Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fast, flexible, fully managed push notification service that lets you send individual messages or to fan-out messages to large numbers of recipients. Amazon SNS makes it simple and cost effective to send push notifications to mobile device users, email recipients or even send messages to other distributed services.

With Amazon SNS, you can send notifications to Apple, Google, Fire OS, and Windows devices, as well as to Android devices in China with Baidu Cloud Push. You can use SNS to send SMS messages to mobile device users in the US or to email recipients worldwide.

Beyond these endpoints, Amazon SNS can also deliver messages to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Lambda functions, or to any HTTP endpoint.

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AWS Free Tier includes 1 million mobile push notifications, 1 million email deliveries and more with Amazon SNS.

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Amazon SNS lets you push messages to mobile devices or distributed services, via API or an easy-to-use management console. You can seamlessly scale from a handful of messages per day to millions of messages or higher.

With SNS you can publish a message once, and deliver it one or more times. So you can choose to direct unique messages to individual Apple, Google or Amazon devices, or broadcast deliveries to many mobile devices with a single publish request.

SNS allows you to group multiple recipients using topics. A topic is an “access point” for allowing recipients to dynamically subscribe for identical copies of the same notification. One topic can support deliveries to multiple endpoint types -- for example, you can group together iOS, Android and SMS recipients. When you publish once to a topic, SNS delivers appropriately formatted copies of your message to each subscriber.

Amazon SNS has no upfront costs and you can pay as you go. It costs $1.00 to send one million notifications via push messaging. Click here for more information about pricing.