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Notebook: The Little Boy on the Beach

After the haunting photographs of Aylan Kurdi, the 3-year-old Syrian boy who drowned off Turkey as his family fled the war, one writer asks: Why this picture? Why not all the others?


Graphic: Seeking a Fair Distribution of Refugees

German and European Union leaders have called for European countries to share the burden of absorbing the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have poured into the continent this summer.

Kentucky Clerk’s Defiance Unravels an Uneasy Truce

Kim Davis’s refusal to issue marriage licenses to gay couples will probably lead to legislation creating exemptions for workers like her, but it has also exposed divisions among Republicans.

Ben Kuroki Dies at 98; Overcame Bias to Fight for U.S.

Mr. Kuroki, a decorated member of the Army Air Forces of World War II, was hailed in the U.S. at a time when tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans were confined to internment camps.

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