Program Times

Monday-Friday 7-10pm Pacific
10pm-1am Refeed
Sunday 7-10pm Pacific

Celebrating Our 23rd Year!


8-31-15 thru 9-4-15







Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Radiation Monitoring Stations
Nice…But Why Aren't We Ever Told The Results?
Because The Results Wash Up On The Beaches, Dead By The Millions


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Jeff & Blake Sawyer - Life-Changing, Anti-Aging Secrets - Vid - Here .........Hear Jeff Talk To Blake Sawyer In Radio Interview - Here


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Devvy Kidd

FREE Listen - 8-28-14 Jeff & Devvy MP3

Three Tips That Can Save You Big Money

Finally - Federal Judge Slams 'Standing'

Biggest Loser GOP Debate - The American People

Are You Prepared To Deal With This? Most Aren't Til Too Late



Listen Free MP3
- Kirwan On Rense

Darkly Through The Hourglass...12 Yrs On

And We Call This Progress?


Global Predators & Outlaws


Jeff With Gilad Atzmon & Br Nathanael On The Greatest Threat To The World - FREE Listen

Trump's Deck Of Jewish Cards - Vid

Why Trump Won’t Scrunch

Trump’s Foreign Policy Hawk ‘Advisers’

The Church In Putin's Eyes - Vid

When Trump Makes A Deal - Vid

Thought Police…Prison Without Bars - Vid


Gilad Atzmon

Jeff & Gilad Atzmon - Bibi & The Deal - FREE Listen MP3

Atzmon - Refugees Should Seek Help In Synagogues

Atzmon - Antisemitism And The Math

Atzmon - The Meaning Of Corbyn

The Kingmaker - Subject Of A Huge Zionist Smear

Atzmon - Backfire

Pope Francis, Alison Weir And The Senhedrin


Yoichi Shimatsu

Bangkok Bombing Part 2 - Tracking Urban Guerrillas

Profile Of The Actors Behind Bangkok’s Cat & Mouse Game

Tianjin Shock Wave Linked To Vaporized ‘Ro-Ro’ Ship

The ‘MH370’ Flap Heralds Rothschilds Reunion With Japanese Fascism


Prof James Fetzer

Russia Would Easily Win Conventional Euro War

US Intel - Iran Not Pursuing Nukes

Top Ten Reasons WE KNOW ISIS Was In USA


Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

Breast Cancer Is Caused By Pleomorphic Bacteria

Coccoid Forms Of Bacteria & The Cause Of Cancer


David Duke

Constant Zionist Efforts To Censor Dr. Duke May Result In Some Broken Links

FREE LISTEN - Jeff & David Duke 8.18.15

Duke - Leftist Zio Media Lies 'I Have Not Endorsed Trump'

Official Statement On The Duke-Jones Debate

Watch Dr David Duke Debate Alex Jones (at 50 Min) - Vid

David Duke vs Zio-Thom Hartmann - The Confederate Flag

Stunning Comments On 'Duke Takes Aim At Nicki Minaj'


Gerald Celente

Celente - China Can't Save Itself, Downside Gold Risk 'Very Low'

Celente - Gold Prices Are Down But Gold's Not Out


Dean Henderson

Limbaugh, The Crown & Other Tit-Suckers

Putin Launches Eurasian Economic Union

Dump Israel

Reptilian Primary Trumped

Press TV - US Harbors Israeli Terrorists

Press TV - US Backing Of Saudi Cluster Bombs Despicable

China Unleashes Deflationary Spiral

The Debate - Syria Peace Prospects

Four Horsemen & $44 Oil

The Debate - War On Syria


Jay Weidner

Weidner - It's Been 3 am For Over A Year Now...

Rense & Weidner - Psychopathic Satanic Evil Everywhere - Vid

Smoking Out The Monster

Anthony Lawson - (Five Stars - Rense)

In Memory Of Anthony Lawson - Vid

Anthony Lawson's Last Video - Sexual Consent & Israel's Biggest Lie - Vid

Friends Of Israel Are Enemies Inside The Gates - Vid


Karl Schwarz

Hillary Clinton - Career Of Habitual Unethical & Illegal Conduct

You Might Be A Stupid American Sheeple If…Part 2

Love America But Hold Its Neocon Govt In Contempt

You Might Be A Stupid American Sheeple If...


Palmer Bailey

The Feds Order You To Kill Or Be Killed

Jury Nullification Is A Game Changer

You Have No Right To Vote For President


Preston James, PhD

Evil Agenda Revealed In Unexpected Blowback

Why Are American Police Murdering So Many Unarmed Civilians & Getting Away With It?

It's A Matter Of Simple Logic


John Friend

White Women Are Getting Fed Up - Watch

Why Does CA Show Racial Disparity In Arrests?

Jewish Mind Control Programming

Israeli Mayor Commands Police, Residents To Block Illegal Alien Infiltrators

White Supremacists Next Target In 'Global War On Terror'

10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust - Vid

Rising 'Anti-Semitism' Driving Jews From Jewish Life


John Barbour

Today's American Values

'American Sniper' - A Review By John Barbour


Matt Barber

Why The Supreme Court Is Not Supreme

Adulterers - ‘Your Sin Will Find You Out’

The ‘Gay Marriage’ Gauntlet - Time To Choose

This Is Your Nuremberg, Planned Parenthood


Dave Lindorff

Katie Couric’s Hit Job on Social Security

NYT Covers Up Washington's Monstrous Evil


Xaviant Haze

Robin Williams Death From Autoerotic Asphysixia?

The Secret History Of Laurel Canyon

Dr. Ed Ward, MD

Happy 13th Year And 514th Day Anniversary Of US Treasons - Too Many to Count All

Boston Bombing Treason - Four Important Articles

First Israeli Friendly Fire ‘Soldier Settlement’ Kill?


Professor Doom

Why Not Default On Student Loans?

A Philosopher Looks At Today’s Higher Education

Higher Education Not Leftist Enough? Seriously?

UCLA Offers Paid Internships To Illegals

Another School Plundered

Climbing Walls Are Higher Education?

Higher Education As Ponzi Scheme

Student Loans As Wealth Transfer

Accreditors to Clamp Down On Fake Schools? Unlikely.

LegalZoom Jumps on Student Plunder Bandwagon


Adrian Salbuchi

The Death Of Israeli Agent & 'Argentine' Prosecutor Nisman

Charlie Hebdo - Déjà Vú…?

Sovereign Debt For Territory - New Global Elite Strategy


Charlie McGrath

The Extremist Threat - Vid

Economic Collapse Near? - Vid

Speak Out...And Lose It All - Vid


Richard Sauder

Why Is There Such A Martian Coverup?

Time We Had 'The Talk' - Will You Survive Nuclear War?


Dave Martin

Dylann Roof And Jared Taylor

Google Buries My Revelations Of Hillary's Lesbianism

Post Omits Hamid Gul's 9/11 Doubts from Obituary

What Did Anne Frank Have Against Americans?

Wikipedia's Greatest Misses


Webster Tarpley

Tsar Alexander II Ready To Fight In 1863 To Help Lincoln

How To Identify CIA Limited Hangout Op?

Margaret Thatcher And The Decline Of The West



Visiting A Vietnamese Market - Morris

There Will Be A War Before A Crash Is Allowed - Morris

Corbyn A Cabal Convenience While Britain Sinks - Morris

Idiosyncratic Inventors Like Tesla Are Solitary - Morris

Abhorrent Hillary For Rigged Pres Elections - Morris


Paul Craig Roberts

Whither The Economy?

The Rise Of The Inhumanes

Judiciary Branch Has Self-Abolished

Where Is Neo When We Need Him

Western Demo Is An Endangered Species

Central Banks Are A Corrupting Force

'America Is A Gulag'

The Social Cost Of Capitalism

A Prescription For Peace & Prosperity


Frosty Wooldridge

Losing Our Civil Society

Post US Culture - Becoming A Separated Tribal Nation

Mother Nature Reaching Edge Of Silence

We Need National Discussion US Overpopulation Crisis

Post American Culture: Congress’ War On American Citizens

4 Dead Marines - Collateral Damage In War On America


Peak Crackers

YouTube Channel

Thought's Ajar - Vid

The Zio Fiat Zone -Vid


Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD

March 15, 2013 Interview

The End Time Timetable

It's Not The Economy, Stupid…It's The END

Conditions On Earth At Present -pdf


Kawther Salam

Historic Iran Nuclear Deal Seals Kerry-Zarif Claim To 2016 Nobel Peace Prize

Iran In Historic Deal With World Powers


Zen Gardner

Shemitah Market Crash - Prophecy Or Quackery?

Zen - Don't Be Attached To The Shitstorm

Deaf Ears, Foot Dragging And Moving To The Next Level


Unfiltered Breathed In – Truth About Aerotoxic Syndrome - Vid

11 Things You Should Remind Yourself Of Daily

True Self - Who Are You Really?


Jordan Maxwell

Fire In The Minds Of Men - James H Billington

Original Gun Control


Ted Twietmeyer

Why Manufactured FEAR Is Required

Breeding Mental Illness To Further American Empire

Possible Scanner For Future Rationing In Closed WalMart?

Amazing Discovery - Feb 2015 World Climate


Jon Rappoport

Official Science - The Grand Illusion Of All Robots

Big Money - Pump And Dump As A Way Of Life

The Individual vs Collective Mind Control


Stephen Lendman

Trump On The Issues

Murder, Inc Official Israeli Policy

Thousands Demand Netanyahu's Arrest For War Crimes

Palestinian Hunger Striker Life Hangs By Thread


Barbara Peterson

Monsanto Troll Handbook Of Snappy Replies Infographic

Roundup Of Roundup® Reveals Converging Pattern Of Toxicity


Betty Martini

September is Aspartame Awareness Month

Woman Dies From Aspartame Chewing Gum

Poison Plus Poison Equals Poison


Jill Henderson

Harvesting And Using The Flowers Of Herbs

Fun In The Garden With Critters


Norman Livergood

Iceland's Example To The World


 Joe Tells It Straight

JoeTalk - Trump Will Be 'Public Enemy Number One' (!) -Vid

JoeTalk - Trump...WW3 Pt 1 - Vid

JoeTalk - Trump…WW3 Pt 2 - Vid

JoeTalk - Trump…WW3 Pt 3 - Vid

JoeTalk - Trump Sent Them Packing 1 - Vid

JoeTalk - Trump Sent Them Packing 2 - Vid

JoeTalk - Walk The Walk, Pt 1 - Vid

JoeTalk - Trump...I Have The Goods 2 - Vid

JoeTalk - Trump…I Have The Goods 1 - Vid


Frosty Wooldridge Adventures

Bicycling Coast-To-Coast Across America - Pt 18

Frosty Woodridge Bicycling Coast To Coast - Part 16



Vital Data

State Dept Says #1

Declared Communist
Goals In US - Familiar?

