Unpacking the Lie That Abortion Makes Up 94 Percent of Planned Parenthood’s ServicesWe Trust Black Women to Stand Up, Speak Out, and LeadIt’s Pope Francis Who Should Apologize on AbortionBlack Colleges Should Advocate for Breastfeeding Families

Unpacking the Lie That Abortion Makes Up 94 Percent of Planned Parenthood’s Services

by Imani Gandy


PBS NewsHour: Does Where You Grow Up Matter?

Earlier this week, award-winning journalist Charlayne Hunter-Gault spoke with Raj Chetty, a visiting professor at Harvard University, about the negative outcomes of living in an under-resourced neighborhood. The interview was conducted as part of a new PBS NewsHour series, called Race Matters, that will “feature experts on race relations and their proposals for how to address race-fueled issues.”

UltraViolet Mocks Planned Parenthood Video Hoax

After an anti-choice group released a series of deceptively edited videos attacking Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue donation program, UltraViolet released this video to prove how easy it is to manipulate footage to fit any agenda.

White House PSA: Sex Without Consent Isn’t Sex

As part of the It’s On Us campaign launched last September, the Obama administration has released a new public service announcement on the importance of affirmative consent before engaging in sexual activities.


Conservatives Try to Dehumanize Immigrant Women, Trans People


On this episode of Reality Cast, Katherine Cross explains why attacks on trans people’s health-care access are so misguided. Also, anti-choicers use the term “anchor baby” to attack women for having babies, and the Ashley Madison leak has some interesting lessons about the internal politics of the Christian right.

Fighting Rape Culture, and the Rise of Anti-Choice Extremism


On this episode of Reality Cast, author Kate Harding will explain why rape culture is a real thing, Republican candidates get even more extremist with anti-choice rhetoric, and conservatives try to argue that Planned Parenthood is somehow preying on women.

GOP Candidates’ Views on Women, and Sex Between Straight Men


On this episode of Reality Cast, author Jane Ward explains the reasons why straight men have sex with each other. Also, Donald Trump causes a misogyny controversy, and Republican candidates express odd opinions about abortion.

Institutions that use fetal tissue for scientific research have found over the past month that they are vulnerable targets of anti-choice legislation pushed in legislatures across the country.

Institutions that use fetal tissue for scientific research have found over the past month that they are vulnerable targets of anti-choice legislation pushed in legislatures across the country.

Colorado Republicans will at best see a neutral response by general-election voters and at worst face a serious backlash in next year’s election as a result of their continued attacks on Planned Parenthood, political analysts say.

Colorado Republicans will at best see a neutral response by general-election voters and at worst face a serious backlash in next year’s election as a result of their continued attacks on Planned Parenthood, political analysts say.

If the new rule is finalized, it could result in one of the biggest wins of this administration for transgender people.

If the new rule is finalized, it could be one of the biggest wins for transgender people during this administration.

Emails from Gov. Rick Scott’s communications director reportedly show that officials deleted any mention that no evidence was found of Planned Parenthood's alleged mishandling of fetal remains.

Emails from Gov. Rick Scott’s communications director reportedly show that officials deleted any mention that no evidence was found of Planned Parenthood’s alleged mishandling of fetal remains.

The contempt order comes on the heels of Davis’ continued refusal to comply with a district court order blocking her from implementing her “no marriage licenses” policy.

The contempt order comes on the heels of Davis’ continued refusal to comply with a district court order blocking her from implementing her “no marriage licenses” policy.

Almost three years after the passage and implementation of HB 2 the Roberts Court could finally weigh in on its constitutionality.

Almost three years after the passage and implementation of HB 2 the Roberts Court could finally weigh in on its constitutionality.

Judge Barry Williams on Wednesday refused to dismiss charges against six Baltimore police officers who are charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year old Black man who suffered a severe spinal cord injury and died while in police custody.

