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Driven to Kill

Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit.

Where White Identity Politics Could Take the GOP—and the Nation—Next

SAT Scores Continue Their Troubling Downward Slide. No One Knows Exactly Why.

Austria and Germany Open Their Borders to Thousands of Migrants

Everyone’s Wearing White Before Labor Day


The Outsider

Why Sonia Sotomayor doesn’t think she belongs on the Supreme Court—and why that might make her the court’s most valuable justice.

Take a Class in Statistics and You’ll Never Get Fooled Again by Those “Studies Show” Stories

The Kim Davis Marriage License Controversy Leaves the GOP Candidates Stymied

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Sept. 4 2015 12:16 PM How Can This Possibly Happen? Geoffrey Sant wrote about drivers in China who intentionally kill pedestrians. Ask him anything.