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Donald Trump, via Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Donald Trump owns as many guns as he has favorite Bible verses

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Donald Trump would rather not say what kinds of guns he owns. I wonder why.
Ted Cruz, via Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia Commons

Ted Cruz defends Kim Davis with brazen ignorance of 8th grade civics

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Ted Cruz is willfully ignorant as to how far the executive branch’s reach extends.
Chris Christie, via Wikimedia Commons

We already track some visitors “like FedEx packages.” It works terribly.

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If Chris Christie had done even a little homework, he’d know that we already track many foreign nationals.
Flag of Texas, via Wikimedia Commons

Texas challenges what little is left of the Voting Rights Act

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Not one to be messed with, Texas is challenging what little is left of the Voting Rights Act.
Kim Davis, screenshot via YouTube

Kim Davis held in contempt of court, will go to jail

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A fine wasn’t enough, as she could have paid it (with the help of conservative donors) and continued to break law.
Jeb Bush, via Gage Skidmore / Flickr

GOP debate moves seamlessly from birthright citizenship to English as official language

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It is the Republican Party’s deeply-held religious belief that English is the US’s official language.
Donald Trump, via Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Donald Trump will sign non-binding loyalty oath to not become a free agent after primary season

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Trump, who has run through three marriage contracts, will sign a non-binding oath to stay a Republican forever.
Kim Davis

Kim Davis: “I’m prepared to go to jail” over refusal to do job

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Jail is, after all, where people usually go when they insist on breaking the law.
Kim Davis, screenshot via

Kim Davis files brief in contempt hearing arguing it’s “factually impossible” for her to comply with SCOTUS

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Kim Davis isn’t unable to issue marriage licenses; she’s unwilling.
Donald Trump, screenshot via YouTube

Deeper dives into Donald Trump’s support used to be a sigh of relief. Now they’re a cry for help.

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Donald Trump’s support is broadening, as he is now the most common first *and second* choice in the GOP primary.
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