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<div class="description">Ideas People are defined by a mindset: they are intensely curious…<a href="/audience_profile">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People TV: a digital video network of the best produced visual news stories and analysis of the issues affecting our lives... <a href="/tv">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Find out how Ideas People can amplify your brand... <a href="/advertisers">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Whether it's using apps, or the mobile web, data shows that Ideas People are heavy mobile users. <a href="/mobile">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People Channel is a fully transparent vertical ad network of 50+ sites inspired by insight into the mindset of The Economist audience…<a href="/channel">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People are defined by a mindset: they are intensely curious…<a href="/audience_profile">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People TV: a digital video network of the best produced visual news stories and analysis of the issues affecting our lives... <a href="/tv">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Find out how Ideas People can amplify your brand... <a href="/advertisers">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Whether it's using apps, or the mobile web, data shows that Ideas People are heavy mobile users. <a href="/mobile">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People Channel is a fully transparent vertical ad network of 50+ sites inspired by insight into the mindset of The Economist audience…<a href="/channel">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People are defined by a mindset: they are intensely curious…<a href="/audience_profile">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People TV: a digital video network of the best produced visual news stories and analysis of the issues affecting our lives... <a href="/tv">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Find out how Ideas People can amplify your brand... <a href="/advertisers">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Whether it's using apps, or the mobile web, data shows that Ideas People are heavy mobile users. <a href="/mobile">Read more »</a></div> <div class="description">Ideas People Channel is a fully transparent vertical ad network of 50+ sites inspired by insight into the mindset of The Economist audience…<a href="/channel">Read more »</a></div>