Sep 04 2015

USA Today Provides a Platform for Anti-Immigration Think Tank’s Flawed Study

USA Today coverage of immigrants and welfare

CIS does not provide a comparison of the cost of welfare going to immigrant and non-immigrant households–presumably because such a comparison would have weakened its anti-immigrant case.

Sep 04 2015

Nima Shirazi on Iran Deal, Mark Trahant on Native Americans

CBS News on Iran deal coverage

The debate over the Iran deal has featured a wealth of misinformation about Iran and the pact itself. Plus: If indigenous people are, as the New York Times said, an “important political constituency,” why do we see so little news about them?

Sep 03 2015

Action Alert: NYT Gives a False Pass to US on Cluster Bomb Sales

Part of a US-made cluster bomb found in Yemen. (photo: Human Rights Watch)

The New York Times describes the United States as one of the countries that hasn’t signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions “but have abided by its provisions.” This is just wrong, as the United States continues to make and sell cluster bombs.

Sep 02 2015

Did ‘Ferguson Effect’ Cause Murder Wave? No. Is There a Murder Wave? Unclear

Milwaukee crime scene (photo: Mark Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

There’s a more fundamental problem with a New York Times story that suggested that criticizing police violence is (maybe) responsible for a rise in homicides: It’s not clear that the rise in homicides that the story is pegged to actually exists.

Sep 01 2015

US Leads World in Credulous Reports of ‘Lagging Behind’ Russia

New York Times image of Coast Guard cutter

The New York Times maintained a long, proud tradition of uncritically repeating official claims that the US—despite having twice the population, eight times the military budget and a nominal economy almost ten times as large—is “lagging behind” Russia on a key military strategic objective.

Sep 01 2015

The Washington Post and the Federal Reserve Cult

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (photo: TonyTheTiger/Wikimedia)

According to Federal Reserve Board cultists, the Fed sets interest rate policy solely for the good of the country. Those of us who live in the reality-based community know that the Fed is hugely responsive to the interests of the financial sector.

Aug 31 2015

Missing From Reports of Yemeni Carnage: Washington’s Responsibility

Saudi Arabia's US-made fighter jets (photo: Fayez Nureldinefayez-Nureldine/AFP)

Reports left out the information that made this particularly relevant to the papers’ mostly American readership: The US government is actively backing the air war in Yemen that killed those civilians.

Aug 28 2015

‘Corporate Media Really Want to Be Able to Say the Story Is Over’

CounterSpin interviews with Rosa Brooks, Colette Pichon Battle, A.C. Thompson and Jordan Flaherty on Katrina's 10 years of media neglect

Katrina flooding (photo: Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA)

CounterSpin interviews with Rosa Brooks, Colette Pichon Battle, A.C. Thompson and Jordan Flaherty on Katrina’s 10 years of media neglect.