 2015 ᴴᴰ
Ric O Barry Bambi award 2011 germany
Aird Uí Chuain, *ciall* (background), Ciara McCrickard, Amhráin Aduaidh, BBC NI, 2012
Madainn Di-haoine 's duthaich fo sgoth
'S mi sgith le cuid smalan, mi-mhisneachd is bron
Seo an deicheamh la dhan a'Ghiblean 'sinn fo ghruaim a rithist
An co-dhunadh a cheannaich na daoine aig pris
Tha spiorad nan daoine nas soilleir na ghealach
Nas doimhne na'n cuan
Geigh sinn ar n-aite 'san t-shaoghal
'S an ginealach ur
Ard: blar nan daoine
Ard: guth is saorsa
Ard: tha sinn gluasad
Gu h-ard theid sinn suas
'S iomadh trioblaidtha romhainn 'nis Gaidheal agus Gall
'S mi le aon suil air eachdraidh, aon suil mo chlann
Ach cum creideamh nad bheatha, sonas nad chridhe
Chan e seo deireadh rathaid ach toiseach linn
Tha spiorad nan daoine nas soilleir na ghealach
Nas doimhne na'n cuan
Geigh sinn ar n-aite 'san t-shaoghal
'S an ginealach ur
Ard: blar nan daoine
Ard: guth is saorsa
Ard: tha sinn gluasad
Gu h-ard theid sinn suas
Chan urrain dhomh fuireach an taigh 'tha fo sgoth
Ach le creideamh is dochas gu deireadh mo la
Tha an lasair nad anam aig meadhan do bhith
Nas laidir's nas motha na riaghaltas no righ
Friday morning and the country is under a cloud
But I am tired of sorrow, pessimism, and gloom
This is the tenth day of April and we have been let down again
The decision that our people have bought at a price
The spirit of the people is brighter than the moon
Deeper than the ocean
We will find our place in the world
In a new generation
High: The peoples struggle
High: A Voice and self-determination
High: We are moving
We will reach up there
Many troubles now confront us, Highlander and Lowlander
As I keep one eye on history, one eye on my children,
Keep belief in your life, joy in your heart
This is not the end of the road, but the start of a new age
The spirit of the people is brighter than the moon
Deeper than the ocean
We will find our place in the world
In a new generation
High: The peoples struggle
High: A Voice and self-determination
High: We are moving
We will reach up there
I can not live in the house of despondency
But in faith and in hope till the end of my days
The spark in your soul is the centre of your whole existence
And it is bigger and stronger than any government or King