Akdeniz: Dünya devriminin yeni havzası!

The Mediterranean: new basin of world revolution!

البحر الأبيض: الحوض الجديد للثورة العالمية

مدیترانه: حوزه جدید انقلاب جهانی

Il Mediterraneo: nuovo bacino della rivoluzione mondiale!

Μεσόγειος: Νέα λεκάνη της παγκόσμιας επανάστασης!

Derya Sıpî: Deşta nû a şoreşa cihânê

Միջերկրական ծով: նոր ավազանում համաշխարհային հեղափոխության.

El Mediterráneo: Nueva cuenca de la revolución mundial!

La Méditerranée: nouveau bassin la révolution mondiale!

Mediterrâneo: bacia nova da revolução mundial!

  • El EEK y ANTARSYA unen sus fuerzas para laselecciones anticipadas en Grecia

    El Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (EEK-trotskistas) anuncia su participación en las elecciones del 20 de septiembre, en colaboración con el frente ANTARSYA.

  • EEK and ANTARSYA join forces for snap elections in Greece

    ​The Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK – Trotskyists) announces its participation at the elections of September 20, in cooperation with the front ANTARSYA.

  • Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference - Communiqué of the Organizing Committee

    The following communiqué was released immediately after the Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference held in Athens in July was held, but has not been posted on the RedMed web site as a result of a technical problem. We are now belatedly publishing it.

  • 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference Final resolution

    We, participants in the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference, convened in Athens, Greece by the Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed network on July 18-20, 2015, call the international working class and all the oppressed all over the world to mobilize and express in action their solidarity with the Greek workers and popular masses under continuous and escalating attack...


    Εμείς, οι συμμετέχοντες στην 3η Ευρωμεσογειακή Συνδιάσκεψη, η οποία συγκλήθηκε στην Αθήνα (Ελλάδα) από το Βαλκανικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κέντρο «Κριστιάν Ρακόφσκι» και το δίκτυο RedMed στις 18-20 Ιουλίου 2015, καλούμε τη διεθνή εργατική τάξη και τους καταπιεσμένους σε όλο τον κόσμο να κινητοποιηθούν και να εκφράσουν στην πράξη την αλληλεγγύη τους στους Έλληνες εργάτες και τις λαϊκές μάζες που...

  • Tercera Conferencia Euro-mediterránea Resolución final

    Los participantes en la Tercera Conferencia Euro-mediterránea, convocada en Atenas, Grecia, por el Centro Socialista de los Balcanes “Christian Rakovsky” y la web RedMed entre los días 18 y 20 de julio de 2015, hacemos un llamamiento a la clase obrera internacional y a todos los oprimidos del mundo para mobilizarse y expresar con su acción la solidaridad con las masas populares y los...

  • 3. Avrupa-Akdeniz Konferansı Sonuç Bildirisi

    “Kristiyan Rakovski” Balkan Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed iletişim ağı öncülüğünde, 18-20 Temmuz 2015 tarihlerinde Atina’da toplanan 3. Avrupa-Akdeniz Konferansı’nın katılımcıları olarak bizler, uluslararası işçi sınıfını ve dünyanın tüm ezilenlerini harekete geçmeye ve Avrupa Birliği, Avrupa Merkez Bankası ve Uluslararası Para Fonu’nun oluşturduğu emperyalist troykanın sürekli ve giderek artan...

  • Stop alla guerra di Erdogan!

    La risposta di Recep Tayyip Erdogan alla bocciatura che le elezioni politiche del 7 giugno hanno inflitto a lui e al suo partito (AKP) è stata trascinare la Turchia in guerra. Alla fine di giugno ha ammassato truppe al confine con la Siria.

  • DIP: Stop Erdoğan’s war!

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s answer to the people’s rejection of him and his party, the AKP, in the June 7 general elections has turned out to be the choice of dragging Turkey into war. At the end of June, he massed troops on the Syrian border.

  • Suruç massacre statement

    On this day of 20 June 2015, dozens of people, more than 50 on some counts, lost their lives as a result of an attack by a suicide bomber in the town of Suruç (Pirsûs), province of Urfa (Riha) in Turkey, just across the border from the Kobane canton of Rojava, the autonomous political entity of Western Kurdistan established in 2012 in the north of Syria. This was an attack on the youth group...

  • Greece, a turning point in the world capitalist crisis: what next?