Judge Barry Williams on Wednesday refused to dismiss charges against six Baltimore police officers in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year old Black man who suffered a severe spinal cord injury and died while in police custody.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell admitted the obvious truth: The Senate doesn't have the votes to defund Planned Parenthood, and even if it did, President Obama would never sign off on it.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell admitted the obvious: The Senate doesn’t have the votes to defund Planned Parenthood, and even if it did, President Obama would never sign off on it.

The latest footage appears to be recorded at an industry trade show, during which an anti-choice operative is portrayed as a graduate student looking to conduct fetal tissue research.

The latest footage appears to be recorded at an industry trade show, during which an anti-choice operative portrays himself as a graduate student looking to conduct fetal tissue research.

A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses the Kasich administration of a "deliberate strategy" to close clinics in the state.

A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses the Kasich administration of a “deliberate strategy” to close clinics in the state.

Rep. Diana DeGette is calling on her colleague Tim Murphy, chair of a House committee that will investigate Planned Parenthood, to make sure his colleagues get the full story from the anti-choice tapes.

Rep. Diana DeGette is calling on her colleague Tim Murphy, chair of a House committee that will investigate Planned Parenthood, to make sure his colleagues get the full story from the anti-choice tapes.

In a one-sentence order issued Monday, the United States Supreme Court ruled against Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who had sought relief from the high court to protect her from having to issue marriage licenses in Rowan County.

In a one-sentence order issued Monday, the United States Supreme Court ruled against Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who had sought relief from the high court to protect her from having to issue marriage licenses in Rowan County.

The decision from a Bush-appointed federal court judge greatly expands the basis for employers to object to complying with the Affordable Care Act's birth control benefit.

The decision from a Bush-appointed federal court judge greatly expands the basis for employers to object to complying with the Affordable Care Act’s birth control benefit.

It’s not clear which proposal will be voted on, but the GOP-led House is likely to vote to defund Planned Parenthood shortly after the August recess.

It’s not clear which proposal will be voted on, but the GOP-led House is likely to vote to defund Planned Parenthood shortly after the August recess.

A Nebraska GOP lawmaker is planning to introduce a bill that would criminalize a common medical procedure used after a miscarriage and during second-trimester abortions.

A Nebraska GOP lawmaker is planning to introduce a bill that would criminalize a common medical procedure used after a miscarriage and during second-trimester abortions.

A complaint filed in New York accuses a franchise's owners of failing to pay minimum wage and overtime to approximately 300 workers.

A complaint filed in New York accuses a franchise’s owners of failing to pay minimum wage and overtime to approximately 300 workers.

A lawsuit filed in federal court targets an ordinance that advocates claim leaves survivors of intimate partner violence forced to chose between calling the police for help or facing eviction.

A lawsuit filed in federal court targets an ordinance that advocates claim leaves survivors of intimate partner violence forced to chose between calling the police for help or facing eviction.

Colorado health officials have secured about half the funds that state Republicans voted down this year to run a program that slashed teen pregnancy rates by 40 percent.

Colorado health officials have secured about half the funds that state Republicans voted down this year to run a program that slashed teen pregnancy rates by 40 percent.

This week, a survey gives us insight into the sex lives of millennials, a study finds women engage in riskier sex on vacation, and advocates try another tactic for mandating condoms in porn.

This week, a survey gives us insight into the sex lives of millennials, a study finds women engage in riskier sex on vacation, and advocates try another tactic for mandating condoms in porn.

Whether we are being charged for cheering at a graduation or treated like delinquents for attending a pool party, this week has been a reminder that Black people are still criminalized for being human.

Whether we are being charged for cheering at a graduation or treated like delinquents for attending a pool party, this week has been a reminder that Black people are still criminalized for being human.

This week, teens get health and sex information on the web, condom demonstrations are allowed in New York City public school health classes, and a British woman serves time for being too loud.

