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The Latest On Hillary

Saturday, September 5, 2015  |  posted by John Schroeder

The guy that is hiding behind the Fifth?  She personally paid him and he failed to disclose the income to the State Department.  And she is sorry all this is so difficult for us to understand.

So, what are we learning here?  Not the the Clintons are slimey, but that they have a whole river of the stuff.


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Chuck Todd On Interviewing Candidates (And A Preview Of This Weekend’s “Meet The Press” On Which I Appear Sunday)

Friday, September 4, 2015  |  posted by Hugh Hewitt

Chuck Todd joined me on the show today, and I will be joining him on the Meet The Press panel Sunday:




HH: I’m joined now by Chuck Todd, the host of NBC’s Meet the Press. I’ll be joining on the panel on Sunday, and quite a panel it is with Tom Brokaw, Doris Kearns Goodwin, and Joy Reid. Chuck Todd, I don’t want to spend too much time on this Donald Trump imbroglio in which I am, but what did you make of it?

CT: I’m not surprised by his struggles in the answers. I went through the same thing. I think what’s interesting is we know how he responds to these and I think what’s more interesting to me is how the other candidates are responding, Hugh. Three weeks ago when he was telling me he didn’t know he didn’t know – when I asked him where did you get military advice, and he says watched the shows. Other candidates didn’t pounce as much. They did behind the scenes, but they didn’t do it themselves. The difference with what happened with you is that other candidates have decided they can’t let this go anymore. Here’s an opportunity. Here’s an opening, and they’re going to go. Whether it works or not. I don’t know. One thing about Donald Trump is that he’s very good about almost adding to chaos, if you know by it?

HH: Yes.

CT: He messes up with you, so he quickly does three or four other shows and almost creates shiny, metal objects over there to distract everybody and you forget about the other controversies. He’s better at this than anyone I’ve ever seen before. Continue Reading

GOP Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy On The Iran Deal Vote

Friday, September 4, 2015  |  posted by Hugh Hewitt

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy joined me today to discuss the Iran deal and the House’s consideration of it:




HH: Joined now by the House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, Congressman from California. Majority Leader of the House now at a crucial moment actually in world history. Majority Leader McCarthy, welcome back to the Hugh Hewitt Show.

KM: Thanks for having me, Hugh. I appreciate this.

HH: What is the status of the Iran deal? When’s it come to a vote? What do you think is going to happen?

KM: I actually just came back from Israel this month. [There about] thirty-five members on the members on the Republican side. I think the Democrats have like eighteen. We’ve actually had a couple of days of bipartisanship over there, looking and analyzing, at the same time, of how it would affect the region. So when we come back, there’s a clock that is ticking. We’ll have until September 17th according the parliamentarian, and in the House, we will take it up the first week. And when you look at this, Hugh – think about this – everything else in history, this should be a treaty. But the president wants to take foreign policy and make it like an executive action where he doesn’t even work for the two-thirds in the Senate to have a treaty or a simple majority in the House and Senate. But he wants to hold the minority within a minority to uphold the veto – to change the course of not just America, but of the world. You know, in thirteen years, if this goes forward, Iran could have a nuclear weapon that could be approved by America. Thirteen years is not that far away. Fifteen years ago was 9/11.

HH: What was the reaction in Israel to the proposed deal as you moved around the Israeli political and military elites? Continue Reading

Jake Tapper On Interviewing Candidates

Friday, September 4, 2015  |  posted by Hugh Hewitt

Jake Tapper joined me today top discuss the art and science of interviewing presidential candidates:




HH:  I begin with Jake Tapper, host of the Lead on whose show I was earlier on.  Jake, I’m a little astonished that Donald took as much umbrage as he did at the conversation we had.  It actually didn’t go too badly for him in my view.


JT:  I thought some of his answers were fine and look, whether he misheard or isn’t completely conversant in the Al-Quds Force, I think that saying there millions of national issues and I need to get on top of all of them – people are relatively sympathetic, I think, when it comes to newcomers to politics not knowing certain things like it certainly has happened with Dr. Carson and certainly has happened with others who might know a whole lot about business or medicine or whatever, but are new to politics.  But, Mr. Trump has gotten very, very far pushing back when he’s like he’s not being treated the way he wants to be treated.   Continue Reading

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