The Eve Of Destruction

Images Of Heroic
American Activists

Spilling The Beans -
The Trouble With Soy

Jeffrey Smith - GM Food
Danger, Potential
- Vid

Clif High

Free Audio
2012...The End Of 
Life As We Know It?

Images And Data

Climate Change Catastrophe
Took 6 Months

Benjamin Freedman -
Facts Are Facts

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 1/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 2/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 3/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 4/4

Jesus Was NOT A Jew -
Benjamin Freedman

Confessions Of A
KGB Master Spy

How A Zionist-Communist Takeover Happens - Vid

The Dark Side
Of The Internet

Click Here

Vike UFO Archive

Click Here

Turkey - Stunning UFO
Video - The Best Ever?

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part I

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part II

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part III

Betty Martini
Toxic Aspartame

Click Here

Cell Phone Dangers

The Hidden Dangers Of
Cell Phone Radiation

Brain Tumors From Cell
Phones - More Evidence

UK Schools Outlawing
WiFi In The Classroom

Secret Report On Cell
Phone Dangers & Tetra

12 Basic Life-Saving
Cell Phone Use Precautions

Toxic China

Click Here

Eustace Mullins

Click Here

Royal Raymond Rife

Rife Documentary Trailer #1

Rife Documentary Trailer #2

Rife Documentary Trailer #3

Rife Therapy Treats Lyme Disease

Dutch TV Talks Rife


The Battle Of LA 1942

Click Here

Headline News Stories 24/7 - Worlds #1 Alternative News Service
Your First Source For Reality & Honest Journalism

Disclaimer And Fair Use

W. Coast Sea Animals Delirious, Disoriented - Food Chain Gone

TEPCO Pumps Up Groundwater, Dumps It In Pacific

Fukushima Discharge Canal Record Radioactive Spike

Implications Of Mass Contamination Of Japan With Cesium

Skyrocketing Sea Life Radiation Deaths On West Coast

Fukushima Health Damage, Death Much Worse

This Nuke Plant Dubbed CA's Fukushima

Fukushima Report Dangerously Downplays Risks

Japan Olympic Organizers Under Fire As Mishaps Grow

Greenpeace Slams IAEA Fukushima Report

New Fire Erupts At Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

If War Ruins Ukraine New Chernobyl Disaster Possible

For All Fukushima Stories See Top Right Column

Kirwan - And We Call This 'Progress'?

White Women Are Getting Fed Up - Watch

Globalist, Anti-White Programming In Falling Skies Finale

The Doomed Effort To Doom Trump

Trump Bashes Ben Carson On Job Creation

Media Collude Illegals To Set-Up Trump Security?

Hillary Confidants Set For GOP Grilling

Statistician Has Proof US Elections Are A Sham

W. Coast Sea Animals Delirious, Disoriented - Food Chain Gone

Roberts - Whither The Economy?

Br Nathanael - If I Were President - Vid

False Reports Of Russian Military In Syria

Putin – EU Refugee Crisis ‘Absolutely Expected’ - Vid

EU Must See Its Guilt For The Refugees

Putin Launches Eurasian Economic Union

Worst Mass Murderers Ever Were Jews - Jewish Writer

Frustrated Cheney Hints At Nuclear Strike On Iran

Japan Eyes Investment Pact With Iran

NYT Says US Abides By Cluster Bomb Treaty - A Lie

Canadian Jets Killed 27 Iraqi Civilians

Western Support For Israeli State Terror

The CIA And The Media

DOJ Reasserts Right To Engage In Seized Data Fishing


Link Between Mass Shootings & Anti-Depressants!

When Rothschild Inherits A Semiconductor Patent

What Adolf Hitler Said About FDR - (Ouch!)

Frosty - Losing Our Civil Society

Obama Climate Doom Prophecies In AK Fall Flat

Doom - Why Not Default On Student Loans?

Stunning Video Of A Great Blue Whale

Citibank Study Finds Big Benefits In Climate Change

Vids Of VA Reporter Shooting Hoax Were Diff Takes!

NV Gives Public School Funds Back To Parents

Arby’s Fires Mgr Who Wouldn't Serve Cop

Co Accused Of Discrim - Made Workers Prove Citizenship

Latest SAT Scores Raise New Alarms Over 'Education'


Difference Between Religious & Philosophical Beliefs?

MH370 And The Rothschild Inheritance Conspiracy

Warren Beatty, John Reed, Intel Fronts?

Cops Kill Man w/Down Syndrome Over Movie Ticket

Entire Family Arrested, Child Taken By CPS, For...

Fight Against Obamacare Largely Over

Punished For Being Poor

Parliament Child Sex Abuse Victim Speaks

Lying For Science

Alzheimers, Aluminium And Elimination - Vid

Cruising Towards Oblivion


3 Pacific Cyclones And A Hurricane Off Africa

How Much Do Chronic Diseases Cost In The US?

When The Levees Break…

Zombie Drug Hits UK Streets - Video

Oz Data Retention Laws End Online Privacy

Earth's First Mass Extinction Caused By Critters

The Fate Of The Universe

Inside California's Crystal Ice Cave

Active Volcanoes In The World

Sadness Changes How You See The Color Blue

Millennials Have Have Low Opinion Of Themselves


Triangular UFO Filmed Over TX Town

MoD Denies Scrambling Jets Over UFOs

Russians Shot Down UFO Over Iran?

NH Town Recognizes Famed Exeter UFO Incident

'Wormhole' Connecting 2 Regions Of Space Created

Guatemala’s Drunk Horse Riding Race

The Struggles Of The World's Hairiest Family

Energy Firms Rewards Execs For Worse Climate Crisis

Alone - It’s The Last Thing We Are

The Witches of Salem

10 Airports Where You’ll Welcome A Layover


Snowden - Hillary Knows She Exposed Sensitive Intel

Sanders Slams US War Hawks - Outspoken Iowa Interview

'Fumbles' For Both Front Runners?

MDs - Trump Deporting Illegals Will Harm Public Health (BS!)

Russia Says Assad Ready To Share Power

Putin - Assad Would 'Accept' Snap Elections To Avoid 'Chaos'

WH Confirms Russian Presence In Syria

Syrian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Germany, Austria

Russia Says Assad Ready To Share Power

Pentagon - US Ships Are Spying On Russia


UK ‘Extremely Focused’ On Russia Military Activities

Vladimir Putin Straight Talk

US Launches New Military Communications Satellite

Obama Warns Russia Not To Fight ISIS

US Preps For Big War With China To Wreck Its Economy

1945-49 US, UK Planned To Nuke Russia To Stone Age

Feds Let Mexican Drug Cartels Buy Guns….Big Secret

Pentagon Orders Safety Review Of 9 Labs

Clerk Jailed For Not Issuing Gay Marriage License

Man Arrested For Mocking Mayor On Twitter Wins Big Suit

China Said Building Two Aircraft Carriers

Indonesia To Buy 16 Russian SU-35s


CIA's Long HIstory Of Running The US Media

Washington Plants Seeds Of Fear About China

Russia Better Claim To Crimea Than Brits To N Ireland

NYT Lies - Says US Abides By Cluster Bomb Treaty

Israel's Failed Anti-Iranian Deal Campaign

Israel Brandishes 'Iron Dome Of The Sea'

Yemeni Forces Destroy Saudi Apache Choppers

US To Give Saudis Even More Weapons

HRW Raps Rights Abuses In Saudi Arabia

US Agenda In Yemen - To Stop Indy Regime From Coming In

Saudis To Cut Oil Prices For US & NW Europe In Oct

IMF - China Impact Worse Than Thought


Japan Suggests Russia Use Yen Instead Of US Dollar

Putin - Far East is Key To Russian Economic Development

Putin Starts Eastern Economic Forum In Vladivostok

Some 450 People Killed By Cluster Munitions In 2014

Corbyn Opposed To UK Troop Deployment Abroad

You Are Not Alone

The Creation of HIV/Aids- Shocking Documentary

Hold On

Uranium On The Great Plains

False Flags Are F*cking Funny

Black Goo And Programmable Matter

When The Mountains Tremble


Jeff & Frosty Wooldridge - Illegal Immigration Deluge - Vid

Jeff & Dean Henderson - The Mask Of Zion - Vid

Trump - I'll Know Hamas & Hezbollah When It's Time

The GOP's Problem Is Not Donald Trump

Why Trump Is Focusing On Bush


State Dept Tries To Block Clinton Email Cases In Court

Judge May Order Search For Hillary Email Backups

Biden - 'I Would Not Hesitate To Run…'

Russians Fighting Alongside Assad Troops In Syria?

Putin’s MiGs vs US F-16s In Syria

The Illuminati Fear Program

Europeans Full Of Fear Over Refugee Deluge

Trains Carting Migrants Off To Detention In Hungary

Smuggling Refugees To Europe A Growth Industry

Confirmed - Zio-US To 'Use' Al Qaeda to Take Syria

Cultural Marxism - An Advanced Form Of Brain Disease


SHOCKING Film - Exposing The True Origins Of HIV

Stunning Giant Cube UFO Video Witness Speaks, 7-1-15

Incredible UFO Fleet Over Las Vegas, July 2015

Best UFO Sightings - June 2015

KY To Issue Gay Marriage License...Without Clerk

How We Became A Nation Of 'Have Nots'

Seeking 'Role-Players' Confirms DoD In Boston

EPA Fines Man $16m For Building A Pond

The World Is Running Out Of Water

Is The Stock Market Now 'Too Big To Fail'?

Fed Move May Be ‘Too Little, Too Late’


'Go To Cash'

CA Bill Allows Police To Ignore Gun Rights Advances

Deputies Who Brutally Beat Surrendering Man Charged

Wasp's Venom Can Target And Kill Cancer Cells

60,000 Antelopes Died In 4 Days In Kazakhstan

Adam Ward Filmed An 'Active Shooter Drill' 2 Wks Ago

19 Intriguing Coincidences Around The VA Shooting

Ray Bradbury's FBI file

A Jaw-Dropping Aerial Tour Of Iceland

Behind The 'Spike' In Police Deaths

US Sub Takes On Russia In Santa’s Backyard

The French Farmers Are Coming


Why Puerto Rico's Killer Bees Stopped Killing

Why Are We Still Paying To Use A Card?

