Calculus 1 Lecture 1.1: An Introduction to Limits
Calculus 1 Lecture 1.1: An Introduction to Limits
Calculus 1 Lecture 1.1: An Introduction to Limits
Calculus 1 Lecture 1.1: An Introduction to Limits
Calculus: What Is It?
Calculus: What Is It?
Calculus: What Is It?
This video shows how calculus is both interesting and useful. Its history, practical uses, place in mathematics and wide use are all covered. If you are wond...
Calculus -- The foundation of modern science
Calculus -- The foundation of modern science
Calculus -- The foundation of modern science
Easy to understand explanation of integrals and derivatives using 3D animations.
Calculus I - Lecture 01 - A Review of Pre-Calculus
Calculus I - Lecture 01 - A Review of Pre-Calculus
Calculus I - Lecture 01 - A Review of Pre-Calculus
Calculus I in 20 Minutes (The Original) by Thinkwell
Calculus I in 20 Minutes (The Original) by Thinkwell
Calculus I in 20 Minutes (The Original) by Thinkwell
http://bit.ly/qYnN40 Want to see the ENTIRE Calculus in 20 Minutes for FREE? Click on this link to see all 20 minutes in the full multimedia environment.
4. Calculus: One of the Most Successful Technologies
4. Calculus: One of the Most Successful Technologies
4. Calculus: One of the Most Successful Technologies
(October 22, 2012) Professor Keith Devlin discusses how calculus is truly one of the most useful discoveries of all time. Originally presented in the Stanfor...
Calculus 2 Lecture 6.1: The Natural Log Function
Calculus 2 Lecture 6.1: The Natural Log Function
Calculus 2 Lecture 6.1: The Natural Log Function
Calculus 2 Lecture 6.1: The Natural Log Function.
The Birth Of Calculus (1986)
The Birth Of Calculus (1986)
The Birth Of Calculus (1986)
A documentary on Leibniz and the calculus.
Big Picture of Calculus
Big Picture of Calculus
Big Picture of Calculus
Calculus is about change. One function tells how quickly another function is changing. Professor Strang shows how calculus applies to ordinary life situation...
What is calculus?
What is calculus?
What is calculus?
"What is calculus?" is a question many calculus students never learn the answer to! http://www.integralcalc.com/ebook Understanding what calculus is before y...
What is Calculus?
What is Calculus?
What is Calculus?
This clip provides an introduction to Calculus. More information can be found at www.cerebellum.com.
Lec 1 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
Lec 1 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
Lec 1 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
Derivatives, slope, velocity, rate of change View the complete course at: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-01F06 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ...
Calculus in 20 minutes - Reviewing Calculus
Calculus in 20 minutes - Reviewing Calculus
Calculus in 20 minutes - Reviewing Calculus
Calculus in 20 Minutes Full Video by Edward Burger with content box, key idea box & definition box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5GmSYipz6A
What is calculus?
Rates of change - Limits - The derivative - Applications of the derivative - Applications of intergration.
Calculus answers two basic questions: how do you find instantaneous rates of change, and how do you find the area under a curve?
The derivative is an equation that gives the slope of the line tangent to a function. IKt is the basic of differential calculus which solves the instantaneous rate problem.
An integral undoes a derivative, giving back the original function. Integral
Calculus: Derivatives 1
Calculus: Derivatives 1
Calculus: Derivatives 1
Finding the slope of a tangent line to a curve (the derivative). Introduction to Calculus. More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=rAof9Ld5sOg.
The Calculus Controversy
The Calculus Controversy
The Calculus Controversy
Today, calculus is one of the most important fields of mathematics. However, two men claimed to be its inventor - Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. The ens...
Mathematics - Multivariable Calculus - Lecture 1
Mathematics - Multivariable Calculus - Lecture 1
Mathematics - Multivariable Calculus - Lecture 1
Multivariable Calculus Instructor: Edward Frenkel course website: http://math.berkeley.edu/~frenkel.
Calculus 1 Lecture 4.1: The Indefinite Integral
Calculus 1 Lecture 4.1: The Indefinite Integral
Calculus 1 Lecture 4.1: The Indefinite Integral
Calculus 1 Lecture 4.1: The Indefinite Integral.
Calculus 2 Lecture 9.2: Series, Geometric Series, Harmonic Series, and Divergence Test
Calculus 2 Lecture 9.2: Series, Geometric Series, Harmonic Series, and Divergence Test
Calculus 2 Lecture 9.2: Series, Geometric Series, Harmonic Series, and Divergence Test
Calculus 2 Lecture 9.2: Introduction to Series, Geometric Series, Harmonic Series, and the Divergence Test.
Applying the fundamental theorem of calculus
Applying the fundamental theorem of calculus
Applying the fundamental theorem of calculus
Calculus Rhapsody
Calculus Rhapsody
Calculus Rhapsody
Calculus Rhapsody By Phil Kirk & Mike Gospel Is this x defined? Is f continuous? How do you find out? You can use the limit process. Approach from both sides...
Calculus I - Lecture 03 - Trigonometry for Calculus
Calculus I - Lecture 03 - Trigonometry for Calculus
Calculus I - Lecture 03 - Trigonometry for Calculus
This video covers the following topics (times listed are approximate)
Right Triangle Trigonometry [11.5 min.]
Trigonometric Graphs [5.5 min.]
Handy Trigonometric Identities [5.5 min.]
Laws of Sine and Cosine [4 min.]
Trigonometric Families [4 min.]
What is Calculus Used For? Jeff Heys at TEDxBozeman
What is Calculus Used For? Jeff Heys at TEDxBozeman
What is Calculus Used For? Jeff Heys at TEDxBozeman
This talk describes the motivation for developing mathematical models, including models that are developed to avoid ethically difficult experiments. Three di...
Fundamental theorem of calculus
Fundamental theorem of calculus
Fundamental theorem of calculus
More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=C7ducZoLKgw.