This week, teens get health and sex information on the web, condom demonstrations are allowed in New York City public school health classes, and a British woman serves time for being too loud.

If we truly want to improve pregnancy rates and health outcomes of low-income women and women of color, we need to provide both family planning resources and comprehensive sexual health education in communities and to stop the criminalization of women of color’s pregnancies.

If we truly want to improve pregnancy rates and health outcomes of low-income women and women of color, we need to provide both family planning resources and comprehensive sexual health education in communities and to stop the criminalization of women of color’s pregnancies.

The Pope has made it easier for women to get forgiveness for abortions. But it's he who should be asking forgiveness, for implying that women who get abortions don't know what they are doing or why.

The Pope has made it easier for women to get forgiveness for abortions. But it’s he who should be asking forgiveness, for implying that women who get abortions don’t know what they are doing or why.

From abortion clinics being required to give medically inaccurate information to poorly conducted studies on the efficacy of same-sex parenting, conservative evangelicals seem to have no problem bending the truth to push a right-wing, anti-gay, anti-woman agenda.

From abortion clinics being required to give medically inaccurate information to poorly conducted studies on the efficacy of same-sex parenting, conservative evangelicals seem to have no problem bending the truth to push a right-wing, anti-gay, anti-woman agenda.

Many Republicans have been attacking, undermining, or radically reinterpreting the 14th Amendment, which guarantees equality under the law. There's a lot of reasons for this, but the common theme is undermining women's right to control when and how they give birth.

Many Republicans have been attacking, undermining, or radically reinterpreting the 14th Amendment, which guarantees equality under the law. There’s a lot of reasons for this, but the common theme is undermining women’s right to control when and how they give birth.

A marching band playing at Artscape 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland, held last month.

The plight of the Black community, in Baltimore and elsewhere, should not overshadow the vibrancy and resilience of Black people.

Regardless of whether the freshmen's objections are legitimate, in my own estimation, co-opting this particular controversy at Duke into a discussion of trigger warnings is to compare apples to oranges.

Regardless of whether the freshmen’s objections are legitimate, in my own estimation, co-opting this particular controversy at Duke into a discussion of trigger warnings is to compare apples to oranges.

It comes as no surprise to us when we hear that many trans people suffer from depression even after full medical transition. But for some cisgender people, such as Richard A. Friedman writing for the New York Times, this fact can only be resolved by calling into question our very right to self-determine our genders.

It comes as no surprise to us when we hear that many trans people suffer from depression even after full medical transition. But for some cisgender people, such as Richard A. Friedman writing for the New York Times, this fact can only be resolved by calling into question our very right to self-determine our genders.

Women in city and county jails frequently face barriers to accessing contraception, abortion, prenatal care, and disease screening and treatment. But preventive family planning can be improved in jails around the United States by implementing a few core tenets for those incarcerated there.

Women in city and county jails frequently face barriers to accessing contraception, abortion, prenatal care, and disease screening and treatment. But preventive family planning can be improved in jails around the United States by implementing a few core tenets for those incarcerated there.

Jodi Jacobson

Targeting O’Donnell’s personal life is, unlike, say, Josh Duggar, unlikely to influence public perceptions of the anti-choice movement as a whole. To target her and open her up to harassment based on her sexual preferences was wrong.

It shouldn’t matter how much of Planned Parenthood’s services are abortion services, really. It only matters to anti-choicers because they don’t like abortion.

It shouldn’t matter how much of Planned Parenthood’s services are abortion services, really. It only matters to anti-choicers because they don’t like abortion.

The parallels between the white moderates whom Dr. Martin Luther King criticized in 1963 and certain white progressives whom many Black activists are criticizing in 2015 couldn't be clearer.

The parallels between the white moderates whom Dr. Martin Luther King criticized in 1963 and certain white progressives whom many Black activists are criticizing in 2015 couldn’t be clearer.

