CEMS / Master's in International Management

The CEMS Master's in International Management (MIM) programme is a one-year Master programme in the field of international management. It is a joint degree programme delivered by 29 of the best business schools around the world in cooperation with more than 70 leading corporations. The content of the programme is practice-oriented, advanced and takes place in the second year of your MSc studies. At the end of your studies, you will obtain a MSc degree from Copenhagen Business School as well as the CEMS Master's in International Management degree.

Presentation of CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM)

The CEMS MIM is a double degree programme you are eligible to apply for if you are a student in one of the following degree programmes at CBS:

  • MSc in Economics and Business Administration / cand.merc.
  • MSc in Business, Language and Culture
  • MSc in International Business and Politics

The aim of the CEMS MIM programme is to increase your knowledge and understanding of fundamental issues within international management. The programme is designed to build a bridge between theory and practice. CEMS MIM enables you to study international management in an international and intercultural environment, as the CEMS student cohort is a mix of CBS students, as well as exchange students from the CEMS partner schools.


The elements of the CEMS MIM

The CEMS MIM is a one year programme that includes the following mandatory elements:

A mandatory semester abroad at a CEMS school
You get the opportunity to study one semester abroad at one of our CEMS partner universities.  The semester abroad will be undertaken either in Term 1 or Term 2, and the CBS CEMS administration will delegate the placement. We cannot guarantee a placement in your preferred term abroad.

Two mandatory courses (15 ECTS)
One course in Global Strategy (7.5 ECTS) and one course in Global Management Practice (7.5 ECTS)

CEMS elective courses (30 ECTS)
At CBS, you can choose from a large portfolio of electives each semester. During your semester abroad, the electives on offer will depend on the CEMS partner university you attend. The electives on offer will vary to some extent from year to year.
Business Project (15 ECTS)
The business project is a ‘real-life’ consulting problem for one of our corporate partners that you will solve in a multicultural team.
Block Seminar (3 ECTS)
You will complete an intense 1-week block seminar at the beginning of your CEMS year.
Skill Seminars (2 ECTS)
Skill seminars focus on soft skills within areas such as leadership, presentation and communication techniques, business coaching and negotiation. The skill seminars run every semester and they are usually intense, practice-oriented seminars in small groups of maximum 20 students. You will participate in a mandatory Business Communication Skill Seminar (BCSS) in your first CEMS semester.
An international internship of minimum 10 weeks will be instrumental in converting your theoretical knowledge into practical experience and skills.
Testing of your second foreign language
For your second  foreign language you will need to pass a language test ensuring the ability to live and work in different cultures and business environments.



The CEMS Master’s in International Management is a one year  programme which you study in combination with your MSc degree from CBS. The CEMS Master takes place in the second year of your studies in your third and fourth semester.
The programme is flexible in relation to course selection as CEMS MIM offers you a range of electives in a number of different areas. This gives you the opportunity to shape your own individual profile in combination with your CBS Master’s degree. Jointly, the different elements of the programme develop your academic knowledge, your soft skills and your practical experience.

Additional options

A distinguishing factor of the programme is that it brings together all stakeholders (schools, companies, students and alumni). Also it is the most international management programme on the market. Furthermore, CEMS in itself is an addition to your CBS degree.



The page was last edited by: Student Guidance Service // 08/19/2015