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Innocent Bystander Syrah 2012

I am always a bit put off when Aussi shiraz producers call their wines “syrah” but in this case the description is accurate. The wine has a lot in common with those of France. It is soft, slightly peppery, with an immaculately perfect shiraz finish. It won’t rip the tartar off your teeth and at […]

Stanton & Killeen Vintage Port 1972

I was fortunate enough to participate in drinking a single bottle of this port recently – its the last of 4 vintage ports I have cellared from the 1970s – all were very good but this was outstanding. An amazing wine – it tasted like a bright young fruity port even though it was 40 […]

Good pinot

I got a chance to sample Tuck’s Ridge Buckle Vineyard 2007 Pinot Noir. James Halliday ranked this vintage of TR – a Mornington Peninsula vineyard – as Australia’s best in 2010. Acting promptly, I managed to secure a half-dozen. An intense bouquet and a very full-flavoured pinot with great intensity and a mouth-filling persistence of […]

Grange 1983

I enjoyed a small family-based ‘Mother’s Day’ celebration this year at the Golden Dragon Palace in Lower Templestowe, Melbourne. The highlight for me, in terms of wine consumed, was a monumental 1983 Grange Hermitage. Along with the 1955, the 1962, the 1971 and the 1990 this is one of the great Granges […]