The last few weeks have exposed some real ugliness in the progressive movement, ugliness that has been simmering just below the surface for a long time, but which, due to Black women’s increasing recognition of our political power coupled with leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter movement and unapologetic commitment to dismantling white supremacy, has erupted into a fountain of White Progressive™ racism.

The last few weeks have exposed some real ugliness in the progressive movement, ugliness that has been simmering just below the surface for a long time, but which, due to Black women’s increasing recognition of our political power coupled with leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter movement and unapologetic commitment to dismantling white supremacy, has erupted into a fountain of White Progressive™ racism.

Last week, 82 boy and girl Grissom High School students, ranging in age from freshmen to seniors, defied the dress code by wearing leggings, jeans with holes along the thigh, and tank tops in a “Stand Against the Dress Code” action.

Last week, 82 boy and girl Grissom High School students, ranging in age from freshmen to seniors, defied the dress code by wearing leggings, jeans with holes along the thigh, and tank tops in a “Stand Against the Dress Code” action.

You may not have heard of Sakuma Brothers, but chances are high that you are familiar with one of its major commercial customers: Driscoll’s Berries. The multinational is square in the crosshairs of a current boycott orchestrated by Sakuma Brothers employees.

You may not have heard of Sakuma Brothers, but chances are high that you are familiar with one of its major commercial customers: Driscoll’s Berries. The multinational is square in the crosshairs of a current boycott orchestrated by Sakuma Brothers employees.

The decision from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals shows that anti-choice activists are intent on prodding the Roberts Court to take up a challenge to abortion rights, and soon.

The decision from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals shows that anti-choice activists are intent on prodding the Roberts Court to take up a challenge to abortion rights, and soon.

Sitting in the shadows of CMP’s high-profile video campaign is a lesser-known strategy abortion opponents have employed for decades—to cut off access to abortion directly at the source by trying to shut down existing Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and prevent new ones from opening.

Sitting in the shadows of CMP’s high-profile video campaign is a lesser-known strategy abortion opponents have employed for decades—to cut off access to abortion directly at the source by trying to shut down existing Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and prevent new ones from opening.

A careful review of the Center for Medical Progress' footage and the accompanying transcript makes clear that CMP's central claims were wrong, and also that what the group left out of its edited work was just as important as what it included.

A careful review of the Center for Medical Progress’ footage and the accompanying transcript makes clear that CMP’s central claims were wrong, and also that what the group left out of its edited work was just as important as what it included.

RH Reality Check has identified at least three names that appear to have been used as pseudonyms by Center for Medical Progress operatives. One of these names appears to belong to a childhood acquaintance of the group’s apparent ringleader, David Daleiden.

RH Reality Check has identified at least three names that appear to have been used as pseudonyms by Center for Medical Progress operatives. One of these names appears to belong to a childhood acquaintance of the group’s apparent ringleader, David Daleiden.

Q & A
Amy Hagstrom Miller and Amanda Williams at ChoiceWorks speak about their vision for their new nonprofit Shift, why they’ve chosen to launch in Texas, and what the end of abortion stigma might look like in red states.

Amy Hagstrom Miller and Amanda Williams at ChoiceWorks speak about their vision for their new nonprofit Shift, why they’ve chosen to launch in Texas, and what the end of abortion stigma might look like in red states.

Yamani Hernandez recently chatted with RH Reality Check about her work to build a broad human rights movement that lives up to its inclusive values, her unconventional professional trajectory, and the people who inspired and stoked her activism.

Yamani Hernandez recently chatted with RH Reality Check about her work to build a broad human rights movement that lives up to its inclusive values, her unconventional professional trajectory, and the people who inspired and stoked her activism.

Dr. Chastine fights back against anti-choice threats and intimidation by providing the best possible care to her patients, who often travel long distances as additional political and economic hurdles are put in their way.

Dr. Chastine fights back against anti-choice threats and intimidation by providing the best possible care to her patients, who often travel long distances as additional political and economic hurdles are put in their way.