Stargate: Ark Of Truth

Sunday 30th March at 9pm on Sky 2. If you’re a fan that’s all you need to know

Stargate: Ark Of Truth, the feature length episode which followed the last and final series of Stargate SG1 was released on DVD in the US at the start of March according to Barry’s post. I thought I’d have to wait until the region 2 DVD became available but Sky ponied up the dosh and I presume it was shown during the week on Sky 1? I’m still catching up on my regular programming through Sky+ and haven’t hit last week yet so I missed any trailers if there were any.

Sky+ is all set to record Ark Of Truth tomorrow night! I hope it’s better than the drivel they served for the final episode! Here’s a trailer to wet your appetite. I think it just might be a winner.

Hi! I'm Linux!


Apple advertisments become cliches within a short space of time which is a testament to how good they are, or perhaps how often the fanboys go on about them in online forums…

Unfortunately Linux is still regarded as being a geeky system only and spoofs of the current Apple advert feature a guy dressed in a Tron costume look ridiculous and certainly won’t help. This advert from Novell may help change that. If it doesn’t, well it might pique the interest of some guys who will try Linux and like it. Even though the advert is sponsored by Novell, I recommend you try Ubuntu Linux. You can download and try it without installing and it’s super easy to use!

Read all about it on Reverend Ted’s site and download the first advert.

All in all, it’s a balance that we hope to have struck right: representing Linux as sexy and confident, while avoiding sexual cliches that are degrading to women. While there may be some flaws in our execution (particularly how the third video throws out the people as computers metaphor altogether), overall I really hope that we managed to create a playful spoof that effectively subverts the “Mac vs Windows” framework that Apple has established with the “Get a Mac” campaign.

Ted updated his post with the second and third videos. I’ve included them here for your blogging pleasure.
Continue reading Hi! I'm Linux!

Pat Kenny's bust up on the The Late Late Show

It seems that Pat Kenny was confronted on the Late Late Show last night and the video has already made it onto YouTube! I heard on the radio this morning that the man is in custody. Well done to Pat for coming back from the ad break composed and ready to carry on the show. I didn’t see the show myself, I was channel surfing elsewhere (Escape From Alcatraz was on which was interesting since I’d been there!)

For those not familiar with The Late Late Show, think of the host of the most popular chat show in your country being confronted by a drunken man shouting obscenities!

Thanks Donal for posting the video, that _was_ quick!

Update – The man who caused the controversy is Paul Stokes who has patented a system that uses GPS as a road safety aid. It helps stop cars crashing by tracking every vehicle on the roads and Mr. Stokes asserts the RTE and the Irish media are censoring him.

Introducing Ms. Dewey

Ms. Dewey is the attractive front end of Microsoft Search. She’s entertaining and comments on search items and does her own thing if you leave her alone for a minute or two! Search for President Bush or even gmail for some great stuff! If the search for Yo Mama doesn’t make you smile and laugh I don’t know what will!

That was fun for about five minutes but she’s definitely the most attractive search mascot/helper I’ve seen online and good linkbait to get people to try their search technology! (via the Natural Search Blog)


Unicef bombs the Smurfs in fund-raising campaign for ex-child soldiers

Unicef bombed the Smurf village in a new ad campaign to raise money. This has been doing the rounds for a few days and as one Metafilter userpointed out, “what’s sadder, bombed smurfs…or the fact that people are so unfased by bombed people that we have to resort to bombed smurfs…news at 11”.
Says something about our “caring” society.