The Thought Of Love’s Victory

Parallel Universes Is Not Just Maths

2,000 Yr Old Labyrinth Uncovered in India

The Lost Tunnels Buried Deep Beneath The UK

Why Does CA Show Racial Disparity In Arrests?

How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worst

Hovering UFO Triangle Spotted Over Killeen, TX

Author Abducted By ET Near Area 51?

ET Found In Russian Nuclear Power Plant.. ISN’T

Mysterious Lights Over El Paso


Hillary Knows She Exposed Sensitive Data - Snowden

Hillary Aide Takes The Fifth Amendment

Hillary's 7 Eyebrow-Raising Email Comments

Sanders - Skyrocketing Rx Prices Are Killing Americans

Trump Signs RNC Loyalty Pledge

Roberts - The Rise Of The Inhumanes

Armstrong Warns - #1 Terrorist Group Is Domestic Citizens

Number Americans Living On $2 Day Doubled In 20 Yrs


‘Muslim-Free Zones’ - New Segregation In America

US DIA To Set Up Overseas Cyber Commands

Army To New Yorkers - Can You Help Us Find Lost Missile?

Pentagram To Freeze Ops At 9 BioLabs

Schoenman - US invasion Of Iraq Was Genocidal War

Cheney Defends Invasion Of Iraq

FBI Admits Spying On 'Burning Man' Event

Imbecile Cop Fakes Attack, Shoots Own Car

Japan To Dump US Dollar With Russia, China

Why Foreign Nations Repatriating Gold From Fed?

Financial Sector To Cut Credit Lines For Oil And Gas

Marc Faber Warns 'There Are No Safe Assets Anymore'

NYPost - Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Audited

Second Largest US Pension Fund To Sell 12% Of Stocks


Lenders Could Deny Loans Based On Your FB Friends

Farmers Block Roads In Paris Demanding ‘Fair Prices'

Debt Crisis - 'We Need A New Europe – Austrian Magazine

Evil Agenda Revealed In Unexpected Blowback

Kirwan - Convergence

Education Shocker In Utah - Listen To This

WA Sues Feds Over Nuke Waste Safety Threats

35% VA Healthcare Applicants Died Awaiting Approval

Second Video Shows TX Cops Murder Man With Hands Up

Iran Lavish Mohammed Biopic Draws Sunni Outrage

Region Should Be Vigilant Against Israel - Iran Diplomat

Iran To Continue Military Buildup Until Collapse Of Israel

US To Hit Iran’s 'Destabilizing Policies' With All Tools - Kerry

Rubio - 'I Will Re-Impose Iran Sanctions On Day 1'

War Hawks Panic - Obama Gets 34th Vote On Iran Deal


Major Defense Drills Underway In Iranian Capitol

Jewish Mind Control Programming

AIPAC Official - Bibi'a Congress Speech Hurt Israel

Bibi - Israeli Forces To Be Freer To Shoot Pal Stone-Throwers

Israel Stages Missile Attack On North Gaza Strip

Egypt To Flood Gaza Border To Destroy Tunnels

Bibi Wants Direct Talks With Palestinians 'Immediately'

Russian Ship Near US Sub Base Causes Pentagram Frenzy

US Sanctions Scores Of Russia, China, Syria Farms Over Iran

Russia Warns US Of Firm Response To New Sanctions

Russia Bans Food Import From Bulgaria

US Resolved To 'Ruin Russia's Military Co-op w/Foreign Partners'


Russia, China Will Create Heavy-Lift Helicopter From Scratch

Putin's Track Suit And Russia's Economy

Russia Eyes High Tech Moon Base

Monument To 66 Children KIlled By Porky's Bombs

New Kiev MIlitary Doctrine Says Russia 'Adversary'

IMF Officials Helped Steal Ukraine Funds

Idiot Porky Blames Kiev Grenade Deaths On....Russia

Ukraine Violence Sparked by Right-Wing Militants

Kiev To Declare Default If Debt Restructuring Rejected

Ukraine, Germany Sign 200 Million Euro Loan Deal

Obama's Covert Drone War On Syria


Foreign Powers Behind Crisis In Syria - UN

13 Mill MidEast, N Africa Kids Kept From School By War

Cameron - Britain Should Not Take More MidEast Refugees

UK Stance On Resettling Refugees ‘Shameful’ - Scottish Leader

Give All Refugees A Free Ticket To Brussels

Italy Willing To Suspend Schengen Over Refugee Crisis

Czech Cops Write ID Numbers On Asylum Seekers' Arms

Czechs Want EU Borders Closed – Poll

Boat With 100 Migrants Capsizes Off Malaysia

Hungary PM Slams EU Inability To Control Situation

China To Cut Military Forces By 300,000


China Marks 70th V-Day Anniversary w/Spectacular Parade

Why Russia Military Won't Intervene In Syria Or Anywhere

US Announces Intention To Set Up Ships In Black Sea

NATO Unveils Six Command Centers In E Europe

Bogus Reports As Part Of Western Media War

Twin Bomb Attacks Hit Yemen Capitol Mosque - 20 Killed

US Launches Secret Drone Campaign In Syria

Britain’s Surveillance State ‘Worse Than Bad Joke’

Scotland Would Vote Independence In New Referendum

Kakaako Homeless Camp Attracting Flies


Giant Sinkhole In Russian Urals Keeps Growing

Forgotten Genocides & Alleged Miseducation Of Portman

To Know The Truth, First You Must Know The Lie

Shemitah Market Crash - Prophecy Or Quackery?

Mind Control Engineers Drug Kids For 'Social Justice'

How Walking In Nature Changes The Brain

Tom Brady's 4 Game Suspension Tossed By Judge

Deep Sea Creature Stuns Explorers

Rare Sarcophagus Found In Israel

Altered Blood Cells Hunt And Kill Cancer

New Teflon Chems Pose Potential Consumer Threat


Is Bernie Sanders Just Another Israel Apologist?

Hillary Emails Via Private Server Now Deemed Classified

Fiorina's Secret Deals With Iran Make Her Unfit For 2016

Obama Prevails in Senate for Iran Nuclear Deal

Obama Is A Climate Hypocrite

Obama 'Science' Czar A Forced-Abortion Advocate

September 2015 Reality Check

Russia Is Talking About The September Convergence

176 Homes Lost In Biggest Wildfire In WA History

Brother Nathanel's Amazing Videos


More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia

Atzmon - Refugees Should Seek Help In Synagogues

Bloomberg Begins Layoffs Of Roughly 80 Journalists

Bloomberg Announces Major Reorganization - More Clownish?

Dollar As World's Reserve Currency Threatened

The Eclipsing Of The US Dollar

Economic Bubbles About To Burst

Univ Statistician Sues Govt Over Rampant Vote Fraud

Bad Grades For Saying 'Illegal Alien,’ ‘Male,’ ‘Female’?

Death Cross Patterns Spread All Over Stock Market

Rapper Slams Drug War, Police Brutality, 'War On Humanity'


Parents Of Woman Killed By Illegal On SF Pier Sue

Indiana Cops Call In MIlitary For Pot Raid

Uniformed Cop Denied Service At Arby's

Trigger-Happy Cop Shot One Of His Own

EX SC Police Chief 1 Yr House Arrest - Killed Unarmed Black

FOP Backs Bill For Police Anonymity

SWAT Team Blows Up Innocent Citizen’s Home

CA To End Solitary For Thousands

Clerk Defies Court - No Marriage Licenses To Gays

Guatemalan Sisters - Ages 4, 7 - Call 911 At Border

Birthright Citizenship Wasn’t Born In US

The Surging Ranks Of America's Ultrapoor

HS Girls Rage - Transgender Student In Their Restroom

SoCal Woodie Car Show - Pics

Evidence Of An 'Inner Sun' Heating Our Planet?

Why Such Amateurish False Flag Shootings?

Top 40 Pieces Of Fakery In Our World

A Philosopher Looks At Today’s Higher Education

I Had A Dream…

10 Facts About CERN You Need To Know

Why Preppers Need To Focus On Local Food

Prophecies Of Capt Doom - Famine, Floods, Fire, Fighting

NY Mom Made Case for Son’s Religious Vax Exemption


Public Hygiene Through the Ages

Biology, Psychology And Mysticism Unite

FDA Approves OxyContin For Young Kids

Corn Wars

Streets With No Game

Coca-Cola Poisons Water Of Millions In Sri Lanka

Are Floating Farms In Our Future?

Titanic's Last Lunch Menu Up for Auction

Night Sky Guide For September

West Coast Weed Farms Are Lighting Up

Childhood Depression On The Rise

Replace Household Cleaners With Essential Oils


Kirwan - Global Predators & Outlaws

Obama Gets Votes Needed For Iran Deal

Obama Gets Votes Needed To Protect Iran Nuke Deal

Trump Tells Jeb To Speak English In Ameirca

Hillary Flip-Flops On Need For More Debates


Hillary Wins High Profile Endorsement

Hillary Emails Reveal Warning On Cameron

Hillary Emails - Cherie Blair Lobbied For Qatar Prince

Obama Worst President Ever?

Roberts - Judiciary Branch Has Self-Abolished

Climate Change – Smoke Screen In Arctic Geopolitical Play

The Muzzling Of Free Speech In America

F-16 Designer - F-35 Is Hopeless Against Ancient Mig-21

British Battleship Of The Future?

8 Dead From Legionnaires In Illinois

Porky Loses Control Over Anti-Russian Front

Ukraine’s Protesters Paid To Storm Parliament?

Ukraine Falls Into Debt Slavery

Kiev Riots Herald Coming Of Chaos To Ukraine

Odessa May Soon Break Away From Ukraine

Armored Vehicles To Patrol Downtown Kiev

Daily Beast Blames Rise Of ISIS On…Russia! (oh, please!)

