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  • EU referendum campaign: 300 meetings and counting

    Posted on September 04

    tourdates.pngUKIP Leader Nigel Farage today launched UKIP's national campaign to fight for Britain to regain it's ability to govern itself and by doing so regain control of its borders.

    At a packed Westminster meeting in front of the world's press Mr Farage said, "The campaign for Britain to leave the EU has started and is launching today. This is the largest outreach campaign in the history of Euroscepticism."

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  • Nissan announcement shatters Labour EU campaign

    Posted on September 03

    Jonathan-Arnott-photo.jpgA major plank of Labour's campaign to remain in the European Union has been 'shattered' today, according to Sunderland's UKIP MEP Jonathan Arnott.

    All parties have welcomed the news that Nissan is to invest a further £100 million in its Sunderland plant, but comments by Nissan Europe chairman Paul Willcox on the ‘Today’ programme make it clear that Nissan is investing in the UK, irrespective of the result of the UK's referendum on European Union membership.

    Mr Willcox stated, "our position in terms of competitiveness is driven by not only the situation in Europe in terms of whether we're in or out of the EU, but more importantly the commitment of the people in the North East and supply chain. Focus really should be in that area because that is why we have such a great success story - the combined impact of our investment but also supply chain and a great workforce."

    Labour's MEPs had threatened that Nissan could leave the UK if Britain voted 'out' in the referendum. The Labour MEPs' website still states "Nissan have said they'd consider leaving the UK if we left the EU. Other countries might prefer if Nissan relocated there rather than have us enter a free trade deal with them."

    But UKIP's Jonathan Arnott said "We are absolutely delighted that more investment is coming to our region, directly guaranteeing 6,700 jobs and a further 27,000 in the supply chain, despite a general lack of government investment in our infrastructure.

    “We also welcome today's categorical confirmation that Nissan is here to stay, as we knew all along. We have guarantees of a free trade deal if we were to leave the EU, and World Trade Organisation rules would prevent the kind of punitive tariffs Labour are warning about.

    "Labour's claims have been utterly shattered, and this news is a huge blow for them. In ten separate articles on their website, local Labour MEPs claim that we must stay in the EU to prevent firms like Nissan leaving the UK.

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  • UKIP win first EU debate of the campaign

    Posted on September 03

    IMG_0271.JPGLast night in Peterborough saw the first of nine EU Referendum Debates across the East of England. This was the first event held by either side in the run up to the EU Referendum. UKIP's Patrick O'Flynn MEP and UKIP Deputy Chairman Suzanne Evans faced off against Julian Huppert, the former Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge and his teammate Laura Sandys, former MP for South Thanet and current Chairman of the European Movement.

    It was a fast paced debate with opening speech from each side and then short cross examination before lots of quick questions from the floor and a wrap up speech at the end from each side. A ballot was taken before the debate and one at the end to see the outcome. People were asked: 'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?' Results were as follows:

    The pre debate ballot was: YES 11%, NO 67%, DON'T KNOW 22%.
    The post debate ballot was: YES 11%, NO 88%, SPOILT BALLOT 1%.

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  • Zero hour contracts must not be used as a way of reducing the unemployment figures

    Posted on September 02

    jane-collins.jpgUKIP employment spokesman, Jane Collins MEP has blasted the huge rise in the number of zero-hour contracts for British workers saying neither the Conservative, nor Labour understand how “damaging and disruptive” these working arrangement can be for some workers.

    Speaking from Brussels, Ms Collins said, “The fact is, with the growing economy, the UK should be moving away from zero-hour contracts, rather than expanding the use of them. However, with rising unemployment figures, I fear the pressure on government to show improvements in the economy will act as a catalyst to push more and more people onto these contracts, even when they are totally unsuitable.”

    “While I understand that zero-hour contracts can suit the lifestyles and working patterns of some people, I am concerned some unemployed people are being pushed, under threat of losing their benefits, onto zero-hour contracts that offer no financial stability or continuity.”

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  • Mark Reckless says Referendum Purdah rules should be upheld

    Posted on September 02

    CEFF-3KWoAAou8p.jpgUKIP's Head of Policy Development Mark Reckless has today said: "UKIP welcomes the Government rethink on the application of ‘purdah’ during the EU Referendum Campaign.

    "It is important that neither those in Governmental nor in the civil service exploit their office in order to promote one side of the argument or the other. The Government is duty bound to give absolute clarity as to what the ‘exceptions’ to Purdah are.

    "We would also call for the Government to make it clear to the European Union institutions that they too should refrain from announcing new policy objectives and spending promises in the UK during the period of the campaign and also honour British purdah rules.

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