Will the Real Conservative Please Stand Up

      By Bob Bennett Reprinted from Instigator News Network Back in May, I wrote a piece called “Conservatives’ Impossible Mission: Win in 2016.” It made the points that, since the GOP took over the Senate, it has branded itself as the party that helped Obama instead of stopping him. There’s ample evidence of that: funding the unconstitutional amnesty, whipping to confirm Loretta Lynch as AG, on and | Read More »

    Democrats Call on Obama to Bring in Muslim Refugees—But not Christians

    By Bob Bennett What is the allure of Islamic immigration to Democrats? First, we have to realize what the Democratic Party is not, and what it actually is. There’s a eureka moment in this realization, because one of the universe’s most profound mysteries is: Why would an entity that depends upon the public’s goodwill consistently take positions that drive average Americans into paroxysms of spitting-up, | Read More »

    Birthright Citizenship Has to Go—no Matter What the Wall Street Journal Says

      By Bob Bennett In the August 21st Wall Street Journal, the lead editorial rips the idea of ending “birthright citizenship,” which Donald Trump put forth in his immigration policy paper. The editorial debunks the idea held by many experts that the 14th Amendment has been misinterpreted, allowing enormous numbers of illegal aliens to give birth on our shores to instant citizens. This allows a | Read More »

    Democrats’ War on Racist Symbols Requires a Look at Their Racist History

      By Bob Bennett Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with | Read More »

    The Exorcism of Mayor de Blasio, Another Critic of Donald Trump

    According to a story in Friday’s Wall Street Journal, New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office is looking at the City’s contracts with presidential candidate Donald Trump—including two ice skating rinks, a golf course and a carousel—all operated by the Trump organization. This was in the wake of Trump’s comments about illegal aliens coming across our southern border: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not | Read More »

    The Most Dangerous Man in America

    In an interview with talk-show host Mark Levin on May 5th, presidential candidate Ben Carson answered this question: “If you were president today, what are three of the things you might want to accomplish quickly?” His answer began with a sentence unique among the 2016 hopefuls, to this writer’s knowledge: Carson replied, “Well, I want to look at the things that are likely to destroy | Read More »

    Supreme Court Aligns with the Left in Assault on First Amendment Religious Rights

    USA Today calls Friday’s legalizing of gay marriage by the Supreme Court “A victory for America.” It is in fact an attack on America, in its very fiber, by the American Left. Consider Obama’s damaging of the Constitution’s balance of powers by repeated (unopposed) intrusions into Congress’s domain; his dismantling of border enforcement and legalization of millions unlawfully in America—financed by Congress; his incitement of | Read More »

    Race Baiting by Officials and the Media Borders on Sedition

    America has seen relentless coverage of the April 19th Baltimore incident in which Freddie Gray, a black man, died of severe spinal injuries possibly incurred while in police custody, on April 12th. But more important are the ensuing racial-themed protests, looting and burning of businesses—a replay of race rioting in Ferguson, MO after the shooting of Michael Brown. But these protests are not limited to Ferguson | Read More »

    Conservatives’ Impossible Mission: Win in 2016

    At the outset, I declare it can be done. But, if all goes according to the RINOs’ plan, 2016 will be a banner year for the Democrats, though they think they are working for victory. Next year, Republicans will have to defend 24 seats in the Senate vs. only 10 for the Dems. Right now, the GOP has a plurality of only 8 votes over | Read More »

    Obama Sabotages Border Enforcement; May Plan to Create “Country within a Country”

    Tuesday night on Fox News’s “Hannity,” the host interviewed conservative author Ann Coulter, who has a new book coming out, in June. The title itself confirms the fears of many Americans familiar with the Obama administration’s apparent quest to push, squeeze, and thrust illegals into American society by the millions. The title of Ann’s new book is: Adios, America: the Left’s Plan to Turn America | Read More »