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Posts tagged ‘Art’

Extra, extra, read all about it!

Contemporary art is postconceptual art
by / RP 183 (Jan/Feb 2014) / Article

Peter Osborne, Anywhere or Not At All: Philosophy of Contemporary Art, Verso, London and New York, 2013. vi + 282 pp., £60.00 hb., £19.95 pb., 978 1 78168 113 8 hb., 978 1 78168 094 0 pb. Numbers in parentheses in the main text refer to page numbers of this book.

‘The coming together of …

Neoliberal Art History

by / RP 180 (July/Aug 2013) / Review

David Joselit, After Art, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ and Oxford, 2012. 136 pp., £13.95 pb., 978 0 69115 044 4

In his new book David Joselit makes a clear case for a progressive art-politics of the future. He asks us to ‘take image diplomacy seriously and attempt to imagine how art can function as …

Claire Fontaine

Giving shape to painful things
by , and / RP 175 (Sep/Oct 2012) / Interview

Parisian artist Claire Fontaine is a fraud, a forgery, her name casually lifted from a generic brand of school notebooks, her existence only present in the art that bears her signature. She was first brought to life in 2004 by Fulvia Carnevale and James Thornhill. She resides now in the neon gas, the …

Captain Beefheart, 1941–2010

Vorticist Artist
by / RP 166 (Mar/Apr 2011) / Obituary

Ben Watson assesses Beefheart’s work as a protest against those who profit from the very separation of elite and mass music.

Who Was Oscar Masotta? Response to Derbyshire

by / RP 164 (Nov/Dec 2010) / Extras

Philip Derbyshire (‘Who Was Oscar Masotta? Psychoanalysisin Argentina’, RP 158) should be commended for his insightful consideration of the literary and psychoanalytic writings of Oscar Masotta, one of the most important Argentine intellectuals of the 1960s and 1970s. I would like to make a case for juxtaposing these texts with Masotta’s idiosyncratic and interdisciplinary explorations …

Theatre and the public

Badiou, Rancière, Virno
by / RP 157 (Sep/Oct 2009) / Article

The involution of photography

by / RP 157 (Sep/Oct 2009) / Article

As we settle further into the era of digital media and globalized visual culture, it might be tempting to think that photography holds no more than historical interest. Yet it continues to feature in debates with considerable significance for the present.1 The terms by which it was negotiated in the twentieth century – the …

Notes on the photographic image

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Article, Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image

Body without image: Ernesto Neto’s Anti-Leviathan

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Article, Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image

This is not my body

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Article, Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image

Jeff Wall

Art after photography, after conceptual art
by and / RP 150 (Jul/Aug 2008) / Interview

A very different context

Dossier: Art and Immaterial Labour (with an introduction by Peter Osborne)
by / RP 149 (May/Jun 2008) / Art and Immaterial Labour, Article, Dossier


Dossier: Art and Immaterial Labour
by / RP 149 (May/Jun 2008) / Art and Immaterial Labour, Article, Dossier

Art, work and politics in disciplinary societies and societies of security

Dossier: Art and Immaterial Labour
by / RP 149 (May/Jun 2008) / Art and Immaterial Labour, Article, Dossier

The absolute artwork meets the absolute commodity

by / RP 146 (Nov/Dec 2007) / Article

The sublime whiff of criticality

Dossier: documenta 12 magazines project
by / RP 146 (Nov/Dec 2007) / Article, documenta 12 magazines project, Dossier

Magazines field, or, the next Documenta should be curated by magazines

Dossier: documenta 12 magazines project
by and / RP 146 (Nov/Dec 2007) / Article, documenta 12 magazines project, Dossier

The big lie

Dossier: documenta 12 magazines project
by and / RP 146 (Nov/Dec 2007) / Article, documenta 12 magazines project, Dossier

Answering the question: What is to be done?

Dossier: documenta 12 magazines project
by / RP 141 (Jan/Feb 2007) / Article, documenta 12 magazines project, Dossier

An aesthetic education against aesthetic education

Dossier: documenta 12 magazines project
by / RP 141 (Jan/Feb 2007) / Article, documenta 12 magazines project, Dossier