Fossils (from Latin fossus, literally "having been dug up") are the preserved remains or traces of animals (also known as zoolites), plants, and other organisms from the remote past. The totality of fossils, both discovered and undiscovered, and their placement in fossiliferous (fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers (strata) is known as the fossil record.
The study of fossils across geological time, how they were formed, and the evolutionary relationships between taxa (phylogeny) are some of the most important functions of the science of paleontology. Such a preserved specimen is called a "fossil" if it is older than some minimum age, most often the arbitrary date of 10,000 years ago. Hence, fossils range in age from the youngest at the start of the Holocene Epoch to the oldest from the Archaean Eon, up to 3.4 billion years old. The observations that certain fossils were associated with certain rock strata led early geologists to recognize a geological timescale in the 19th century. The development of radiometric dating techniques in the early 20th century allowed geologists to determine the numerical or "absolute" age of the various strata and thereby the included fossils.
5 Mysterious & Unexplained Fossil Discoveries
15 Unbelievable Fossil Discoveries
Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!
Fossil Fighters Frontier | Walkthrough Español |Part 1 "Mi primer dia como Guardian"
Pokemon Season 4 Episode 6-Fossil Fools
Top Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs
FOSSIL FISH FOUND ALIVE ( diving with dinosaur fish ) - DOCUMENTARY
Fossil Rock Anthem
Fossil Fighters: Frontier Nintendo 3DS First Look Intro Playthrough Part 1 English!
MEDIA BRIEFING: New fossil find unveiled in Maropeng, Johannesburg
Living fossil discovered in China
Exploring Fossil Records, How Fossils Are Formed, Interesting & Educational Videos for Kids
In Search of Fossil Fish
5 Mysterious & Unexplained Fossil Discoveries
15 Unbelievable Fossil Discoveries
Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!
Fossil Fighters Frontier | Walkthrough Español |Part 1 "Mi primer dia como Guardian"
Pokemon Season 4 Episode 6-Fossil Fools
Top Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs
FOSSIL FISH FOUND ALIVE ( diving with dinosaur fish ) - DOCUMENTARY
Fossil Rock Anthem
Fossil Fighters: Frontier Nintendo 3DS First Look Intro Playthrough Part 1 English!
MEDIA BRIEFING: New fossil find unveiled in Maropeng, Johannesburg
Living fossil discovered in China
Exploring Fossil Records, How Fossils Are Formed, Interesting & Educational Videos for Kids
In Search of Fossil Fish
Minecraft: Fossil #1 Arwen a její Let´s Play
How are fossils formed?
Fossil Collective - Wolves
Changing A Fossil Watch Battery
Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter
LITTLE FOSSIL POKEMON | Minecraft: Pixelmon Mod w/ DanTDM! [#33]
How to Fossil Hunt
the song that gave birth to FOSSILS - 'Khnoro aamar fossil' from Fossils 4
Minecraft FOSSIL POKEMON MASTER Pixelmon Mod w DanTDM #41.mp4
Fossil Abacus Wrist PDA
Prehistoric / Fossil Predators (National Geographic)
Tim DeChristopher: End All New Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands
Mad Science of West New Jersey - Fast Fossil experiment
Thomas Friends Wooden Railway Fossil Run Set
★ Fossil DamenCharm Anhänger HERZ Perlmutt weiss JF85902040 ★
★ Fossil Jewelry DamenArmband Fashion Vintage Leather JF001187 ★
☆ Fossil DamenArmband Edelstahl JF00023040 ☆
★ Fossil DamenArmband Edelstahl JF00099791M ★
★ FOSSIL DamenOhrringe Edelstahl JF84757040 ★
☆ Columbia Sonnenhut Silver Ridge Bucket Ii Fossil Lxl Cu9501 ☆
5227 Fossil Butte Drive Colorado Springs CO 80923
Dicranurus hamatus elegantus | | Trilobite from Oklahoma | Dramatic Spiny Trilobite Fossil for Sale
★ Fossil Schlüsseletui Leder Braun ★
CRKT Fossil knife
Boedaspis ensifer | Stunning Museum Trilobite from Russia | Russian Trilobite Fossil for Sale
Psychopyge elegans | Trilobite Fossil from Morocco | Elegant Moroccan Trilobite Fossil for Sale
Dragon's Crown - Quest: Living Fossil
fossil fuel explosion
TRAILER Fossil Fuels VS Nuclear Power
Living Fossil Fish Found To Have A Shrunken, Defunct Abdominal Lung
The Heart Hunt & New Fossil Armour! || Terraria 1.3 Expert Mode Co-Op [Episode 9]
Minecraft Fossil + Archeology Mod Part 1: Mobs - 1.7.10
What Is the Evidence for Evolution Found in the Fossil Record? Richard Dawkins Speech (2009)
Minecraft | FOSSIL POKEMON MASTER | Pixelmon Mod w/DanTDM #41
Pixelmon - Stampy's Fossil - Part 12
Fossil Fighters: Frontier Playthrough Part 1
Minecraft 1.5.2 - Fossil and Archeology / Español
Fossil Fighters Champions THE FINAL BATTLE + others
Minecraft: Fossil Archeology Mod 1.5.2 /w The Famous Films
Minecraft PIXELMON 3.0 - Episode #21 w/ Ali-A! - "FOSSIL HUNT!"
Fossil Fighters Frontier : 01 El camino del Guardián (3DS)
Minecraft Mod Review - Fossil / Archeology, jetzt gibts Dinos [GERMAN]
#1er Lets play Fossil Fighters Frontier FR
Fossil Fighters: Champions Playthrough Part 1
Pixelmon - Fossil Pokemon - Part 3
Fossil Fighters: Frontier - Part 10: Challenge Routes For Rare Fossils! [HD English Walkthrough]
Minecraft Pixelmon - E04 "Fossil Hunt!" (Pokemon Mod for Minecraft!)