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September 5, 2015
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Court Ruling Builds a Barrier Against Challenges to NSA Spying on Americans

Rights advocates say an impossible standard is being imposed for the opponents of the federal government’s mass collection of telephone records.


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Hassan Ammar / AP

Will Lebanon’s ‘Garbage Revolution’ Usher In a Secular State?

The country's youths are taking to the streets, demanding restoration of trash collection and other public services and an end to government corruption. At the root of the turmoil: the politics of religious identity.
Bill Boyarsky

Why Ending Homelessness Is Political Poison

While the popular idea is that the homeless are addicted or mentally ill, experts say a more common story goes like this: A single parent loses a job and ends up on the streets with his or her children. Meanwhile, officials say there is no political upside to solving the problem.
A/V Booth

“I think their goal was to dehumanize every prisoner because if you have a dehumanized prisoner, you can control him and the environment,” former Black Panther Conway says.

Watch the trailer for the new film that looks at the people behind the berets.

A Labor Day Worry: The Court’s Right-Wingers Are Sharpening Their Knives

In the coming term, the Roberts court—no friend of the worker—could deliver a ruling that will kill off organized labor.

2,000 Cases in Baltimore Could Be Overturned Because of Unlawful Police and Prosecutor Collusion

More than 2,000 criminal cases in Baltimore could be thrown out as a result of a retrial motion accusing the state’s attorney’s office and police of “deliberate and willful misrepresentation” of their methods of evidence collection—and attorneys say there may be many more such cases.

Can Bernie Sanders Beat Hillary Clinton in Iowa?

A late-summer poll shows that the Vermont senator is gaining fast on Clinton in Iowa, and Sanders enthusiasts see evidence that he has appeal “beyond the liberal coasts and union strongholds.”

America’s Birds Are Flying Into a Climate Danger Zone

A wide-ranging survey shows that many of North America’s bird species could be left with nowhere to go as climate change drastically affects their habitats.



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VIDEO: Watch Donald Trump Epically Fail Foreign Policy Quiz

On the Hugh Hewitt radio show, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination fumbled his way through a foreign-policy pop quiz before announcing, “I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.” Oh, dear.

Egyptian Billionaire Offers to Buy Island in Mediterranean to House Refugees

“Greece or Italy, sell me an island,” Naguib Sawiris tweeted. He even suggested a name for the new country: “Hope.”

German Chancellor Says Her Country Can Take In Refugees Without Raising Taxes

As Europe faces its worst refugee crisis since World War II, Chancellor Angela Merkel says Germany can take in a record-breaking influx of refugees and migrants without suffering a significant economic toll.

Why Bernie Sanders Is Best on Women’s Issues

Sanders understands that women’s struggles can’t be compartmentalized into issue silos. That’s why he has long eschewed counterfeit gestures of “gender diversity” in favor of genuine social equality.

Kentucky: First Same-Sex Couple in Rowan County Obtain Marriage License After Jailing of Clerk

James Yates and William Smith Jr. were Rowan County’s first same-sex couple to be granted a license to wed since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized such marriages. It was the sixth time they had tried to obtain a marriage license, finally succeeding the day after County Clerk Kim Davis was sent to jail for refusing to issue the licenses.

VIDEO: A Watershed Moment as Guatemala Jails Its President After He Resigns

Otto Perez Molina (pictured at far right in the 1980s) has been jailed on charges of corruption just hours after bowing to massive popular protest and resigning as Guatemala’s president. “Democracy Now!” speaks to Nobel Peace Prize-winning Maya activist Rigoberta Menchu and journalist Allan Nairn about Perez Molina’s past and what could happen next.

Why Biden’s Bankruptcy Bill Could Complicate a Presidential Run

A Joe Biden campaign risks confronting the scorn of one of the party’s most influential progressives, Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Though Biden has reportedly sought her favor, Warren has historically refrained, accusing him of acting as a tool of the credit card industry by limiting debt relief for people grappling with financial trouble.

Syndrome Associated With Broken Hearts Can Kill, Study Finds

The first large analysis of takotsubo, or “broken-heart syndrome,” shows that the condition can be just as deadly as other cardiovascular diseases—and that most victims are female.

VIDEO: Mexican Video Game Lets Players Throw Stuff at Donald Trump

Players knock the GOP presidential candidate down by throwing objects at him onstage. It started with shoes, bottles and cactuses, but Trump supporters have also asked for flowers and cash to shower on him. A mariachi band congratulates winning players.

Doctors Are Prescribing Powerful Antipsychotics to Many People With No Mental Illness

Large numbers of people with learning disabilities and no record of severe mental illness are being prescribed strong psychotropic drugs, possibly as a means of subduing and controlling uncooperative patients, research shows.

U.S. Is Finalizing a $1 Billion Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia

In a move to allay the Persian Gulf state’s concerns over the Iran nuclear deal, the Pentagon is completing an agreement to provide weapons for the Saudi military effort against Islamic State and Yemen.

Latest Readings

Clive James, the great cultural critic diagnosed with leukemia in 2010, revisits a lifetime of reading in his latest, and perhaps last book: “If you don’t know the exact moment when the lights will go out, you might as well read until they do.”

Global Tree Census Highlights Need to Restore Forests

Mapping the density of forests reveals that there are far more trees on the planet than previously thought—but humans are destroying 15 billion a year.

Donald Trump Signs Republican Party Loyalty Oath

“This is the best, quickest and easiest way to ensure victory for the Republicans,” the GOP front-runner said. “In addition, I’m leading in every single poll.”

‘A Walk in the Woods’ Is a Cinematic Walk in the Park

The pairing of Robert Redford and Nick Nolte is entertaining, family-friendly and perhaps just a wee bit too glib.

Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis Jailed in Standoff Over Same-Sex Marriage Licenses (Updated)

After drawing national attention and being found in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples seeking to wed in her area of Kentucky, Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis could be on her way to professional martyrdom for mixing her religious beliefs with her job.

VIDEO: Chris Hedges, Eddie Conway and Ojore Lutalo on the Dehumanization of American Prisoners

“I think their goal was to dehumanize every prisoner because if you have a dehumanized prisoner, you can control him and the environment,” former Black Panther Conway says.

Yes, People Hate Cops—but Aren’t Stooping to Their Level

Even though there is growing public anger at police for the savage encounters they provoke, there is no evidence that people are targeting police violently as a result. Law enforcement needs to stop waging war on Americans before there are concerted reprisals.