    The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference,  convened by the network RedMed, the Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Centre and parties affiliated to the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International and hosted by the EEK of Greece to be held in Athens, on 18-20 July, 2015 has started its deliberations.

  • Emergency statement by EEK - Trotskyists: NO to the contemptible capitulation! VOTE IT DOWN in the streets and in Parliament

    Tsipras and Tsakalotos, trampling the “NO” and the dignity of the people underfoot, submitted, disgraced themselves and signed the “list of horrors”, as the German Spiegel itself named the new ukase-memorandum.

  • EEK’in acil bildirisi: Yüz karası teslimiyete hayır! Sokakta, Mecliste bu yüz karası teslimiyeti reddet!

    Çipras ve Çakalotos, Alman Der Spiegel dergisinin "dehşet listesi" olarak adlandırdığı yeni memorandum-ferman’ı imzalayarak ve böylece "Hayır"ı ve halkın haysiyetini ayaklar altına alarak, hem dayatmalara boyun eğdiler hem de kendileri rezil ettiler. 

  • No all'ignobile capitolazione! Respingerla nelle strade e in Parlamento!

    Tsipras e Tsakalotos, calpestando il "no" del referendum e la dignità del popolo greco, si sono assoggettati, disonorati e calpestati essi stessi firmando la "lista degli orrori", come lo stesso Spiegel ha definito il nuovo memorandum-ukase.  

  • بيان حزب العمال الثوري تحرير تل أبيض و نضال الشعب الكردي و الدور الرَّجعي للإمبريالية

     قامت وحدات حِماية الشعب الكردي وقوات بركان الفرات التابعة للجيش السوري الحر بتحرير بلدة تل أبيض الواقعة مق

  • Danezana Partiya Karkerên Şoreşger: Rizgarkirina Girê Spî (Tel Abyad), berxwedana gelê Kurd û rista emperyalîzmê ya paşverû

    Komîteya Navend ya Partiya Karkerên Şoreşger, di civîna xwe ya 21 Pûşpera (Hezîran) 2015an de, danezana ku li ser ‘ji destê DAIŞê derketina Girê Spî û ketina destê PYD/YPGê’ ye hatiye pejirandin. Piştî ku ev danezan hat pejirandin 25ê Pûşpera 2015an roja Pêncşemê, di dema paşîvan de DAIŞ êrîşî Kobanê kir.

  • Greece post referendum

    Ο αλαζονικός και ασήμαντος πρόεδρος της Κομισιόν Γιούνκερ αποκάλεσε “ασήμαντο τσίρκο” το ελληνικό Δημοψήφισμα και το θριαμβευτικό κι ανυπόταχτο ΟΧΙ του λαού στη βαρβαρότητα των μνημονίων. Η υποταχτική κυβέρνηση Τσίπρα βιάστηκε να τον επιβεβαιώσει μετατρέποντας το ΟΧΙ σε δουλικό Ναι. Ανάμεσα στο λαό που ανέβασε τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην κυβέρνηση και την τρόικα η κυβέρνηση Τσίπρα διάλεξε την τρόικα....

  • The battle for the Referendum in Greece (6)

    The Final Day,  Sunday July 5, 2015: The Triumph

    It is a great moment for the Greek people, for all the oppressed all over Europe, all over the world. OXI, a defiant, proud, massive popular NO has triumphed against the arrogant ultimatum posed by the imperialist institutions of the IMF and the EU for a permanent barbaric austerity.

  • La battaglia per il referendum in Grecia (6)

    È un grande momento per il popolo greco, per tutti gli oppressi dell'Europa e del mondo. όχι, un ribelle, fiero, gigantesco "no" popolare ha trionfato contro l'arrogante ultimatum di una barbarica austerità permanente imposto dalle istituzioni imperialiste dell'FMI e dell'UE.

El Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (EEK-trotskistas) anuncia su participación en las elecciones del 20 de septiembre, en colaboración con el frente ANTARSYA.
​The Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK – Trotskyists) announces its participation at the elections of September 20, in cooperation with the front ANTARSYA.
The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
Los participantes en la Tercera Conferencia Euro-mediterránea, convocada en Atenas, Grecia, por el Centro Socialista de los Balcanes “Christian Rakovsky” y la web RedMed entre los días 18 y 20 de julio de 2015, hacemos un llamamiento a la clase obrera internacional y a todos los oprimidos del mundo para mobilizarse y expresar con su acción la solidaridad con las masas populares y los trabajadores...
The Organizing Committee of the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conf
The following communiqué was released immediately after the Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference held in Athens in July was held, but has not been posted on the RedMed web site as a result of a technical problem. We are now belatedly publishing it.
The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
Εμείς, οι συμμετέχοντες στην 3η Ευρωμεσογειακή Συνδιάσκεψη, η οποία συγκλήθηκε στην Αθήνα (Ελλάδα) από το Βαλκανικό Σοσιαλιστικό Κέντρο «Κριστιάν Ρακόφσκι» και το δίκτυο RedMed στις 18-20 Ιουλίου 2015, καλούμε τη διεθνή εργατική τάξη και τους καταπιεσμένους σε όλο τον κόσμο να κινητοποιηθούν και να εκφράσουν στην πράξη την αλληλεγγύη τους στους Έλληνες εργάτες και τις λαϊκές μάζες που βρίσκονται κ...
The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
We, participants in the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference, convened in Athens, Greece by the Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed network on July 18-20, 2015, call the international working class and all the oppressed all over the world to mobilize and express in action their solidarity with the Greek workers and popular masses under continuous and escalating attack by th...
The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
Los participantes en la Tercera Conferencia Euro-mediterránea, convocada en Atenas, Grecia, por el Centro Socialista de los Balcanes “Christian Rakovsky” y la web RedMed entre los días 18 y 20 de julio de 2015, hacemos un llamamiento a la clase obrera internacional y a todos los oprimidos del mundo para mobilizarse y expresar con su acción la solidaridad con las masas populares y los trabajadores...
The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
“Kristiyan Rakovski” Balkan Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed iletişim ağı öncülüğünde, 18-20 Temmuz 2015 tarihlerinde Atina’da toplanan 3. Avrupa-Akdeniz Konferansı’nın katılımcıları olarak bizler, uluslararası işçi sınıfını ve dünyanın tüm ezilenlerini harekete geçmeye ve Avrupa Birliği, Avrupa Merkez Bankası ve Uluslararası Para Fonu’nun oluşturduğu emperyalist troykanın sürekli ve giderek artan sald...
Central Committee of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP)
La risposta di Recep Tayyip Erdogan alla bocciatura che le elezioni politiche del 7 giugno hanno inflitto a lui e al suo partito (AKP) è stata trascinare la Turchia in guerra. Alla fine di giugno ha ammassato truppe al confine con la Siria.
Central Committee of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP)
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s answer to the people’s rejection of him and his party, the AKP, in the June 7 general elections has turned out to be the choice of dragging Turkey into war. At the end of June, he massed troops on the Syrian border.
The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference
On this day of 20 June 2015, dozens of people, more than 50 on some counts, lost their lives as a result of an attack by a suicide bomber in the town of Suruç (Pirsûs), province of Urfa (Riha) in Turkey, just across the border from the Kobane canton of Rojava, the autonomous political entity of Western Kurdistan established in 2012 in the north of Syria. This was an attack on the youth group of th...
Savas Michael Matsas
