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28 Aug 2015 >> Action, Comment, News, Top story

The fascist Britain First are again planning on coming to Rotherham in a sickening attempt to exploit the child abuse scandal in order to whip …

27 Aug 2015 >> Action, Comment, News
Croydon UAF

The Nazi BNP have called a demonstration around the theme of ‘No more immigration’, in Croydon, at Lunar House, (the headquarters of UK Visas and …

21 Aug 2015 >> Action, Comment, News, Top story
Rotherham - Mr Ahmed

An 81-year-old man who suffered life-threatening injuries following an attack in Rotherham has died in hospital overnight. Mushin Ahmed was assaulted in an area just …

12 Aug 2015 >> Action, Comment, News

The entire leadership of Golden Dawn currently stands accused of directing a criminal organisation. This investigation is associated with the murder of anti-fascist Pavlos Fyssas …

12 Aug 2015 >> Action, contact details, News

UAF and Love Music Hate Racism are organising a trip to the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz in Poland between the 13th and 17th November. We …

10 Aug 2015 >> News

A tiny group of neo-Nazis plan to hold a racist ‘White Man March’ in the multi-racial city of Liverpool on Saturday 15th August. UAF are …

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