EU Waking Up to Reality In Ukraine

Russian Parliament Speaker Slams US Sanctions

US-Russia Standoff - 'Moscow Feels Betrayed By DC'

West 'Creates Military Flashpoints' Along Russia’s Borders


India Buys 48 Russian Mi17-V5 Choppers

Venezuela To Up Oil Production With China Loan

Crude’s Biggest Rally In 25 Yrs On Possible Ease In Global Glut

WTI Extends Crash To 10% After

How High Oil Prices Must Climb To Stop Saudi Bleed

Russia Not To Limit Oil Field Access For Foreign Firms

Joint Rosneft-Statoil Ventures Sign Deal With China's COSL

China Navy Maneuvers Near Alaska Coast

German Media - Bomb Mideast To Stop Illegal Flight

1,000s Of IlIegals Arrive In Athens - Euro Tensions Grow


3,000 Illegals Arrive In Hungary DAILY

1,000s Of Illegals Stranded In Budapest Train Depot

Eurostar Suspended Again - Illegals On Tracks

Insider - Tsipras Tried To Take Russia For A Ride

Escobar - A Parable For Our Dangerous Times

Stiglitz Slams German Economic Bullying Of France

1,000s Investors, 24 Countries, To Vladivostok Econ Conf

Millions Of Indian Workers Go On Strike

More Euro Military Exercises Ups Risk Of War

US Needs To Upgrade Old Radars To Detect Missiles


Russia Won't Fight In Syria

How The Saudi-Led Coalition Is Killing Civilians

18 Yemen Civilians Killed In Saudi Airstrikes

Henderson - Dump Israel

Gaza Strip Uninhabitable By 2020 - UN Report

Israel Complains About Palestinian Flag In UN

Leader Tells Iranian Army To Upgrade Defenses

Zarif Terms Israel Biggest Enemy To Peace

Dems Make Iran Nuke Deal Ready To Move Ahead

Cops Bash Media For Showing Them Executing Man

Drowning In Blood - Many US Cities See Murder Rates Soar


Russia Rejects Report Of Aircraft, Troops In Syria

US Realizes Russia's Key Role In Solving Syrian Crisis

US Open To Russian Role In Anti-ISIS Coalition

US & Clients Making World Safer For Hypocrisy

Petraeus Urges Unleashing Al-Qaeda ISIL

Daesh Kills 112 Of Its Own For Coup Attempt In Iraq

ISIL Brandishes US Weapons In Iraq

Syria Complains To UN About Turkey Terrorist Support

Senior EU Official Says Hiding Behind The Net Is 'Utopian'

Merkel Supports Stopping Catalonia Secession

Corbyn Calls for Parliament Veto On Future Wars


3 Yr Old Jews Told Non-Jews Are 'Evil' At London School

Three Major Hurricanes Pictured Over Pacific First Time

Forests Twice Size Of Portugal Lost In 2014

Remembering Wayne Dyer - 20 Quotes To Help You

Chipotle Sued Over GMO-Free Claim

Siberian Lab Set To Clone Extinct Mammals

A.I. Robot Tells Creator - Humans To Be Kept In Zoos

Gorilla Peekaboo With Toddler At Columbus Zoo

Mysterious 'Alien' Corpse Found in Russia?

Geomag Storm Fries Telegraph Lines – 156 Yrs Ago


Kirwan - America’s Ugly Problem

Trump Forces Immigration Debate

Donald Trump's Vile, Brilliant Ad

Christie Is America’s Most Desperate Candidate

Clinton Emails Show 'Incompetent' Haiti Response

Koch Bros To Pour All Into Backing Sanders

Grassroots To AZ In Operation Detain McCain

DHS Sending Cops To Train In Israel


Illegals, Migrants, Immigrants Or Refugees?

Illegal Jailed Selling Grenades, Deported 2x Before

TX Cops Kill Another Civilian - Hands In Air?

All The Secretary’s Yes Men

'Defense'? NATO Unveils 6 Command Centers

Russia May Sell Mistral Copters To Mistral Buyer

Putin Drafts Bill To Dump Dollar, Euro

As Arctic Warms, Why US Falling Behind Russia?

Migrants - EU Could Scrap Free Movement

Gaza - A Socioeconomic Dead Zone

Petraeus - Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS

Br Nathanael - Trump's Deck Of Jewish Cards - Vid


Pentagon Not Targeting ISIS Training Camps

New Mercs, Propagandists Hide As ‘Humanitarians’

Alaska - Too Many Fires, Not Enough Snow

EPA Raises Alarm Over GMO Crops

Radiation Killing More Baby Seals Along CA Coast

Dow In Biggest Monthly Loss Since 2010

Global Markets Are Melting Down

Biggest World Central Bank Risk Ia Here

Low Income Can’t Afford Any Metro Area

Creator Of 'Fair DUI Flyer' Arrested At FL Checkpoint


Children Of The Tribes

'Bizarre' Human-Size Sea Scorpion Found

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse On September 28

550,000 Miles Hidden Under Ocean

Three Category 4 Hurricanes Raging At Once

Race For The Unbreakable Password

Strange Cases Of Mass Hysteria

Is The World Running Out Of Space?

Tampa, Dubai May Get 'Grey Swan' Hurricanes

Historic Ride Along CA Famous Route 1 - Pics


Plastic In 99% Of Seabirds By 2050

Hackers Steal 225,000 Apple Account Logins

Britain's Atlantis?

The Dark Side Of Coffee

Vit D Reduces Asthma Intensity

Otter Best Friends With Lions, Hyenas

UFOs Killed Birds, Stopped Cars

Huge Sea Scorpion In Ancient Meteorite Crater

UFOs - The Trail Is Stale

UFOs Reported In North Mexico


Filer’s Files #35 - 2015 Orange Orbs & Triangles

Filer’s Files #34 - 2015 – ET spread Life To Earth

Filer’ Files #33 - 2015 - Motherships Are Back

Kirwan - The Origins Of Global Terrorism

Hillary Email Markings Changed To Hide Classified Info

When Jeb Stopped Trumps Casino Dreams

Wozniak Endorses Bernie Sanders


103 American Citizens Killed By Cops In August

Market Volatility - US Fed Dithers - Russia Stays Calm

Is Putin Dating A Female Ex-Boxer?

1 Dead, 100 Hurt In Kiev Clashes

Kiev Trying To Take More Power From The East

Netanyahu Faces Collapse Of Govt Coalition

Discrimination Against Russian Jews in Israel

Lavrov Warns Against 'Flirting' With Extremists In Kiev

Lavrov Calls On Kiev To Give Special Status To Donbass

Death Toll In Riots At Ukraine Parliament Reaches 2


Vicky Nuland Passing Out Virtual Cookies Outside Kiev

West Disappointed In Porky's Handling Of Radicals

Why No One Believes The Guardian Anymore

Labor Day When There Is No Work

At Least One Dead In New China Chem Plant Explosion

Western Resentment As Chinese WWII Parade Passes

Engdahl - China Rails Linking Eurasia

China Reveals Deadliest 'Guam Killer' Missile

Putin Says Dump Dollar And Euro

EU Explores Contacts With Eurasian Economic Union


Contact-Less Card Move Bring Cashless Society

The Promised ‘Transparency’ Around TTIP Has Been A Sham

India, Korea Plan $10 Billion Energy Park In Iran

Gun Control Groups Said To Put Gun Owners At Risk

Top Israeli News Portal Says Russia Hit ISIS In Syria

Putin Discusses Syrian Crisis King Of Jordan

Lavrov - Assad Is Legitimate Leader Despite West’s Claims

World Starts To See Need To Unite Against ISIS

Engdahl - Why Iran Won’t Double-Cross Russia


Donald Trump & White America’s Anxiety

Hillary & Huma - Two Peas In A Pod

‘Hillary For Prison’ Signs Getting Stolen In The Hamptons

Roberts - Dying Institutions Of Western Civilization

Red Obongo Murders Pres McKinley - Again

Conservatives, Liberals Inside Out? You're Doing it Right

'Racist’ Jorge Ramos - Kate’s Law ‘Unfair’ To Illegals

Academics Who Criticize War On Terror - 'Lawful Targets'

Conspiracy Of Silence - The Franklin Scandal

Dis-Integrating America

Mainstream Media Goes Berserk

Meet Allen Dulles - Fascist Spymaster

Hawaii Now A Sweltering Steam Bath - A Hellhole

Pepsi Admits Aspartame Bad - Ads Say Pepsi Has None

Martini - September is Aspartame Awareness Month

'Morphological Defects' In Fukushima Fir Trees

CA Neighbors Cope In Drought

Who Are The Visitors Overstaying Visas?

Invisible Drones Could Become Reality

F-35 To Face Off Against A-10 - Military Times

Windows 10 Spying On Every Image You Look At

Illinois Pays Lottery Winners In IOUs


CA Katrina Is Coming

Court - We Can’t Rule On NSA Bulk Collection

Citigroup Braces For Global Recession

Antimatter From The Center Of The Earth

Snake Smuggling, Lion Killing, Fish Crimes

Most Dire Weather Forecast Ever Issued

French Lady Allergic To WiFi - Gets Disability

UAL In Flight WiFi Blocks Popular News Sites

Virtual Reality - Grand illusions

EMS Crews Get Tanks, Kevlar, Ballistic Vests


Cops Use Secret Tool To Spy On Cell Phones

Is It Time To Ban The 'Gay' Flag?

Whites Quit Working With Black MS Judge

Obama's Climate Contradictions Laid Bare

Hidden Ice Blamed For Crazy Crater On Mars

VA TV Shooting Hoax(?) Crisis Actor Compilation?

Mass Shootings - Did We Miss The Punchline?

Disturbing Tyrannical UN Document Hidden

Self-Help Author Wayne Dyer Dead At 75

Man Who Woke Up With His Doppelganger


Huge Ancient Greek City Found Underwater

Haunting 11,000 Year Old Russian Statue

The Death And Life Of Atlantic City

Superbugs Are Pretty Much Everywhere

The Complete History Of Hygiene

Chinese Woman 5" Horn Growing From Head

Great Bruckner—Now For Some Music!

Japan Defense Ministry Asks Biggest Ever Budget

Japan Delays Sales Tax Hike Over Abe Failed Econ

Back To School Hunt For Unvaccinated Kids


Kirwan - Displaced Persons, Refugees And Migrants

Jeb Bush – Fourth Gen Bush Crime Syndicate Boss?

An Open Memo To Donald Trump

JoeTalk - Trump Will Be 'Public Enemy Number One' (!)

Progressives Want Hillary Answers On Parachutes

Sanders Nipping At Hillary's Heels In Iowa

Behold Jeb’s Mythical Chinese Warrior

Reptilian Primary Trumped

US Pres Aspirants Irresponsibly Bash Putin


Idiot Rubio - Russia Led By 'Gangster', N Korea By A 'Lunatic'

Walker - Idea Of Wall On US-Canada Border Good Idea

Biden's Kid Says Russia Put Him On Ashley Madision

US Freedom Act ‘Surveillance In Disguise' - Ex-MI5 Agent

US Mass Shootings Are Staged To Tighten Gun Laws

NYC On Verge Nation’s First 'Pre Crime Unit'

Next Gen B-3 To Cost 25 Billion More Than Thought

Google Facing $1.4b Fine In India - Rigging Searches

Response To WikiPedia On Reverse Speech

Red Alert #13 - Utah Education Conference

Prison Nation

Abbas Building Lavish West Bank Presidential Palace

50 Injured After Grenade Attack On Kiev Parliament

Maidan 2.0 Erupting In' Ukraine?