The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference,  convened by the network RedMed, the Christian Rakovsky Balkan Socialist Centre and parties affiliated to the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International and hosted by the EEK of Greece to be held in Athens, on 18-20 July, 2015 has started its deliberations.
Komîteya Navend ya Partiya Karkerên Şoreşger, di civîna xwe ya 21 Pûşpera (Hezîran) 2015an de, danezana ku li ser ‘ji destê DAIŞê derketina Girê Spî û ketina destê PYD/YPGê’ ye hatiye pejirandin. Piştî ku ev danezan hat pejirandin 25ê Pûşpera 2015an roja Pêncşemê, di dema paşîvan de DAIŞ êrîşî Kobanê kir.
 قامت وحدات حِماية الشعب الكردي وقوات بركان الفرات التابعة للجيش السوري الحر بتحرير بلدة تل أبيض الواقعة مق
EEK - Trotskyists
Çipras ve Çakalotos, Alman Der Spiegel dergisinin "dehşet listesi" olarak adlandırdığı yeni memorandum-ferman’ı imzalayarak ve böylece "Hayır"ı ve halkın haysiyetini ayaklar altına alarak, hem dayatmalara boyun eğdiler hem de kendileri rezil ettiler. 
EEK - Trotskyists
Tsipras e Tsakalotos, calpestando il "no" del referendum e la dignità del popolo greco, si sono assoggettati, disonorati e calpestati essi stessi firmando la "lista degli orrori", come lo stesso Spiegel ha definito il nuovo memorandum-ukase.  
EEK - Trotskyists
Tsipras and Tsakalotos, trampling the “NO” and the dignity of the people underfoot, submitted, disgraced themselves and signed the “list of horrors”, as the German Spiegel itself named the new ukase-memorandum.
Greece post referendum
Ο αλαζονικός και ασήμαντος πρόεδρος της Κομισιόν Γιούνκερ αποκάλεσε “ασήμαντο τσίρκο” το ελληνικό Δημοψήφισμα και το θριαμβευτικό κι ανυπόταχτο ΟΧΙ του λαού στη βαρβαρότητα των μνημονίων. Η υποταχτική κυβέρνηση Τσίπρα βιάστηκε να τον επιβεβαιώσει μετατρέποντας το ΟΧΙ σε δουλικό Ναι. Ανάμεσα στο λαό που ανέβασε τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην κυβέρνηση και την τρόικα η κυβέρνηση Τσίπρα διάλεξε την τρόικα.
Savas Michael Matsas
Son gün,  5 Temmuz, 2015, Pazar: Zafer Bu, Yunanistan halkı için, Avrupa’daki, tüm dünyadaki ezilenler için müthiş bir an. OXI, yani isyankâr, onurlu, kitlesel bir HAYIR, emperyalist IMF ve AB kurumlarının ortaya sürdüğü küstah sürekli kemer sıkma barbarlığı ültimatomuna karşı zafer kazanmıştır.
Savas Michael Matsas interviewed by Suzi Weissman of Pacifica Radio on referendum. Guests included Aris Anagnos and historian Robert Brenner, both in-studio; journalist Paul Masonö and Syriza Party member Stathis Kouvelakis, in Greece; and international labor activist, Bill Fletcher.
Savas Michael Matsas
È un grande momento per il popolo greco, per tutti gli oppressi dell'Europa e del mondo. όχι, un ribelle, fiero, gigantesco "no" popolare ha trionfato contro l'arrogante ultimatum di una barbarica austerità permanente imposto dalle istituzioni imperialiste dell'FMI e dell'UE.
Savas Michael Matsas
The Final Day,  Sunday July 5, 2015: The Triumph It is a great moment for the Greek people, for all the oppressed all over Europe, all over the world. OXI, a defiant, proud, massive popular NO has triumphed against the arrogant ultimatum posed by the imperialist institutions of the IMF and the EU for a permanent barbaric austerity.
Savas Michael Matsas
La più grande manifestazione di massa che Atene abbia mai conosciuto dalla caduta della dittatura nel 1974 ha avuto luogo oggi, ultimo giorno della campagna per il referendum del 5 luglio, ed è stata la manifestazione per il "no" all'ultimatum della troika. Era paragonabile, se non anche più grande, alla manifestazione del 12 febbraio 2012. Quella manifestazione fu convocata contro il PSI (Private...
Savas Michael Matsas
1974’te diktatörlüğün çöküşünden beri Atina’nın gördüğü en büyük kitle eylemi, Troyka’nın ültimatomuna karşı HAYIR’ı savunmak üzere, 5 Temmuz Referandumu için siyasal kampanyanın son günü olan bugün gerçekleşti. Eylem, 12 Şubat 2012’deki kitle eylemiyle kıyaslanabilir ölçekteydi, tabii ondan daha büyük değilse. Önceki eylem, AB tarafından Kasım 2011’de Yunanistan’a keyfi olarak dayatılan parlament...
Savas Michael Matsas
Referandumun kıyamet günü yaklaştıkça gerilim hızla yükseliyor. Neredeyse tüm burjuva medyası kamuoyunu manipüle edip 5 Temmuz’daki referandumda Troyka’nın ültimatomuna “Evet”in zafer kazanmasını sağlamak için yoğun biçimde korku pompalıyor. Bu çabalar, Avrupa Komisyonu’nun, AB Konseyi’nin, Avrupa Merkez Bankası’nın, Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun başkanları, Şansölye Merkel ve onun maliye bakanı Schäubl...
