Donate to IWPR | Institute for War and Peace Reporting


Donate to IWPR

Nowhere is the role of speaking out and strengthening local voices more important than in situations of global conflict, in regions emerging from war, and countries where governments clamp down on free speech. Since the Balkan wars in the 1990s, IWPR has been on the front lines of virtually every major global conflict, providing training, ongoing support and media platforms to local journalists and citizen reporters. We utilise the power of information to hold governments accountable in the most dangerous and repressive countries in the world, and empower citizens to determine their own futures.

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UK enquiries iconFor questions on giving from the United Kingdom, please contact us here for any extra information or call James Bramble on +44 (0)207 269 9572.

For questions on giving from the United States, please contact us here for any extra information or call Cat Favorite on +1 202-770-1719.

Be Assured

Security iconDonations are made on a secure site with Advanced User Security.

Security iconInstitute for War & Peace Reporting is registered as a charity in the United Kingdom (charity reg. no: 1027201, company reg. no: 2744185); in the United States as a not-for-profit organization with tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3); and as a charitable foundation in The Netherlands.

Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

by building the skills of professional and citizen journalists working in traditional media and in social and new media.

by supporting the capacity of civil society and human rights groups to more effectively advocate for government and institutional accountability and transparency.

by supporting peace and reconciliation in conflict zones around the world.

Give by Post

Security iconTo donate by post, please make cheques payable to “Institute for War & Peace Reporting” and sent to:

IWPR, 48 Gray's Inn Road,
London WC1X 8LT


IWPR, 729 15th Street, NW, Suite 500,
Washington, DC 20005

Financial Information

IWPR takes great care in ensuring your contributions are used wisely and efficiently.

Functional Expenses

In 2014, IWPR had a budget of over $13 million with 84% of our expenses being spent on project activities, 13% going to management & general costs, and a further 3% on fundraising.

Expenses chart


Thanks iconIWPR is grateful for the support of private foundations, individual donors and government agencies. This broad support enables us to maintain intensive programs while avoiding over-dependence on any single source. We are especially grateful to those donors who support us through multi-year assistance to strengthen existing activities and those who provide precious institutional assistance.

List of IWPR supporters   ▸