US Considering Two Candidates To Replace Porky?

NATO, Ukraine Kick Off Black Sea Naval Drill

American, Not Russian, Aggression Is The Real Problem

Negotiations Preferable To US Defeat In Ukraine

Kiev Praises Nazi-Style Training Camps For Kids

Putin To Get $3 Billion From US Taxpayers

Will IMF Throw Away Law On Russia's Ukraine Loan?

Ukraine Troubles Could Trigger Migrant Apocalypse

Ukraine Unlikely to Avoid Default – Russian Lawmaker

US To Create Elite Police Unit In Ukraine (death squad?)

90% Kiev Donbass Intel Last Summer ‘Appeared Untrue’

Polish Government Confirms Discovery Of Nazi 'Gold Train'

World Jewish Congress Claims Gold Of Third Reich

ISIS TOW Missiles Conclusively Tied To CIA

ISIL To Introduce ‘Islamic’ Gold Dinar

Speculators Causing So Much Oil Price Volatility?

Largest Ever Gas Field Found In Med Sea Off Egypt

China Sells Major Part Of US Bonds To Back Yuan

China Copies Russian Military Strategy In Pacific

China 'Punishes' 100s For 'Maliciously' Manipulating Market

Ron Paul - Blame The Federal Reserve, Not China

Bankster Attack On French 35 Hr Work Week


Atzmon - The Primacy Of Jewish Genes

Europe Being Marginalized By Russia, China?

Israel Forces Attack Anti-Apartheid Wall In W Bank

Terrorism Is Foundation Of Israeli Regime - Rouhani

Atzmon - Antisemitism And The Math

Why Washington Can't Stand Russia

Russia Should Not Trust Western Politicians

Norway To Spend Millions Making Russia Aggressor

China to Build Jet Faster Than SR-71 US Spy Plane?

Iran To Ramp Up Across The Board Coop w/China

Major US Industrial Union Votes In BDS Movement

Old Soviet Missile Kills US M1 Abrams Tank in Yemen

3 US Military Advisors Killed In Yemeni Attack

Saudis Show Fake Videos On Military Gains In Yemen

US Navy Base Is Saudi Reward Yemen Collusion

Daesh Blows Up Another Ancient Temple In Palmyra


German Mayor Gets Violent Threats Over Refugee Shelter

Immigration Vote In Sweden? - French Want Borders Shut

SNP Dubs Belated Chilcot Inquiry ‘Ludicrous’

Blair Inquiry Over Attempt To Save Gaddafi

London Spends $770m To Fund Nuke Sub Base

Jeremy Corbyn Poses Natl Security Threat - Osborne

Trashing Educ Officials Goal Of Utah Educ Conf?

Fracking Caused Quake In NE BC

Sunken City Found In Greece Dates 3,000 BC

How To Spot A Psychopath

A Daily Walk Can Add 7 Years To Your Life


3D Printer Molds 10 Materials At Once

Windows 10 Data Collection Coming To 7 And 8 Users

Hidden Esoteric Symbolism In The Matrix Film

7 Ways To Combat Your Cognitive Dissonance

10 Yrs After Katrina, Demands For Justice March On

How Katrina Redrew The Gulf Coast

$60 Trillion Of World Debt Visualized

Forgotten Bombing & Age Of Sectarian War

Inside Most Expensive Nuke Bomb Ever Made

Yellowstone Supervolcano Alive And Kicking

Huge Volcanos Blamed For Earth Extinctions


Superbugs Are Pretty Much Everywhere Now

Hurricane Survival Guide

Mechanism Behind 'Strange' Quakes Discovered

Women Associate Money With Love

First Evidence OIf Galaxy Metamorphosis Detected

Hyponatremia - When Too Much Water Can Kiill

Frightening Discovery Of The Mount Owen Claw

Inside The KGB Super Power Division

The Fascinating Afterlife Of Peru’s Mummies

Oz Media Demands Water Supply Be Fluoridated

Only 33% Of Psychology Findings May Be Reliable


Breakdown Of VA Made For TV Double Murder

Is The Virginia Shooting Hoax Blowing Up in the MSM’s Face?

19 Intriguing Coincidences In The Virginia Shooting

Man-Made Noise Is Making Bluebirds Shout to Be Heard

Repurposing Food Could Feed The Hungry

August Amazing UFO Videos

Aliens Living Under Pluto's Crust?

UFO Following Trump's Helicopter?

Two Potentially Life-Supporting Alien Worlds?


Kirwan - WW3 Is Five Years Old

The Donald Trump Phenomenon - Hidden Meanings

Obama Jails Refugee But Exposing It Is 'Shameful'?

Christie Would Track Immigrants Like Fedex Packages

Dems Fail To Back Obama Iran Deal


False Flag Weekly News

CA School Dist Serves 100% Organic, GMO-Free Meals

US Lost World Leadership Under Obama - Cheney

US Considered Nuking Afghanistan After 9/11

Rickard - Spying Programs Turning US Into Fascist State

New York Police Officer Fatally Shoots Innocent Bystander

Joe Biden's Son Blames Russians For Madison Profile

NYT Features Anti-Russian Propagandist

Why The Supreme Court Is Not Supreme


Hold Donbass Ceasefire Cheers

Kiev Defies Minsk Accords

Hollande, Merkel Back Putin's Ceasefire Plan

Busting The Myth Of Polish Sympathy For Ukraine

Russia, China Again In US Media Spotlight

Rogue Terrorism For A Greater Israel

60,000 US Jews Live In Occupied West Bank

Palestinians Protest Israeli Settlers' Seizure Of Hospital

Citigroup Chief - Only 'Helicopter Money' Can Save World

Petrodollar Unwind May Be $2.5 Trillion Larger

Cheap Oil Always Boosts Economic Growth


80,000 In Ireland Protest 'Austerity' Water Bills

Bangkok Bomb - Thai Cops After More Suspects

Biggest Yakuza Syndicate Set To Split - Violence Expected

The Iraq Cash Cow – Part I

Bush Made No Formal Decision For Iraq War

Congress Opponents Of Iran Deal Devise New Plan

Saudi Airstrike Kills 30 In Yemen Factory In Hajjah

Japan Anti-War Students Threatened With No Jobs

Thousands Protest Abe, Security Bills, At Diet Rally

India - How Coca-Cola Destroys The Aquifer

Aryans For Jeremy Launches Campaign

Tony Blair - Jeremy Corbyn’s Politics Are Fantasy

Piers Corbyn To Do BBC's Weather Bulletins?

Met Office Sacked By BBC - Truth Even Odder

MI6 Spy Hacked iInto Secret Bill Clinton Data

El Salvador - 51 Violent Deaths In One Day

Armed Patrols, Spot Checks Planned For Euro Trains

How To Stop Windows 10, 7 and 8 From Tracking You

Higher Education Not Leftist Enough? Seriously?

‘Almost Perfect’ Battery From MIT


Bizarre Mars Crater Shows Huge Slab Of Ice

UFOs Over Edwards AFB - Jets Scrambled! 1965

Controversial 'Aguadilla UFO' Filmed Yrs Earlier A-51?

Zen - Don't Be Attached To The Shitstorm

The Gatekeeper

The Choice Is Ours

Resolving The Virgo-Pisces Polarity

The 'Cures' Act - Weaponizing Eugenics

Disturbing History Behind US National Parks

The Cold Sun


Trump - I’m Winning Cause We're Tired Of Being Patsies

Hillary 7 Pts Ahead Of Sanders In Iowa

FBI 'A Team' Probing Hillary Emails

Deep In Minority, Dems Look To Redistricting For Hope


The True Scale Of Ashley Madison ‘Honey Pot’

Freedom Index - USA #20 Behind Chile & Mauritius - pdf

CO Cops Defy Judge, Keep Citizens From Knowing Rights

Porky Defies West Demands For Donbass Autonomy

Porky Cancels 'Special Status' Law In East

6 Brilliant Men Who Believed In Jewish Plots

Jews Panic Over Internet Reaction To World Jewry

Rothschilds Bought Jerusalem In1829 Newspaper Story

The Israeli Factor - Attack On The Iran Nuke Deal


Faurisson’s Exposure Of The Holocaust Hoax

Zionism In Britain - A Neglected Chronicle

How Google Destroyed The Internet

International Zionism Is A Secret Society

IDF Thug Tries To Kidnap Child, Stopped By Women

Anti-GMO Petition Receives 60,866,020 Signatures

Mexican Govt Files Brief In Anchor Baby Case

Obama Labor Dept To Nationalize Retirement Accts

Hijacking America’s Government:

EBT System Down Nationwide

Washed Up Flaperon Is Not From MH370

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Rense TV

Mouseover To Pause Video - Use buttons to go < or >

Over 5.25 Million Views To Date

Jeff & Frosty Wooldridge - Illegal Immigration Deluge - Vid

Jeff & Dean Henderson - The Mask Of Zion - Vid

Jeff & Hesham Tillawi - Trump's Chances In 2016 - Vid

Jeff & Jim Marrs - The Danger Of Telling The Truth - Vid

Jeff & Charles R. Smith - Russia's Options In Ukraine - Vid

Jeff & Br Nathanael Kapner - Donald's Trump Card - Vid

Jeff & Gerald Celente - The 2015 Financial Collapse - Vid

Jeff & Jay Weidner - The Last Avatar - Vid

Jeff, Shimatsu & Durnford - Death Of The West Coast - Vid

Jeff & Richard Sauder - State Of A Dying Planet - Vid

Jeff & Jordan Maxwell - Ancient Solar Religions - Vid

Jeff & Texe Marrs - Pioneers Of Propaganda - Vid

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs - Population Control - Vid

Jeff & Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder - Super Psychic Power - Vid


Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

Yoichi Shimatsu

Radiation Update

Free MP3 - Listen

Richard Wilcox PhD
Dana Durnford
Free MP3 - Listen

Fukushima Radiation Plume, Nears West Coast - Graphs & Vid

Fukushima Radiation Blasted US In March 2011 - Model

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor

W. Coast Sea Animals Delirious, Disoriented - Food Chain Gone

TEPCO Pumps Up Groundwater, Dumps It In Pacific

Fukushima Discharge Canal Record Radioactive Spike

Implications Of Mass Contamination Of Japan With Cesium

Skyrocketing Sea Life Radiation Deaths On West Coast

Fukushima Health Damage, Death Much Worse

This Nuke Plant Dubbed CA's Fukushima

Fukushima Report Dangerously Downplays Risks

Japan Olympic Organizers Under Fire As Mishaps Grow

Greenpeace Slams IAEA Fukushima Report

New Fire Erupts At Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Japan Olympic Organizers Under Fire As Mishaps Grow

Radiation Killing More Baby Seals Along CA Coast

Fukushima Radiation Fears Grow As Deformed Trees Found

Fukushima Radiation In Hospital Imaging Equip

Fears Of Fission Dispel Fukushima Optimism

'Morphological Defects' In Fukushima Fir Trees

Fukushima - The End Of Mankind?