Savas Michael Matsas
The biggest mass rally that Athens has known since the fall of the dictatorship in 1974, took place today, the last day of the political campaign for the Referendum of July 5, in defense of the NO to the ultimatum of the troika. It was comparable, if not larger than the mass rally in February 12, 2012. That earlier rally was called against the PSI, the so-called ‘Private Sector Involvement’ - the...
Savas Michael Matsas
L'accumulo di tensione accelera con l'avvicinarsi del giorno del referendum. La paura di massa, coltivata intensamente da quasi tutti i media borghesi per manipolare l'opinione pubblica al fine di far vincere il sì, si combina con continue prese di posizione provocatorie dei capi della Commissione europea, del Consiglio europeo, della BCE, del Parlamento europeo, dalla Cancelliera Merkel e dal suo...
Savas Michael Matsas
Gerilim ve basınç her geçen gün yükseliyor. Avrupa Birliği Konseyi, Avrupa Birliği’nin Yunanistan’a verdiği ültimatomun oylanacağı referandumu “yasadışı” ilan ederek engellemeye çalıştı ama başarısız oldu. Ancak, referandumun iptal edilmesi yönündeki baskılar ülke içinden de geliyor. Bu basınç, yalnızca sağ kanattan ve daha küçük öteki burjuva partilerinden değil, Syriza içinden, partinin tanınmış...
Savas Michael Matsas
The build-up of tension is accelerating as the D-day of the referendum approaches. The intensive cultivation of mass fear by nearly all bourgeois media to manipulate public opinion for a victory of the 'Yes' to the troika's ultimatum on July 5 is coordinated with non-stop provocative statements by the heads of the European Commission , the European Council, the ECB, the European Parliament, by...
Savas Michael Matsas
Tension and pressures are increasing every day. The European Council tried -unsuccessfully- to prevent the coming Referendum on the EU ultimatum to Greece as ...“illegal”. But pressures to cancel the referendum came also from within the country, not only from the Right wing and the other smaller bourgeois opposition parties, but also from within Syriza, from well-known cadres of the party, members...
Savas Michael Matsas
La tensione e le pressioni crescono ogni giorno. Il Consiglio europeo ha provato, senza successo, ad impedire il referendum sull'ultimatum UE in quanto... "illegale". Ma le pressioni contro il referendum vengono anche da dentro il paese. Non solo dalla destra e dagli altri piccoli partiti dell'opposizione borghese, ma anche dall'interno di Syriza, da suoi dirigenti ben conosciuti, da suoi europarl...
Savas Michael Matsas
The battle for the Greek Referendum for a "Yes" or "No" vote on July 5 to the new barbaric “austerity” measures, demanded from the impoverished Greek people by the recent ultimatum from the IMF/EU/ECB as the only way to “avoid” collapse and Grexit, is escalating every day.
Savas Michael Matsas
Si intensifica ogni giorno di più la battaglia delle masse impoverite greche, come unica forma per "evitare" il collasso e il Grexit dopo la decisione del referendum del 5 luglio per un "sì" o un "no" alle nuove barbariche misure di austerità volute dal recentissimo ultimatum di FMI/UE/BCE.
Savas Michael Matsas
IMF/AB/Avrupa Merkez Bankası’nın son ültimatomundan sonra iflastan ve Yunanistan’ın Avrupa Birliği’nden çıkışından “kaçınma”nın tek yolu olarak, yoksullaşan Yunan halkından talep edilen yeni barbar “kemer sıkma” önlemlerinin “Evet” ya da “Hayır” şeklinde oylanacağı 5 Temmuz referandumu için verilen mücadele her geçen gün giderek kızışıyor.
The battle for the Referendum in Greece
Savas Michael Matsas
200 binden fazla insan, Avrupa Birliği (AB), Avrupa Merkez Bankası (AMB) ve İMF’nin, ya bir dizi yeni toplumsal yamyamlık tedbirlerini kabul etmesi ya da Euro bölgesinden çıkartılması (kötü şöhretli “Grexit”) ve sonra da AB’den ihracı konusunda Yunanistan’a dayattığı ültimatom için 5 Temmuz’da yapılacak referandumda “Hayır” oyunu destekleyerek Yunan Parlamentosu önündeki Sintagma Meydanında muazza...
EEK - Trotskyists
LE BANCHE IN MANO AL POPOLO, NON AI BANCHIERI DELLA TROIKA! Controllo dei lavoratori su di esse e sul flusso di capitali all'estero! Nessuna perdita di salari e pensioni! NAZIONALIZZAZIONE DIRETTA DELLE BANCHE SOTTO IL CONTROLLO DEI LAVORATORI E DEI POVERI!