Hochsprung Email Suggests Sandy Hook Vacated Months Before Massacre Event 26

halbig1Wolfgang Halbig discusses this document and other developments when Real Politik welcomes him back on the Monday, August 17 edition which airs at 3PM EST on Truth Frequency Radio and is archived post-airing here.

On June 2, 2015 Newtown counsel Monte Frank Fed Ex’d Wolfgang Halbig some 200 emails dated 2012 pertinent to Halbig’s FOI requests and one day before the second scheduled hearing before Connecticut’s FOI Commission.


Joe Jones Responds to Raw Story Hit Piece 46


Misleading article is emblematic of website’s politically-motivated “journalism”

Kentucky man receiving threats from Sandy Hook gov’t narrative defenders

On August 14 progressive-left website Raw Story posted an article, “WATCH: Sandy Hook Truther Offers $25,000 Reward for ‘Irrefutable’ Proof Shooting Wasn’t a Liberal Scam,” drawing attention to Kentucky resident Joe Jones’ $25,000 YouTube challenge questioning whether the December 14, 2012 Newtown massacre took place as it had been widely reported in major news media.


$25K Reward Offered for “Irrefutable Proof” Sandy Hook Massacre Was REAL 86

cashA man is offering $25,000 to any party who can substantively disprove his claim that the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was staged. Taking to YouTube as a platform one Joe Jones of Kentucky thinks the tragic incident was carried out with the aid of “crisis actors” at a building “decommissioned several years prior to the day of the event” because of “asbestos and mold.” By late 2012 “the building was just being used for storage,” he says in the video.


Sandy Hook And The Politics Behind Mass Shootings 6

Bonnie Faulkner
Guns and Butter
August 12, 2015

Guest: Dr. James F. Tracy

Update on analysis of Sandy Hook Elementary School “shooting” in Newtown, CT with compelling new evidence from independent researchers, including that of NA School Safety Consultant, Wolfgang Halbig. Many anomalies cited: authorities gunsandbutterraze school and home of Adam Lanza’s mother; no date stamp on police dashcam video; evidence of a Live Shooter Drill taking place; large fast food orders arriving which can only happen during a Homeland Security and FEMA Capstone Exercise; same child killed at Sandy Hook who is two years later killed at school in Pakistan; agendas for gun control and childhood mental health protocols furthered.


Unraveling the Mysteries of Flight 11 82

AA Flight 11 CraftNorth Tower explosion

I’ve been working on an extensive blog post called “9/11 for Beginners.” Although my 2013 book Truth Is a Lonely Warrior has a long chapter on 9/11, I have not written a blog post on it, because so much good material is already available from other online sources.

However, since fresh insights and information have emerged in recent years, and because we can never really say too much about this devastating crime, I felt I should contribute what I can to the discussion, in hopes of awakening additional people.

In the course of writing, I discovered a single piece of research that is so thorough, objective and edifying that I believe I should devote a post to it. The research is contained in a forum thread called “Fog, Fiction and the Flight 11 Phone Calls.” The URL is http://www.letsrollforums.com/forum/forum/the-u-s-government-conspiracy-of-9-11/the-mystery-of-flights-11-77-175-93/29035-fog-fiction-and-the-flight-11-phone-calls.


Manufactured Terror in the Homeland 9

This week’s Real Politik consists of a pre-recorded conversation with RT correspondent and commentator Patrick Henningsen henningsenwith James Tracy that originally aired on the July 26 edition of Henningsen’s weekly radio broadcast, Sunday Wire.

Mr. Henningsen is also the founder of the exciting alternative news and analysis website 21st Century Wire.


“Lone Wolf” Terror and the PsyWar on American Public Opinion 56

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society,” Edward Bernays observed almost a century ago. “Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Bernays’ insight reflects the view of corporate statists he regularly commissioned with.


Aurora Colorado Theater Shooting, July 20, 2012, [Image Credit: newscom.au]

Intertwined with complex public relations exercises, corporate news media’s role today has far less to do with informing the public than it does with maintaining a perpetual tension and anxiety throughout the body politic. Through such tension the citizenry will further gravitate toward or even consciously advocate for heightened police state measures now peddled a prerequisite for public safety.


PayPal Pulls Plug on Wolfgang Halbig 52

On July 27, 2015 Wolfgang Halbig received notification via email that PayPal was closing his account associated with the Sandy Hook Justice website, the donations of which are used in an ongoing investigation of the curious Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.

“Due to the nature of your activities,” the notice reads, “we have chosen to discontinue service to you in accordance with PayPal’s User Agreement. As a result, we have placed a permanent limitation on your account.”

paypal2The email was issued by PayPal’s division of “Brand Risk Management.” The widely-recognized electronic payment service further requested that Halbig “remove all references to PayPal from your website. This includes removing PayPal as a payment option, as well as the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart.”


Western Central Banks Are Losing Control 4

This week James speaks with Dave, an economic and political analyst, webmaster and host of the X22 Report. They discuss potential catastrophic events in coming months, Jade Helm, the increasingly desperate moves of central planners to prop up fiat currencies and related geopolitical developments attached to sustaining the petrodollar, including the assault on Syria. Dave x22reportalso explains how broader political and economic concerns impact personal finances, and what one can do in terms of preparedness.

He asserts that since 2008 major economic interests have been preparing themselves for further market turmoil, and the present economic paradigm is not feasible past 2016. Presently a struggle is on between China and Russia, and Western central banks that will likely seek to reintroduce similar fiscal programs once a major crisis has been endured.


Hospital ER Locked Down over Chickenpox 15

danville_lockdownTruthstream Media

Welcome to more vaccine Wag the Dog.

First, we had to watch this news report several times before we could even determine that it wasn’t a parody. Sadly we realized it wasn’t fake. Yes, they DID just lock down an entire hospital ER for nine hours and divert patients to other hospitals over a case of chickenpox. We haven’t seen this much fearmongering over a primarily benign disease since the Disneyland measles scarefest.