US Rejects New Core Melt Regs For Nuke Plants

How Soft Propaganda Brought Nuke Power To Japan

Your Radiation This Week - No 19

Japan Town Doesn't Want Fukushima Radioactive Waste

Horrific Fukushima Health Toll - 1,000s To Die Of Cancer

Massive Radiation 'Discovered' In Fukushima Soil

Baby Sea Lions Are Dying

Baby Seals On W Coast Dying Of Radiation Leukemia

Highest Levels Yet Of Fukushima Rad Along W Coast

Animal-Shaped Robots Used To Investigate Fukushima Reactors

Cracked Condenser Pipes Found In Sendai Reactor

Cs-134/137 In 9 Of 9 Pond Fish Samples Near Tokyo

Fukushima Radiation Found At High Level Off SoCal Coast

Is Abe Dying Of Radiation Poisoning?

Abe Claims Fukushima Food Keeps Him Healthy

Proving Negligence In TEPCO Case Daunting

The Homeless, Jobless And Fukushima

Your Radiation This Week - No 18

Sendai Reactor Has Malfunction, Volcano Risk Increases

Flesh Falling Off 3 Dead, Giant SoCal Oarfish

Risk Of Major Eruption At Sakurajima Grows

Thousands Of Millions Of Fish Dead On Alaska Shoreline

Japan's Plutonium Stockpile May Be World Catastrophe

80 Bq/kg Of C-137 In Vac Cleaner Dust Since This Spring

Busby - Coverup Of Fukushima Thyroid Cancer Danger

5,000 Cancer Deaths Predicted From Fukushima Rad

Big North American Animal Decline Since Fukushima

Japan Spent 1.4 Trilion Yen On Idle Nuke Plants

Japan Saw Record 1.91 Million Foreign Visitors In July

Japan’s Volcanic Hazards Threaten Nuclear Power Plants

Nuke Facilities Vulnerable To Cyber-Attacks

Japan Restarted Reactor Under Volcano Threat

Sakurajima Headed Towards Large Eruption?

Volcano Alert Raised Right After Nearby Plant Restart

Abe's NRA To Restart Reactors No Matter What

Animals Shrunk After Fukushima Disaster

Volcano 50 km From Just Restarted Nuclear Plant

4 uSv/h In Park Near Tokyo

Expert: Japan's Fukushima Clean Up Is Just 'A Show'

New Zealanders Exposed To Radiation In Seafood

Germany Big Problems Disposing Of Nuclear Waste

Your Radiation This Week No 17

Fukushima Radiation Kills 25 Huge Whales On W Coast

Scientists Finally Admit Fukushima Radiation Killing Pacific Whales


Fukushima Radiation On America

PacRad Stations - Design And Purpose

Full Map - Pacific Coast Radiation Network

Pacifica, CA

Ashland, OR

Portland, OR

Port Angeles, WA

Fort Collins, CO

Vista, CA

Bloomington, IL

Quesnel, B.C.

Hear Jeff Discuss How To Establish
Your Own Online Rad Station - Click HERE

Pictures Of How To Create Your Own Clone HERE

* National Nuclear Emergency Map
Updated 24/7 In Real Time

* Obama OKs DEADLY Hikes In 'Safe' Radiation Exposure

* Obama Raises 'Safe' Rad In Drinking Water 27,000x Higher

* Huge Radiation Readings In CA And NM Disappear

* Enormous W Coast CPMs Vanish After Site Back Online - Vid

* Japan Earthquakes 2011 Visualization Map - Vid

* W Coast Covered In Massive 3/11 Radiation - Vid

* Coverup Of West Coast Radiation From Fukushima

* Fukushima Radiation Plume, Nears West Coast - Graphs & Vid

* WATCH - What Cesium 137 Will Really Do To You - Vid

* Chart Of Radiation Dose Levels In Millisieverts

* Jeff & Dr. Russell Blaylock - Supplements
To Fight Radiation Exposure
- Vid

* Live National Radiation Network Map

* Radiation Dose Chart

* The Radiation Database User Guide - Vid

No One Knows Where 3 Fuel Cores Went In Groundwater

Obama 'Dramatically' Ups 'Safe' Rad In Drinking Water

Japan Answer To Radiation - Massive Natural Indoor Farms

Extinction - 100% Death Rate For Baby Orcas - W Coast Dead

TEPCO Profits Soared 71% First Half Of 2014

US Govt Injected Citizens With Uranium

Proof Radiation Is KILLING The Pacific Dana Durnford & Terry Daniels - Vid

HORROR - Proof N Pacific Nearly Extinct Of Life - Radiation - Vid


Jeff & Dr Henry Niman, PhD
Latest Broadcast Program Update
Free Listen MP3 11-3-14 (Click Here)

10,000 People In US Monitored During Ebola Scare

Ebola Cases In Liberia Increase To Three

Ebola Re-Emerges In Liberia Near Monrovia

US Pays For 'Post-Ebola Syndrome’ Study In Liberia

Ebola May Be Hidden By Pregnancy

Ebola Corpses Taken On Public Transit In Guinea

Ebola Death Toll Passes 10,700 In W Africa

Our Tax Dollars Spent On Experimental Ebola Vaccine

Synthetic Cannabinoid ‘Spice’, NOT Ebola, Killed Soldier

WHO PHEIC Ebola Press Conf April 10

Liberia Calls For Sexual Abstinence To Cut Ebola

CO Patient Tests Negative For Ebola

Ebola - 122 Being Monitored In US, Flights Kept Secret

Ebola's Evolution Questioned - Faster Of Slower?

Guinea President Declares 45 Day Ebola 'Emergency

Liberia Ebola Survivors Complain About Lack Of Support


  Influenza And Viral Updates

Dr. Henry Niman's
Exclusive Reports With Jeff
MP3 - Listen FREE

July 16 - MP3

Dr. Henry Niman's Swine Flu World Tracking MAP

Updated H7N9 Pandemic Map From Dr Henry Niman

H7N7 Chicken Sequences In Lancashire UK

2015 Poultry H5N1 In Israel Matches Egypt

Israel H5N1 Wild Bird Sequence Matches Human Cases

H7N7 Bird Flu Confirmed On Lancashire Farm

Ebola Cases In Liberia Increase To Three

CDC Releases Full MERS Sequences From 2013 Oman Cases

South Korea MERS Cases Increase to 180 Deaths To 29

MERS S Korea Cases Increase To 166 - Deaths To 24

CDC - First Case Of MERS infection Spread Inside US

MERS Confirmed In Thailand Ex-Oman 75M

Guangdong MERS ex-South Korea - Eurosurveillance

Malaysia MERS Import N Gene Identical To Jeddah


Videos Of HAARP Destroying Pacific Rain Storms And Continuing The Deadly Artificial CA Drought!

Haarp Report New Video

Five PROOFS HAARP Created CA Drought - Vid

Weather Manipulation - Brutal Cold In US, Melting Arctic Methane 1-9-15 - Vid

Polar Vortex Restarted - Weather Warfare On Europe - Vid

Yellowstone Supervolcano - Vid

Rense - How The Pacific Storms Of, 2013-2014 Were Trashed

WATCH HAARP Kill Pacific Storm 9-24-14 - Pt 2 - Vid

WATCH HAARP Kill Pacific Storm 9-25-14 - Pt 3 - Vid

Watch HAARP Kill Hurricanes Off Baja CA - Pt 1 - Vid

Watch HAARP Kill Hurricanes Off Baja CA - Pt 2 - Vid

Watch HAARP Kill Hurricanes Off Baja CA - Pt 3 - Vid

Hurricane Simon Steered To Continue CA Drought - Vid

HAARP Rain-Blocking High Pressure Back Off CA! - Vid

Underground Nuke 90 Miles South Of Yellowstone? - Vid

How Hurricanes Are Stopped And Racketeering - Vid

Polar Vortex Made By Jet Stream 'Notch' 10-25-14 - Vid

Jet Stream Notch - Part 2 - 10-30-14 - Vid

The Tenth Man - Vid

David Duke

Zionist Terror In Gaza - Free Palestine & The World - Vid

The Illustrated Protocols Of Zion - Vid

Israeli Media Reveals Secret Behind Communism - Vid

Jeff Rense & Dr. David Duke - Worldwide Zionist Stranglehold - Vid

How The Media Incites Violence & Racism - Vid

Hitler In Argentina
Listen FREE

Jeff with Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs - Hitler In Argentina - MP3

Sharkhunters Hot Mail!

PHOTOS *for program above*

Hitler In Argentina - Buy The Book Here!

Reviews Of Cooper's 'Hitler In Argentina' Show Truth Wins

Jeff & Harry - Hitler In Argentina - MP3

Harry Cooper's History-Shaking New Book - Hitler In Argentina


FBI Declassifies Files Proving Hitler Went To Argentina

More On Giant WW2 Japanese Sub I-400 Found Off Hawaii

FREE Listen MP3s
Harry Cooper - Germany In Argentina During & After The War - mp3


Harry Cooper - Hitler's Post-War Time In Argentina - mp3


Jeff & Harry Cooper - Compelling Evidence Hitler Escaped 1/2 - Vid

Jeff & Harry Cooper - Compelling Evidence Hitler Escaped 2/2 - Vid

Hitler's Eagles Nest, Berchtesgaden And Underground Bunkers - mp3


Stunning Evidence Hitler & Eva Braun Escaped To Argentina - mp3


The Escape Of Adolf Hitler To South America

Walter Bowart

Operation Mind Control - Walter Bowart - pdf

Report From Iron Mountain - pdf

The Invisible Third World War - pdf

David Cole (Stein)
Listen FREE

Jeff & David Cole - Holocaust Revisionist Historian - Vid

Auschwitz Gas Chamber Hoax? - Part 1 - MP3

The Search for The TRUTH - Part 2 - MP3

The Trouble With Sandy Hook

NEW Free Listen 8.4.14 - Wolfgang Halbig

NEW Free Listen - Wolfgang Halbig & James Fetzer MP3 - Sandy Hook - Latest Shocking Developments - Click HERE

Free Listen - Hear Jeff With Wolfang Halbig - Sandy Hook Hoax - MP3 - Click HERE

Halbig Heroically Pushes To Expose Sandy Hook Fraud

Sandy Hook - Wolfgang Halbig Goes For Jugular At FOIA

Sandy Hook And The New World Order

Sandy Hook - How We KNOW It Didn't Happen

Sandy Hook - Where Were 100s Of Children Evacuated?

