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September 4, 2015
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VIDEO: A Watershed Moment as Guatemala Jails Its President After He Resigns

Otto Perez Molina (pictured at far right in the 1980s) has been jailed on charges of corruption just hours after bowing to massive popular protest and resigning as Guatemala’s president. “Democracy Now!” speaks to Nobel Peace Prize-winning Maya activist Rigoberta Menchu and journalist Allan Nairn about Perez Molina’s past and what could happen next.

Posted on Sep 4, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN


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VIDEO: Mexican Video Game Lets Players Throw Stuff at Donald Trump

Players knock the GOP presidential candidate down by throwing objects at him onstage. It started with shoes, bottles and cactuses, but Trump supporters have also asked for flowers and cash to shower on him. A mariachi band congratulates winning players.

Posted on Sep 4, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: Chris Hedges, Eddie Conway and Ojore Lutalo on the Dehumanization of American Prisoners

“I think their goal was to dehumanize every prisoner because if you have a dehumanized prisoner, you can control him and the environment,” former Black Panther Conway says.

Posted on Sep 3, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: ‘The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution’

Watch the trailer for the new film that looks at the people behind the berets.

Posted on Sep 3, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: Stephen Colbert Makes Jeb Bush Rue the Day He Chose to Use ‘The Late Show’ as a Fundraiser

Jeb Bush is one of the first guests on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” a decision he may regret now that he’s started a raffle war with the host.

Posted on Sep 3, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: Russell Brand Tires of ‘Cyclical News’, Puts ‘The Trews’ Series on Indefinite Pause

The comedian and host of “The Trews” is calling it quits on his popular political YouTube series, at least for the time being.

Posted on Sep 1, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: Al-Jazeera Journalists Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison in Egypt

A Cairo court has sentenced three Al-Jazeera journalists to three years in prison on charges that legal experts said were unfounded and politically motivated. The move has sparked worldwide outrage, with the European Union describing the verdict as “a setback for freedom of expression in Egypt.”

Posted on Aug 29, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: Are Home Buyouts the Best Way to Help Hurricane Victims?

Amid a decade’s worth of New Yorker articles about Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath collected ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the natural disaster, the magazine published a short video report on the effort to incentivize residents of Staten Island, a place hit hard by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, into leaving parts of the disaster-prone borough.

Posted on Aug 28, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: President Obama on Hurricane Katrina Anniversary: ‘New Orleans Is Coming Back’

Those hoping for a nuanced takedown of the response to the epic catastrophe that washed away much of what the city once was will have to look elsewhere for that sort of thing.

Posted on Aug 27, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky on How the U.S. Helped Create Islamic State

The renowned linguist and activist discusses the background of Islamic State (also known as ISIS) and the United States’ role in establishing the conditions under which the extremist group developed.

Posted on Aug 27, 2015 WATCH & LISTEN

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