Friday, June 05, 2015


i had two great blog pals- dan'l and spadoman...i could email them daily and have epic rants and they would know just what to say to bring me around to sane again...i don't have them anymore to rely on so i tend to get myself into a pickle on social media now and again...i don't know why i bother to venture an opinion isn't the right forum for me...but i'm a glutton for punishment...

i continue to have trouble wrapping my mind around how women, in particular, can be an adherent to christianity in our culture....mostly because most of us women have the freedom to choose in this matter how nice the person is or how many good works they accomplish, christianity has the stigma of being a patriarchal and controlling matter how many good works done or how strong the faith- women will always be second class citizens....going to church with like minded people only perpetuates the cycle....

'oh my church doesn't teach that or believe that' well, according to your christian bible- it should....according to the christian bible- women are lesser than should not be tolerated....non christians will burn in hell for all eternity and on and on....and if you aren't reading that and having it preached to you- your church is cherry picking just as surely as the churches who are.....

anyway, i am glad that there are so many 'good' christians out there....i am glad that they are doing 'good works' and that they have strong belief and faith in their religion....and i am glad that the women in these churches are happy to be second class citizens....

i, for one. am not....oh, and i don't eat babies either....

Thursday, May 21, 2015

human arrogance and white supremacy

i know better than to log into facebook...i always get myself into trouble when i do.  firstly, if you post on facebook and you have friended me- i take that to mean that you welcome my perspective...i try to remain tactful and on point- especially if i disagree with your post...if you're posting for sympathy, generally i roll my eyes and keep moving...

anyone who follows me on facebook knows how much i love ricky gervais....i admire his talent and his big heart when it comes to animals...nothing angers him more than those who mistreat and abuse animals...i'm right there with him...right now- he is taking on the trophy hunters and the rampant killing by billionaires of the endangered species of big cats, rhinos, elephants, giraffes, etc....

as for me, well, i pick smaller game it really pisses me off that so many people view other animals as inferior to us simply because they don't build skyscrapers and speak english...well, they don't destroy the planet with their hubris and greed either...and when i hear folks talk about getting a pet and 'trying it out' to see if that animal is a 'good fit' like it's a shoe or a purse- it bugs me....something else that pisses me off is humans dumping pets on the streets or in the country- or even a shelter- because they can no longer take care of them or they are too much work...really?

would you do that to your child? your elderly relative? some would undoubtedly but most 'good people' change diapers for their children or loved one....clip their nails and cut their hair...find a sitter if they need to go away....feed tell me again how an animal that shares our home and lives isn't the same as another human living in our house....

other species think and feel and have distinct personalities- i could list examples....we all know dolphins and whales are smart....we know that elephants are smart....pigs are highly intelligent...explain to me again why it's ok for us to adopt an animal but if we don't like it- we get rid of it....

i suppose there's no difference in white men believing that everyone else is inferior....

Monday, May 04, 2015

early summer

i think of my buddy spadoman all of the time....he and his family became a part of the fabric of my life for many years and i miss him and his stories greatly....i miss having a 'cuppa' buddy to share and gripe with or commiserate or just chat...the weather has finally turned nice and the forsythia are blooming...trees are budding and the birds are singing....and we would trade haiku...

our amazing journey
twists and turns...seasons changing...
life from spring to frost....