Oct 19

Uniting To Transform US Policing

By Kevin Zeese Originally published in PopularResistance.org The Post-Michael Brown Agenda Provides Goals For The Movement To End Racist, Militarized Policing And, Actions We Need to be Taking Today to Make Transformation a Reality Throughout the nation the issue of police brutality, including killings of unarmed people, is a common problem. It is part of …

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Oct 12

Vets Win Expansion Of Freedom Of Speech and Right To Assemble

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally published in Mintpress News Photo: Veterans and allies pose at the end of the 2014 antiwar memorial service at Vietnam Veterans Memorial in New York City. They are holding photos of Jacob David George whose pictures are also on the wall behind them. Photo by Ellen Davidson. Veterans …

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Oct 07

Hong Kong: Now The Hard Part, Kick US Out, Build National Consensus

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers Originally published in PopularResistance.org   When protests in Hong Kong exploded, knowledgeable people looked for US involvement. It was not hard to find. The overt intrusion of the US is available in budgets, documents and websites; the covert involvement has not yet been uncovered but is no doubt there. …

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Sep 30

With Climate March Behind Us, Now What Do We Do?

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers Originally published in Mint Press News The climate action weekend built around the People’s Climate March proved that the climate movement has broad popular support and millions are ready to mobilize. These are two ingredients necessary to achieve climate justice, but also needed is a strategy that is widely understood so …

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Sep 20

The Path Forward To Climate Justice

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally published in collaboration between PopularResistance.org and Occupy.com The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and National Climate Assessment reports from this year make it clear that the climate crisis is here. In fact, a very recent study out of Princeton regarding the estimated yearly carbon budget that must be adhered to in order to …

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Sep 13

Broadening And Sharpening The Climate Justice Movement

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally published on Occupy.com This is the fifth installment in a series co-produced by Occupy.com and Popular Resistance, written in the run-up to the People’s Climate March and Climate Convergence actions happening next week in New York ahead of UN Climate Summit negotiations. Read the first part here, the second part here, the …

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Sep 11

What Will It Take to Create Climate Justice?

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally published in Occupy.com All of the elements required to create climate justice seem to be in place. The climate movement can put hundreds of thousands on the streets, organize creative civil resistance, get thousands to risk arrest and mobilize blockades of tar sands, fracking, oil pipelines and mountain …

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Sep 06

Don’t Look To US Government To Solve Climate Crisis

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally published in Occupy.com This is the third part of a series being co-produced by Popular Resistance and Occupy.com, focusing on the upcoming climate protests this month at the United Nations in New York. Read the first installment here and the second installment here. This year, 14 federal agencies in the United …

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Sep 05

Climate Alarms Ringing, US Fails To Act

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally posted in Occupy.com The recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the most worrisome so far. Paired with data from the 2014 National Climate Assessment, there is no question that the climate crisis is here and is accelerating at a faster pace than predicted. Its effects …

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Aug 28

Climate Crisis Connects Us, Climate Justice Requires Unity

By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Originally published in Popular Resistance Above photo: Activists outside the UN climate change conference (COP17) in Durban, South Africa. Reuters. What do rigged corporate trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris Treaty, an international climate agreement to be signed in 2015, have in common? They are both …

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