Sandy Hook - CT State Police Lt. Paul Vance.. Liar - Vid

Wolfgang Halbig - Cops Are To Protect People Not Lie

Sandy Hook - Broadcasting Hoax Violates FCC Regs

Sandy Hook - Newtown Residents Threatened, Bribed To Shut Up

Big Problem In News Video Of Sandy Hook School

DHS & FEMA Caught With Their Pants Down At Sandy Hook - Pt 1 The Actual 911 Dispatch Sandy Hook Transcript

DHS & FEMA Caught With Their Pants Down At Sandy Hook - Pt 2

Emergency Vehicles Staged At Sandy Hook

Glaring Gaffes In Sandy Hook Story

Sandy Hook Is Our Last Chance To Stop The Lies

Jeff & James Fetzer - The Sandy Hook Hoax - Vid

Stranger Yet - Sandy Hook Council BLOCKS FOIAs

Sandy Hook GAME OVER! - NO Deaths NO Victims In Record - Vid

Natl School Safety Expert - Sandy Hook Was A FRAUD - Vid

'Sandy Hook...A Scripted Event, Two Yrs In Planning'

CT State Worker Quits Over Sandy Hook Weirdness

Incontrovertible Evidence!

Solid 3D Proof That Apollo Photos Were Faked

Robert Felix

'Climate Change' BS Exposed - Latest Global COOLING
News Updated Around The Clock

Slovenia Buried Under Ice - Forests Destroyed - Pics

Glenn Greenwald

How Internet NSA Agents Manipulate, Deceive, Destroy Reputations

The Great American Adventure

The Secrets Of America - pdf

EMF Dangers

EMF Effects On Your Cells And Tissues

What If...?
Listen FREE

Hitler Visits Oprah - The German Side Of Starting WW2 - MP3

DARPA & Google Plan Total Control

Top DARPA Projects That Should Creep You Out - Vid

Kirwan - For Your Eyes Only!

Ex DARPA Boss Talks About Beast Tech - Vid

Ex DARPA Chief Dugan, Now At Google, On The Future

The Ultimate Sociopath?

Jeff & Mia Pope - Shocking Obama Revelations, Pt 1 - Vid

Jeff & Mia Pope - Shocking Obama Revelations, Pt 2 - Vid

The Platters

LV Court Restores The Platters Name To Rightful Owner

The Platters - The Great Pretender 1956 - Vid

The Platters - Twilight Time 1958 - Vid

The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 1955 - Vid

The Platters - Only You 1956 - Vid

Obama Exposed By High School Friend

Pastor Manning - Mia Pope Outs Obama As Gay - Vid

How You're Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It

Illuminati Mind Control & The Report From Iron Mountain

MK Ultra - Handlers, Propagandists, Professional Liars - Vid

Walt Disney, MTV & Hollywood & Mind Control - Vid

Mind Control Through TV And The Media - Vid

Stop Eating Meat And Dairy

McDonalds Kids Watch Slaughterhouse Videos - Vid

Robert Hastings

10 UFOs Cavort Above US Nuke Missile Base

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Roswell Eyewitness
FREE Listen - Jeff With Jesse Marcel, Jr

Peter Davenport , Noe Torres & E.J. Wilson - Roswell 2010! - Very Special Guest - Col Jesse Marcel, Jr - MP3

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Veteran, Patriot & Roswell Witness Passes On

Memories Of Jesse Marcel By Kevin Randle

Phoenix Lights Witness Remembers Jesse Marcel, Jr - Fortson

Remembering Jesse Marcel, Jr - Balthaser

Mainstream Media Homage To Jesse Marcel's Passing

 Clark McClelland - The Stargate Chronicles

FREE LISTEN - Jeff with Clark McClelland 5.9.14 - MP3

Get A Piece Of Apollo 15 GOLD FOIL That
Went To The Moon And Back! - Click Here!

Order Clark's Stunning e-Book The Stargate Chronicles Here!

Contact Clark at

Clark McClelland - Celestialism

Jeff & Clark McClelland - ET And The Apollo Program - Vid

The Cape Kennedy-Kecksburg
UFO Connection
- Part 1 - pdf

The Cape Kennedy-Kecksburg UFO Connection - Part 2 - pdf


2013 Stonehenge - Photos

UFO - Man Gets More Than Rocks In Stonehenge Photo

Overwhelming Evidence

Was 9/11 An Inside Job, Or A MOSSAD Job?

Think You Know Cars?

The Ultimate Car Trivia Test! - Pics

The Mysterious Charles Dellchau

Incredible Drawings & Descriptions Of 1850s Flying Machines

Dr. Roger Leir
Astonishing UFO Over Turkey

Roger's Personal Photo Video Analysis Showing ETs

Non-Humans, ETs, Shown Inside Turkey UFO

All Known Videos Of The Turkey UFO

Spectacular Turkey UFO - Information Site

FREE Listen MP3

Jan Smith/Cliff Mickelson - Shocking New Morgellons Photos - mp3

Jan Smith's Morgellons - CDC Says It's 'Delusional Parasitosis'

Elizabeth’s Morgellons Samples

Destructive Wiki Editing Keeps Morg Sufferers In Dark

Jeff And Cliff Mickelson - CDC Liars Say Morgellons Doesn't Exist - mp3

Stunning - BLINKING, ILLUMINATED Morgellons Particle Pulled From Chin - Vid

Official CDC Denial - Morgellons Does Not Exist


When Radio Was King

Here Is A Major Collection Of All The Great Old Time Radio Shows - LISTEN!

What Zion Doesn't Want You To See

Adolf Hitler - The Unknown Artist, Part 1 - Vid

Adolf Hitler - The Unknown Artist, Part 2 - Vid

Adolf Hitler - The Unknown Artist, Part 3 - Vid

Adolf Hitler - The Unknown Artist, Part 4 - Vid

Adolf Hitler - The Unknown Artist, Part 5 - Vid

Aspartame Deaths & Suffering Must Stop
FREE Listen MP3

Dr. Betty Martini & Jeff Rense - The War On Aspartame

Dr. Betty Martini On The Major UK MSM Article On Aspartame

UK MSM - Cancer, Premature Births Tied To Aspartame

Dane Wigington
FREE Listen MP3

Jeff & Dane Wiggington - GeoEng...It's Too Late - Free Listen

GeoEngineering...A Fancy Word For Murder! - Vid

GeoEngineering Targets Drought Condition In CA

Jeff & Dane Wigington - Chemtrails...Heavier, Deadlier - Vid

MASSIVE Increase Of Ultra-Violate Light Pounding The Earth - mp3

GeoEngineering Insanity - It's Far Worse Than You Think - mp3

Wigington's Censored Chemtrail Interview Restored - Vid

Jeff And Dane Wigington & Stunning Chemtrail Video - Vid

Professor Doom And 'Education'

Why Not Default On Student Loans?

A Philosopher Looks At Today’s Higher Education

Higher Education Not Leftist Enough? Seriously?

UCLA Offers Paid Internships To Illegals

Another School Plundered

Climbing Walls Are Higher Education?

Higher Education As Ponzi Scheme

Student Loans As Wealth Transfer

Online Troll Websites Distort Perception

More Outrageous Higher Education Reality


How Zionist Central Banks Rule The World

All Wars Are Bank Wars - The Central Bank Beast - Vid

Must Viewing

Jeffrey Smith's 'Genetic Roulette' Full Documentary - Vid

Battle Of LA

Footage Of UFO Being Fired On In 'Battle Of LA' - Vid

1942 Battle Of LA - Biggest Mass UFO Sighting In History


Ingo Swann Passes Into Great Beyond

FREE Listen MP3s
March 1999 with Jeff Rense & Ingo

Hour 1 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Hour 2 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Hour 3 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Ingo Swann, Father Of Remote Viewing (1933-2013)

Mind Control - An Exact Science
FREE Listen MP3

The Grand Masquerade - DID/MPD Now Common In US

Dr. Colin Ross - Mind Control, How Easy, How Deadly

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 1

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 2

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 3

Ventura - Artificially Created Multiple Personality Killers - Vid

Mind Control - A Piece Of Cake - Vid

Trauma Based Culture - Vid

Humans In An Inhuman War

Bf-109 Ace Franz Stigler And B-17 Pilot Charlie Brown Meet - Vid

Feline Adventures

Videos And Photos Of Cats At 'Work' And Play - Vid

Kitty Cams Show Secret Life Of Cats

Required Reading

How To Respond To An Anti Conspiracy Theorist!

Withering Facts

9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) Pt 1 - Vid

9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) Pt 2 - Vid

The Whole Story

The Best 5 Minute Documentary On 911 Ever - Vid

The Stark Reality Of Precision Scientific Individual & Mass Mind Control

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

MK-Ultra And The Laurel Canyon Hippies

Hippies And Mind Control - Vid

Evidence Of Existence Of 'Multiverse' Revealed For First Time

'Quantum Microscope' Peers Into Hydrogen Atom

After Months In Space, Gravity A Drag For Astronauts


Charlotte Iserbyt

The Secret History Of Public Education - Vid


More Corn Ethanol...More Harm To Consumers, Environment

E10 Ethanol Gas Destroys Engines...Proof - Vid

E15 Ethanol Gas Even More Destructive Than E10 - Vid

A Provocative Documentary

The James Holmes Conspiracy - Vid

Eustace Mullins

Jeff Rense & Eustace Mullins - Drugs, War & Manipulation - Vid

Jeff Rense & Eustace Mullins - WW2...Orchestrated Slaughter - Vid

Jeff Rense & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 21, 2003) - Vid

Jeff Rense & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 31, 2003) - Vid

National Socialism + Zionism = NAZI - Vid

The Cult Is Everywhere

Ritual Child Sex Abuse, Pedo Conspiracy Of Silence - Vid

Andrew Gause

FREE Listen - Vivid Portrait Of Post-Sandy Chaos, Suffering In NJ

Tribute To A True Hero

Ernst Zundel - A Spartan Of The Spirit - Vid

GM Yellow Corn Equals Tumors, Cancers & Death

New Study Links GMO Food To Leukemia

Justice Kagan Rules For Monsanto In Farmer GMO Case

Nestle Folds To SA Consumer Pressure Over GMOs


Joseph Skipper

An Underwater Base In The Pacific? - Photos

The Term 'Organic' Rapidly Becoming Useless

The Great Organic Deceivers 

Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

The Incredible & Unrecognized Germ Of Cancer

Breast Cancer Is Caused By Pleomorphic Bacteria

Coccoid Forms Of Bacteria & The Cause Of Cancer

World Man-Made AIDS Day - December 1

Ignored Bacteria And The Cause Of Lymphoma Cancer

Bacteria Cause Cancer...The Microscopic Evidence - Photos

Heroines All

Women At Work In The 1940s - Rare Color Photos

Brother Nathanael

National Monetary Reform Convention Now! - Vid

Creepy, Weird Otherworldly Sounds...Vanished Again

Those Otherworldly, Bizarre Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

A Chronology Of The Eerie, Strange Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

