- published: 21 Aug 2014
- views: 1217
Ruše is a small town in northeastern Slovenia. It is the seat of the Municipality of Ruše and lies on the right bank of the Drava River west of Maribor. The area was part of the traditional region of Styria. It is now included in the Drava Statistical Region.
Ruše was mentioned in written sources in 1091 as Rovste (and as Roiste in 1184 and Råst in 1372, among other names). The name developed from the plural demonym *Rovьščane, derived from *rovъ 'ditch, trench', thus referring to people living near such a feature.
The parish church in the settlement is dedicated to the Holy Name of Mary and belongs to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Maribor. It was first mentioned in written documents dating to 1387, but was destroyed in an Ottoman raid in 1532. It was rebuilt soon after and then extended in the 17th century. The church was damaged by fire in 1779.
SOFTA MOJE RUŠE ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅̅ ̅ڪے~ ~
OŠ Janka Glazerja Ruše
Predstavitveni video 4aG - GSKŠ Ruše
Bodybuilding Ruše
Klintonovi ruše Balkan: Globalno sa Borisom Malagurskim (BN)
Letni oder Ruše 2017
Vesni Zmijanac RUŠE KUĆU Ona KUKA i moli
Bodybuilding Ruše
Ruše #pumptrack
Areh Ruše
Ruše spomini
Predstaviteni video Shoot with: Canon 600D, Gopro 4 Black Camera: Jure Vrčko Editing: Jure Vrčko Heli: Boštjan Lesjak, BKTV Music: Topher Mohr and Alex Elena - Golden days
•Contact: ►► nekijutuber@gmail.com Adresa na koju šaljete pisma: PRVOMAJSKA 2 ZAVIDOVIĆI 72220 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA MIRZA DEMIROVIĆ Ako vam se video svidio ostavite lajk, komentar ili share puno mi znači. •Instagram: ►► https://instagram.com/nekijutuber/ •Facebook stranica: ►► https://www.facebook.com/jutuberofficial •Facebook profil: ►► https://www.facebook.com/neki.jutuber •Snapchat: ►► nekijutuber •Google+: ►► https://plus.google.com/+NekiJutuber
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/malagurski Podržite novi film Borisa Malagurskog: http://www.WeightOfChains.ca/3/ SEZONA 2 | EPIZODA 22 Gosti: Dževad Galijašević, Aleksa Milojević, Vanja Elez, Drago Vuković. Tema: Da li Klintonovi potpaljuju Balkan da bi rušili Trampa? Emisija „Globalno sa Borisom Malagurskim“ bavi se svetskim temama iz domaće perspektive i domaćim temama iz svetske perspektive, kroz diskusiju sa relevantnim stručnjacima iz našeg regiona, kao i intervjue sa stranim ekspertima širom sveta.
Hvala Vam na poseti. Pogledajte i ostale vesti i zanimljivosti na kanalu. Lajkujte ako vam se nesto dopadne i prijavite se na kanal. Reflektor prenosi najzanimljivije vesti i aktuelnosti a tiču se estradnih desavanja, rijalitija, muzičkih takmičenja u Srbiji a i šire. Istinitost samih tekstova ne garantujemo jer su oni u 60 od sto preuzeti sa najčitanijih portala. Hvala.
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Celotni prispevek: http://www.dostop.si/Novica.aspx?ID=5332 Univerza v Mariboru se lahko pohvali s študenti, ki prihajajo z vseh koncev Slovenije. Kakšnih 200 pa jih prihaja na študij v Maribor tudi iz tujine. Tako nekateri priletijo z letalom, nekateri se pripeljejo z vlakom, spet nekateri pa …
"For a while it can seem like it's a selfish mission to turn your attention so much into yourself. But actually you're like a pioneer into your own spirit--you go there, and something happens in you, where the person blossoms into presence. And the presence is infinitely more wise than the person. And when the presence seems to awaken or reveal itself, it has the power to begin to transform life. The awakened presence is a blessing and a light in the world." This video can also be watched on http://mooji.tv Music: Om Purnamidam by Sivali Shanti
Dear John, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore
You're not the man I fell in love with
And I have to move on with my life, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye cool
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
So everything that came out of your mouth was full of lies
You looked me right dead in the eyes
You'd call your girlfriends and tell them that I abused your trust
You did your best to demonize
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
You were the one who raped my soul
Beautiful lies, you stole my hope
Touching your ass, I scratch the skin
Holding your neck, I tie the rope
(Pulling it tight)
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
You were the one, the one for me
Now that you're gone it's hard to see
So much of me has gone away
There's no need to stay another day
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay