Wingnut Week In Review: Mountain Out of a Molehill

This week, President Obama gave a national landmark its name back. Wingnuts tried to make a mountain out of that molehill. Meanwhile, a Kentucky county clerk goes from standing in the chapel door to sitting in jail.
Terrance Heath
  • 9

Jobs and the Action We Need

The jobs report released today will stoke the debate over whether the Fed should hike interest rates. But the real deal is that wages are still declining. And we need Congress to act, not the Fed.
Robert Borosage
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How Not To Give Employees A Raise

Paying to get good behavior would reward bad behavior, completely absolving CEOs and wealthy shareholders of their guilt in creating today’s gross inequality.
Jim Hightower
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Emmett, Trayvon, Freddie, and Sandra

Sixty years ago Emmett Till was killed for daring to assert his humanity. Today, too many African Americans are still being killed for doing the same.
Terrance Heath
  • 29

End the Great American Drug Heist

This week, presidential contender Bernie Sanders called for an end to the obscene rules that force Americans to pay the highest prices for prescription drugs in the world. He got that right.
Robert Borosage
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More Proof Workers Are More Productive But Less Rewarded

Worker productivity in the second quarter of 2015 was better than expected, according to data released today, but a report underscores how little of the gains are shared by productive workers.
Isaiah J. Poole
  • 33

A Win For Peace

The Iran deal will not be scuttled by Congress now that President Obama has secured the support of enough Senate Democrats to sustain any veto of any attempt to strip Obama of his authority to waive sanctions. It's a historic win for peace.
Bill Scher
  • 28

In Search of Our First Trillionaire

No 13-digit fortune has yet appeared on the horizon. But if we wait until we get close enough to see one, warns tax attorney and wealth analyst Bob Lord, we may find our plutocracy set eternally in concrete.

Killing Uncle AL

By locking out workers, and wasting untold millions on highly paid but inexperienced replacements and on security guards, ATI has finished converting itself from a pillar of the community into a pariah.
Leo Gerard
  • 11

The Populist Agenda Is An Electable Agenda

How did an unapologetic liberal like Bernie Sanders with a campaign that relies on small donors even come close to threatening a candidate like Hillary Clinton? Look at his platform.
Terrance Heath
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The Myth of a Better Iran Deal

Opponents of the nuclear agreement with Iran say there is a better deal out there to be had if we just play hardball. That notion is pure fantasy for several reasons. Here are three of them.

What Bernie Sanders Has Already Won

Nobody expected to be actually talking about Bernie Sanders being the Democratic presidential nominee. But whether he is or not, the political discussion Sanders wanted has started.

Wingnut Week In Review: Have They No Decency?

Wingnut reactions to the on-air shooting of two Roanoke, Virginia journalists brings to mind the famous question Joseph N. Welch asked Sen. Eugene McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” No, they don’t.
Terrance Heath
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The Economy: Beneath the Din

Trump eruptions; stock market gyrations. The din aggravates, confuses and distracts from what we should be addressing. Here's a short bit a common sense to help sort out the real from the blare.
Robert Borosage
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Trump’s Tropes

Commentators still dismiss Donald Trump as a summertime fling. But Trump's tropes are not simply ravings. They are making a case that many Americans want to hear.
Robert Borosage
  • 15

Etsy’s Dark Side: Socially Irresponsible Tax Evader

Etsy is certified as a socially responsible retailer and markets itself that way, but that is belied by its use of an Irish subsidiary through which it can avoid paying taxes on its profits.
Isaiah J. Poole
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Time to Kill the Death Penalty

On the surface Americans still favor the death penalty by a margin of two to one. And yet, progressives should now feel comfortable on this issue, especially in a primary election.

Right On Banks, Wrong On Schools

Congressman Mark Takano explains why even progressive Democrats fall for phony education reform. "if you liken education to bean counting, that’s not going to work."
Jeff Bryant
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Policy Proposals from #BlackLivesMatter

With the launch of Campaign Zero, the #BlackLivesMatter movement raises its political game with detailed policy solutions to end police violence that puts policy makers on notice.
Terrance Heath
  • 16

The Upsurge in Uncertain Work

As Labor Day looms, more Americans than ever don’t know how much they’ll be earning next week or even tomorrow. It’s the biggest change in the American workforce in over a century, and it’s happening at lightening speed.

President Trump’s First 100 Days

The die-hard Trump fans who think he has magical abilities to transform Washington need only look at the last couple of celebrity blowhards who swept into office on a promise of radical change: Governors Ventura and Schwarzenegger.
Bill Scher
  • 13
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