Eerie Sky Sounds Validated By Russian Scientists

Bizarre Noises Over Cambridge, England - Vid


Hollywood's Golden Days

Great Vintage Hollywood Photos

Fabulous Hollywood Stars And Their Classic Cars

The Original Hollywood Sign Read Hollywoodland - Pic

Round About Hollywood 1931, Color - Vid

Wonderful Color Photos Of 50s & 60s LA/SoCal - Pics


American Graffitti In LA

Background To Cruising Van Nuys Blvd In The 1970s

Rick Mack - Cruising Van Nuys Blvd In The 1970s - Pics

A Dream Lost

1940s Small Town America...Cafes, Stores, Shops - Color Photos

Portrait Of 1950s American Suburbia, Pt 1 - Vid

Portrait Of 1950s American Suburbia, Pt 2 - Vid

The Death Of Clean US Mass Transit

How GM Destroyed Clean US Mass Transit, Pt 1 - Vid

How GM Destroyed Clean US Mass Transit, Pt 2 - Vid

What You See Isn't What You Get

The Fraud Of Digitized 'Beauty' - The Big Lie - Vid

Things You MUST Have

Poor Man's Guide To Survival Gear

Newest Zionist Hit Piece Libel Attacks On Jeff 

I'm Being Blackmailed By A Sociopath - What Can I Do?

How To Spot A Sociopath - Ten Red Flags

The Makow Mirror Effect

Icke Blasts Makow Again

Attacks On Jeff Deadly Serious, Hacker Removes His Replies

Reply 4

As Predicted - Attacks Begin On David Icke

The Rense Fight Club...

Reply 1- 'Jeff Rense's Abuse Of Power & Trust'

Reply 2 - 'The Hidden Jeff Rense'


UN Agenda 21 Evil

Agenda 21 Depopulation Agenda For The NWO - Vid

Agenda 21 - The Plan For A Global Fascist Dictatorship

Agenda 21 - Your Life Is In Their Hands - Vid

Agenda 21 Takeover In Klamath Basin

Agenda 21 Has Rural America In The Crosshairs

Agenda 21 - The Steady-State Illusion



Baffling Mars Plumes Are Electric

Why Don't Comets Melt In The Sun?

The Impossible Dunes Of Comet 67P - Vid

Oops! No Water On Comet 67P?

Rosetta Mission Confirms The Death Of Journalism

Rosetta Mission Could Change Science Forever - Vid

NASA Acknowledging Electric Universe?

Big Bang Pronouncement Is Big Bluster

Planetary Nebulae Are Electrical

Debunking Misconceptions About The Electric Universe.


Mysterious John Lenard Walson

John Walson Is Back - Another Mystery Video, Bizarre - Vid

Walson Visits The Moon Through His Telescope - Vid

Walson Finds New Lunar Anomalies...Strange - Vid

Walson's Work Apparently Verified - Vid

MARS - The Mysterious

Encore - Obvious Valve Found By Curiosity On Mars - Vid

Leaked Mars Photos Loaded With Signs Of Life - Vid

Trees On Mars Coverup - Vid

Amazing Photos On Mars 2014 - Vid

Train Wheels, Axle On Mars - Vid

Tomb, Cross, Platform, Relics Found On Mars - Vid

Looks Like NASA Hid Entire Cities On Mars - Vid

Rense & Joseph Skipper - Proof Of LIfe On Mars

Mars' Greatest Mystery

LIFE On Mars - Forests, Lakes, Rivers In Stunning Photos - Pics

Jeff And David Oates FREE Listen Click Here

Fascinating Mars Structures, Cities, Plant Life?

Mars Structure Found - The Real Reason For The US Vendetta Against Gary McKinnon?

Obvious, Unquestionable Tracks On Mars - Object On Track? - Pics

MSNBC Picks Up The Mars Structure Video

Stunning Mars Anomalies 

Mars Life, Water, Vegetation, Anomalies

Farcical Prosecution Of The 'Accountant Of Auschwitz'

Proudly Supports...

Jews Against Zionism

The Ernst Zundel Data Archive

Click Here

World's Best

The Ten Most Influential People In The Alternative Media

The American Dream Is Dead (graphic language)

George Carlin On The Rothschilds - Vid

The Genius George Of Carlin - Vid

George Carlin On NASA Plans For Mars - Vid

George Carlin - Exposing The Matrix - Vid

George Carlin On Civil Liberties In America - Vid

George Carlin - It's Over - Vid

It's A Zionist World - Virtual And Real

How Jews Run The Internet - eBay, Google, FB, Wiki, Yahoo, MySpace...

The 'Six Million' Number Was Used After WWI

How The 'Holocaust' Was Faked - Read The Facts

Zion's Big Lie - The 'Six Million' Myth

The Elusive Six Million

Hovering UFO Triangle Spotted Over Killeen, TX

Author Abducted By ET Near Area 51?

ET Found In Russian Nuclear Power Plant.. ISN’T

Mysterious Lights Over El Paso

Rare - John Lennon Describing His UFO Experience

Mysterious UFOs Recorded Over El Paso, Texas - Vid

Dubious Orange UFO Visits & Revisits Ohio House - Vid

UFO Mystery at Yuma Test Station

Cigar-Shaped UFO Near Tulsa - Vid

Aquadilla UFO '...We’ve Got Infrared...We’ve Got Radar'

UFO Landing At Cherry Creek Remains Mystery - Vid

UFOs Flying in Formation Over Clinton, NY

The Analysis Of FLIR UFO Vid

FLIMMER – The Flying Submarine

Nuclear Weapons-Related Information Declassified

ET? Deep Space Radio Waves Baffle Scientists

UFO Filmed Over Morelia, Mexico - Vid

ET Tried To Save US From Nuke War - Astronaut

MUFON, Sham Inquiry & Woods/Jacobs Scandal

Cryptids And The Paranormal Alliance

UFOs Have Monitored Nukes From The Beginning

UFOs Were Present At Dawn Of Nuclear Age

Roswell UFO Crash & Reporter Jason Kellahin

ET In Our Lifetimes Possible (already here)

Patent Granted For 'Space Elevator'

Ghostly Image Of Woman On Mars (smile)

Dark Side Of Moon Passing Over Earth

Epic View Of Moon Transiting The Earth - Vid


New Earth Health Solutions
Oxy C • Allicin C • Rife • Ozone Generator
Click HERE

Health Matters

Eugenicists Finally Got Sterilants Put In Drinking Water

Anthrax Lab’s History Of F-ing Around With Explosives

Harvesting Garlic For Natural Medicine

The 4 Main Benefits Of Bentonite Clay

Pot Legalization Hasn’t Led To Increased Teen Use

Teen Dies After 'Routine' Dental Procedure - Vid

Not Flossing Could Have Dire Consequences

Dangerous Food Recalls In Last Few Days

Big Pharma To Blame For Rise Of Deadly Superbugs

Canada Supreme Court - Medical Pot Legal In All Forms

Time To Ban Toxic Flavorings From Processed Foods

GM Moths Field Release Near NY Causes Outrage

World Still Unprepared For Global Pandemic

Enormous Scope Of US Drinking Problem

Fracking Wells Linked To Lower Birth Weights

Can Deep Sleep Fight Alzheimer’s?

Obese & Pregnant - Bad For Mother And Baby

Homeopathics Extremely Helpful For Cancer Patients

Veterans First To Try Cyber Physical Therapy

Cognitive Dissonance & Psycho-Pharmaceutical Ind

Arrhythmias, Heart Problems In A SHTF World

Biotech Co Developing Needle-Free Vaccines

Abbott’s GMO Free Similac Baby Formula

Toothpaste Loaded With Tiny Plastic Beads?

Why Lyme Disease Cases Are Spiking

Body Antenna For Long-Term Patient Monitoring’


Vegan Recipes

High Protein Foods For Vegetarians

Vegan Hummus

Raw Recipe - Avocado Tropical Salsa...Addictive! - Vid

Easy Vegan Quinoa Recipes

Dick Allgire - Cook Healthy Fast!

Great Veggie Pizza - Vid

Dick Allgire's Amazing Vegan HEALTHY Bread Pudding - Vid

Coconut Milk Bread Pudding - Vid

Pea Sprout Salad With Vinaigrette - Vid

Security Surrounds Us - Vid

Gee Whiz - Best Low-Fat Vegan 'Cheese' Spread - Vid

Don't Eat Store Salsa, Make Your Own! - Vid



More Data

9-11 Master Archive

Click Here

9-11 Ten Years Later

9-11 Nine Years Later


Morgellon's Data Center

Click Here


George Carlin

George Carlin - 'I Gave Up On My Species' - Vid

Click Here


At Home With Hitler

1938 Homes & Garden
Magazine Spread


Mars Anomalies

Remote Views Mars

The Man Who
Talks To Animals

Coral Castle

War of the Worlds

The Deadliest Medium Ever
How TV Ruined Your Life - Vid

Click Here

Nano-Chemical Poisoning
Of The World

Aerosol Crimes & Coverup


Depleted Uranium

Click Here

Depleted Uranium
Videos - Important

Bush's DU Nightmare



A US Soldier Remembers Eisenhower's Monstrous Genocide

Satanic Eisenhower's Starvation Order And Genocide

Click Here


Mad Cow Data

Click Here


Rense UFO Data

Click Here



Click Here

The Museum
of Hoaxes

'Baby Dragon'
In The Bottle

Graphic Links & Site Banners



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The myriad of facts, conjecture, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information in the articles, stories and commentaries posted on this site range from cutting edge hard news and comment to extreme and unusual perspectives. We choose not to sweep uncomfortable material under the rug - where it can grow and fester. We choose not to censor skewed logic and uncomfortable rhetoric. These things reflect the world as it now is - for better and worse. We present multiple facts, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information. As with all controversies, we stand ready to post any and all rebuttals and responses from people mentioned in the material we post.

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James Neff - Webmaster
Audio Engineer - Hany Hanna
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