Summer 2015 (Volume LXVIII, No. 2)




  • Samuel Beckett Throws Out the First Pitch; The Discovery   Floyd Skloot   




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Submit Your Fiction Online

The Hudson Review is now accepting online submissions for our fiction reading season (9/1 to 11/30). Submit your work here. Visit our submission guidelines page for details.

Short Story Competition Closed

For a special fiction issue, The Hudson Review is sponsoring a short story competition. First prize is $500, second and third are $250 each. 10,000 words and under. Submissions accepted between 6/1/15 and 9/1/15. No submission fee. Please submit hard copies (with a self-addressed, stamped envelope) to: The Hudson Review 33 W. 67th St. New […]

Philip Levine: In Memoriam

Late Moon   2 a.m. December, and still no moon rising from the river. My mother home from the beer garden stands before the open closet her hands still burning. She smooths the fur collar, the scarf, opens the gloves crumpled like letters. Nothing is lost she says to the darkness, Nothing. The moon finally […]

January Sonnet: a poem by Charles Tomlinson

Fog has wadded a dirty white  Into all outlets from the eye. I stand At an opening over unfenced land  On which sheer cloud has settled. To the white obstruction you can see no end  Where yesterday a clear way through Drew the gaze that now must keep its distance  As both fog and night […]

Letter Written During a January Northeaster: a poem by Anne Sexton

Monday Dearest, It is snowing, grotesquely snowing upon the small faces of the dead. Those dear loudmouths, gone for over a year, buried side by side like little wrens. But why should I complain? The dead turn over casually, thinking:             Good! No visitors today. My window, which is not a grave, is dark with my […]