Get your dose of retro action in this video! The Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC 464, 1541 disk drive, Sony Walkman, D&D, Sodastream and various other memories of the 80’s all make an appearance. Might not be safe for work though. You’ve been warned! :)

An introduction video used for a couple of our concerts as a kick starter. A tribute to C64 and the 80s – and Benni Benassi’s “Satisfaction”

Busted at work

(via AJ)

Letterman destroys Paris Hilton

I’ve been away from my computer for a while so please excuse me if you’ve seen this already. Paris Hilton appeared on the Letterman Show to plug her new perfume, but he’s more interested in her jail time .. Certainly funnier than her last video!

Via the blog that’s ripping stuff from my funny video blog so I’m not going to give them a link. Nar! Nar!

Star trekkin' across the universe

Star Trekkin’ by The Firm

I can’t believe this song is 20 years old! My parents bought the original album on tape and we listened to it over and over. The other songs on the tape were more boring to my 11 year old ears but I remember they grew on me as time passed. I have no idea where the tape is now unfortunately.

What would we do without Youtube? Write original content? Gasp!

Star Trekkin’ is a song released in 1987 by a band called The Firm (not to be confused with the British rock group or the hip-hop supergroup of the same name). It is a parody of the original TV series of Star Trek.

Continue reading Star trekkin' across the universe

Eva Herzigova is loving pregnancy

Today’s Sunday Times reveals that Eva Herzigova loves being pregnant. She is 7 months pregant by long term boyfriend Gregorio Marsiaj.

“I’m just so happy. I want to be pregnant for the next 10 years,” she declares with a beatific smile. Pregnancy, she says, has changed her life. “I feel so powerful. You have no idea. But it’s an inner power. You are so content with just being. That’s how it is. I feel so confident about my body. I feel so potent. You feel like you have your mission, and it’s empowering.”

You should have seen my wife’s face when she told me that. She’s two days overdue now and her expression spoke volumes!

Eva does have a refreshingly normal outlook on getting back into shape though,

She has no intention of following Heidi Klum’s example. The German supermodel posed in lingerie on the Victoria’s Secret’s catwalk just weeks after giving birth to her second child. “I’m not thinking about getting back into shape,” she says, patting her bump. “I just want to enjoy this. I’m not like one of those celebrity people who would die to get back into shape. If people want to take pictures of me being round, they will take pictures of me being round. I think it’s important to show your true self and how you are — you don’t have to be in perfect shape or skinny shape.”

Let’s hope she feels the same way at 9 months..

Continue reading Eva Herzigova is loving pregnancy

Hi! I'm Linux!


Apple advertisments become cliches within a short space of time which is a testament to how good they are, or perhaps how often the fanboys go on about them in online forums…

Unfortunately Linux is still regarded as being a geeky system only and spoofs of the current Apple advert feature a guy dressed in a Tron costume look ridiculous and certainly won’t help. This advert from Novell may help change that. If it doesn’t, well it might pique the interest of some guys who will try Linux and like it. Even though the advert is sponsored by Novell, I recommend you try Ubuntu Linux. You can download and try it without installing and it’s super easy to use!

Read all about it on Reverend Ted’s site and download the first advert.

All in all, it’s a balance that we hope to have struck right: representing Linux as sexy and confident, while avoiding sexual cliches that are degrading to women. While there may be some flaws in our execution (particularly how the third video throws out the people as computers metaphor altogether), overall I really hope that we managed to create a playful spoof that effectively subverts the “Mac vs Windows” framework that Apple has established with the “Get a Mac” campaign.

Ted updated his post with the second and third videos. I’ve included them here for your blogging pleasure.
Continue reading Hi! I'm Linux!