breaking news


0% Inspiration+ 0% perspiration: How To Make Money Off Of Other People’s Inventions

0% Inspiration+ 0% perspiration: How To Make Money Off Of Other People’s Inventions

September 5th, 2015 | by CoNN
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and got filthy rich off of it. Ok, that’s not exactly true; he simply based his light bulb on existing research: twenty three different light bulbs were developed before...
Welcome To The Million Dollar Hacking Club

Welcome To The Million Dollar Hacking Club

September 5th, 2015 | by Anon.Dos
To get this kind of crew of old buddies, assembled for an impromptu get-together, on a web-based chat room operating on a protected privately owned host. And every one of them was an affiliate of the top-notch hacking collective...
Suicide Virus – It Can Destroy Your PC
Cyber Security

Suicide Virus – It Can Destroy Your PC

September 5th, 2015 | by Anon.Dos
In May, several media sites published a report saying that a new kind of malware could be utilized to destroy victims computers. Although such reports may have provided effective ratings, it has been confirmed that the worry and...
Samsung And MIT’s “Indefinite” Battery Lifetime

Samsung And MIT’s “Indefinite” Battery Lifetime

September 5th, 2015 | by Undercover economist
While smartphones are increasingly becoming smarter, the one major problem that all of us face is the limited battery capacities. But fret not, because Samsung along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have...



Video: Are You a Slave?

Video: Are You a Slave?

September 3rd, 2015 | by EV
This symbolic short film by Santiago Bou Grasso addresses the way we interact in our society by focusing on an average work day....
Undercover Investigator Reveals Footage McDonald’s Will Most Definitely Not Want To Go Viral

Undercover Investigator Reveals Footage McDonald’s Will Most Definitely Not Want To Go Viral

September 2nd, 2015 | by hqanon
Written by Amanda Froelich at   I’m NOT lovin’ it… Warning: Video is very graphic and disturbing;...
Coca-Cola Poisons The Drinking Water Of Millions In Sri Lanka

Coca-Cola Poisons The Drinking Water Of Millions In Sri Lanka

September 2nd, 2015 | by hqanon
Written by John Vibes at     It was reported this week that the Coca-Cola corporation has...
US Soldier: “The Real Terrorist Was Me And The Real Terrorism Is This Occupation”

US Soldier: “The Real Terrorist Was Me And The Real Terrorism Is This Occupation”

September 1st, 2015 | by hqanon
  A powerful confession by US soldier Mike Prysner on his experience fighting in Iraq. “Our real enemies are not those...


Suicide Virus – It Can Destroy Your PC

Suicide Virus – It Can Destroy Your PC

September 5th, 2015 | by Anon.Dos
In May, several media sites published a report saying that a new kind of malware could be utilized to destroy victims computers....
Safeguard Your Facebook Account From Hackers: A Basic Guide

Safeguard Your Facebook Account From Hackers: A Basic Guide

September 1st, 2015 | by Anon.Dos
Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has drawn more than seven hundred and fifty million active users (and their fair share of...
Windows 10: The FREE Upgrade That Threatens To DESTROY US ALL

Windows 10: The FREE Upgrade That Threatens To DESTROY US ALL

August 31st, 2015 | by CoNN
EVERYONE LOVES FREE CRAP RIGHT??!! And of all companies, it seems as though Microsoft the arch-villain of tech companies is the...
Ashley Madison Hacked: The REAL Lessons You Should Learn

Ashley Madison Hacked: The REAL Lessons You Should Learn

August 20th, 2015 | by CoNN
Ashley Madison, that website for unhappy spouses looking for sex on the side, was controversial enough when it was first...




Welcome To The Million Dollar Hacking Club

Welcome To The Million Dollar Hacking Club

September 5th, 2015 | by Anon.Dos
To get this kind of crew of old buddies, assembled for an impromptu get-together, on a web-based chat room operating on a...
Samsung And MIT’s “Indefinite” Battery Lifetime

Samsung And MIT’s “Indefinite” Battery Lifetime

September 5th, 2015 | by Undercover economist
While smartphones are increasingly becoming smarter, the one major problem that all of us face is the limited battery capacities....
Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans “In a People Zoo”

Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans “In a People Zoo”

September 1st, 2015 | by hqanon
Arlington, TX — Android Dick is a robot created in the likeness of the science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick. Android Dick is...
Google loses data because of lightning strikes

Google loses data because of lightning strikes

September 1st, 2015 | by Undercover economist
Lightning struck a local utility grid near one of Google’s data centers four times last week, causing a tiny but permanent...