Letters from the Left

Don't you dare tell me about "God's plan"

by leslie boyd
I helped organize a counter-protest this morning to an anti-abortion protest in front of Planned Parenthood, and while I was able to keep my cool for ...

A united front is dangerous to the enemy

by leslie boyd
A few days ago, a young woman saying she was with the Black Lives Matter Movement interrupted Bernie Sanders during an appearance in Seattle. Turns ou...

Why #blacklivesmatter

by leslie boyd
Have you wondered why the hastag isn’t about all lives mattering? Well, I have a story for you. I’m in Clinton, Tenn., at the ChildrenR...

Just expand Medicaid already!

by leslie boyd
I never thought I was a radical, but I can feel myself trending in that direction. I took part in yesterday’s Medicaid Expansion Coalition̵...

It isn't about hate?

by leslie boyd
When President Obama arrived in Oklahoma City last night, he was greeted by a crowd of people waving the Confederate battle flag and shouting their di...

Why Bernie?

by leslie boyd
I am more excited about the candidacy of Bernie Sanders in 2016 than I have been about any candidate since Bobby Kennedy in 1968. Bernie is within sho...


For Women's Equality Day, let's defend women's health

by leslie boyd
Today marks the 95th anniversary of woman suffrage. That’s a big deal to me. My grandmother was the last generation of women who were denied the...

Women's lives just got more difficult

by leslie boyd
It appears we’re living under Scalia Law. In the last week, the Supreme Court has ruled against women’s health and privacy in two shocking...

"Are You Listening, Mr. President?" My Open Letter re: Today's Economic Speech

by Heidi Haines, aka Perry MacNeil
Greetings, my fellow Politicos! I am sharing my letter to President Obama with you today. While his speech was heartening, I found little to truly hel...

He Who Has No Sin: Self-Excommunication? You First, Holy Father!

by Heidi Haines, aka Perry MacNeil
Last week, Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit’s Archdiocese told millions of Catholics that they should self-excommunicate themselves from the...

From the 'another one bites the dust' department

by Nunzia Rider
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/robportman/status/312541676486926336″]...

From the dumb statements department ...

by Nunzia Rider
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/Bridget_PJM/status/309110100738588675″] Because no one has EVER died of cancer in this country....


Quote of the day

by kwildmoon
If there is even one more act of Muslim terrorism, it is then time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets, all of them. — Patric...

The odious ODS

by Nunzia Rider
Obama Derangement Syndrome is real. So is Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Or maybe it's just Democratic Derangement Syndrome. Or Anything That Scares Us...

Good-bye to a legend

by Nunzia Rider
Helen Thomas will always be a hero to me. None of that "shero" stuff. You're either a hero or you're not, no special designation if you're a woman. He...

Brad Paisley accidentally wore a Confederate flag into a Starbucks and wrote this song

by Nunzia Rider
So country singer Brad Paisley and Sam Hanna from NCIS LA have joined up to put out a song decrying the state of race relations these days, putting mo...

The enemy you know

by Nunzia Rider
If you wanna know where the most serious challenges lie for the Republican Party, don’t look to the White House or the offices of California sen...

Sorry, everybody

by Nunzia Rider
Remember when we elected George W. Bush for the second time and somebody started the Sorry Everybody web site so the half of us who didn’t vote ...

Indie Media

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  • RSS Politics

    • Quote of the day
      If there is even one more act of Muslim terrorism, it is then time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets, all of them. — Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 2, 2014  
    • The odious ODS
      Obama Derangement Syndrome is real. So is Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Or maybe it's just Democratic Derangement Syndrome. Or Anything That Scares Us Derangement Syndrome. I don't know, but it's real. Witness one Geoffrey Zakarian, who is some kind of celebrity chef. I quit watching chef shows when they all started blurring together, so I don't […]
      Nunzia Rider
    • Good-bye to a legend
      Helen Thomas will always be a hero to me. None of that "shero" stuff. You're either a hero or you're not, no special designation if you're a woman. Helen was a reporter, not a reportrix or a reportress. A reporter, a journalist. A real journalist.
      Nunzia Rider
  • RSS Media

    • Don't you dare tell me about "God's plan"
      I helped organize a counter-protest this morning to an anti-abortion protest in front of Planned Parenthood, and while I was able to keep my cool for the most part, the level of misinformation and the lack of critical thinking skills left me shaking my head in dismay (and muttering the F-bomb under my breath). We […]
      leslie boyd
    • Why #blacklivesmatter
      Have you wondered why the hastag isn’t about all lives mattering? Well, I have a story for you. I’m in Clinton, Tenn., at the Children’s Defense Fund’s Proctor Institute, a week-long retreat of preaching and workshops devoted to social justice for children. Of course, that means social justice for their parents and others who love […]
      leslie boyd
    • Just expand Medicaid already!
      I never thought I was a radical, but I can feel myself trending in that direction. I took part in yesterday’s Medicaid Expansion Coalition’s Day of Action, but the action was a spate of press conferences. We were all over Facebook and the evening news. It raised awareness. But no one in the state legislature likely changed […]
      leslie boyd
  • RSS Religion

    • Quote of the day
      If there is even one more act of Muslim terrorism, it is then time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets, all of them. — Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 2, 2014  
    • Fred Phelps is dead
      Fred Phelps is dead and the great marriage debate is all but over. I take no great cheer in either. Phelps, as you probably know, was a former civil rights attorney who was later disbarred and who founded a radically conservative church, the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. If you don’t know what kind […]
      Nunzia Rider
    • Great Americans of the 19th Century
      Here’s a list of Great Americans who signed a letter to the Republican National Committee threatening to cut off funding if Republicans didn’t remain solidly entrenched in the 19th Century: Gary Bauer, President, American Values Paul Caprio, Director, Family-Pac Federal Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List Dr. James Dobson, President and Founder, Family Talk […]
      Nunzia Rider
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