ScaleOut Analytics Server (HVM)

ScaleOut Analytics Server combines a scalable, in-memory data grid (IMDG) with powerful computational features to deliver near real-time map/reduce analytics. This platform employs a simplified form of map/reduce that reduces development time and accelerates performance. ScaleOut Analytics Server enables applications to execute user-defined methods in parallel on a selected set of data and then combine the results with user-defined merge algorithms. It stores datasets as objects in a scalable, in-memory data grid, minimizing data motion and providing fast results. Performing analysis with ScaleOut ...  Read more

Customer Rating

Latest Version

Base Operating System
Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux 2013.09

Delivery Method
64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (Learn more)


AWS Services Required
Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS

  • Ease of Use: Map/reduce methods are written as in-memory Java methods without use of APIs to access data from the in-memory data grid. Data for analysis is selected using parallel query based on object properties.
  • Automatic code shipping: Ships application code and dependent libraries to each server and deploys them, creating an execution environment on the in-memory data grid. Applications can pre-stage the execution environment to optimize performance.
  • Fast Performance, No Tuning: Automatically executes map and reduce methods in parallel across multiple cores within each server and all servers within the in-memory data grid. The grid merges results across servers to provide an in-memory result.

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Product Description

ScaleOut Analytics Server combines a scalable, in-memory data grid (IMDG) with powerful computational features to deliver near real-time map/reduce analytics. This platform employs a simplified form of map/reduce that reduces development time and accelerates performance. ScaleOut Analytics Server enables applications to execute user-defined methods in parallel on a selected set of data and then combine the results with user-defined merge algorithms. It stores datasets as objects in a scalable, in-memory data grid, minimizing data motion and providing fast results. Performing analysis with ScaleOut Analytics Server requires no special knowledge of parallel programming. The user writes methods to analyze data and merge results using standard Java methods, then uses queries on object properties to select objects for analysis. In addition, the software automatically deploys application code and dependent libraries on all grid servers, eliminating time-consuming setup. Using Single Method Invocation (SMI), applications can invoke a method on a specified set of objects, supply parameters to invocation, and receive the method's result value. SMI can be used to analyze a targeted set of stored objects, or to update them without replacing their full contents in a manner similar to stored procedures in database systems. NOTE: At this time, this product instance must be launched using the "Launch with EC2 Console"option.

Product Details

Available on AWS Marketplace Since: 11/13/2012
Note: Always ensure your operating system is current for your needs.

Annual Subscription Details

Annual software subscription requires one time up front payment with no ongoing charges, and covers all software fees for the selected instance type. Hourly AWS infrastructure usage fees still apply. Learn more about annual subscriptions 

Usage Instructions

To administer this product, ScaleOut Software, Inc. provides a StateServer Management Console on Windows, and a command-line Python script combined with a Web Management Console for Linux.

To acquire these tools on your management workstation, download and install the latest ScaleOut StateServer Remote Client installer for Linux operating systems or the ScaleOut StateServer installer for Windows systems from our Support Downloads page: On Windows operating systems, select the Remote Client/Cloud Mgt. setup type.

Once installed, please see the ScaleOut StateServer Help file for step-by-step instructions to launch and manage ScaleOut StateServer on Amazon EC2. This help file can be found in the product installation directory on your local system, or online at On Windows systems, this help file is also available in the Start menu. Once opened, please review the sections under Deploying SOSS in the Cloud, including both the Overview and Deploying in Amazon EC2 sections.

ScaleOut StateServer typically runs on multiple instances in Amazon EC2 to form a single in-memory data grid. This enables the grid to scale its storage capacity and performance to handle large workloads. For this reason, this product should be launched using the ScaleOut management tools instead of within the AWS Marketplace Web site. The management tools automatically interconnect a user-specified number of instances to form or scale a data grid. The user can launch and manage multiple named, in-memory data grids using the ScaleOut management tools running on a workstation that connects to Amazon EC2.

Client applications running as a single instance or as multiple instances can connect to and make use of a deployed in-memory data grid using APIs provided by the ScaleOut StateServer Remote Client libraries. Client applications can run either within Amazon EC2 or on remote client systems. Please install the ScaleOut Remote Client libraries on all instances or servers that need to access a deployed in-memory data grid. Follow the instructions in the Product Documentation to enable a client application to dynamically connect to a named data grid within Amazon EC2. These instructions explain how to configure the client configuration file, soss_client_params.txt, which the user stages in the ScaleOut StateServer installation folder on each client instance or remote client system prior to starting the client application.

Support Details

ScaleOut Analytics Server (HVM)
Standard Support & Maintenance plan included in pricing. Gold and Platinum Support available through ScaleOut Software directly. See for more details.

AWS Infrastructure

AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services. Learn more

Refund Policy

You may cancel service at any time via AWS. Refunds are not available for fees incurred.

Annual Subscriptions:

Annual subscription cancellations or downgrades are not supported. If you need help with or want to upgrade your subscriptions, please click here 

End User License Agreement

You will have an opportunity to review your order before launching or being charged.
Pricing Details
For region
Hourly Fees
Total hourly fees will vary by instance type and EC2 region.
Software annual pricing savings over hourly: 9% - 76%
Savings is based on the difference between the annual price and running the software at the hourly price for 24 hours over 365 days.
EBS Magnetic volumes
You are charged once a month for both the space and performance that you reserve. Please visit the EBS pricing for more details.

Assumes On-Demand EC2 pricing
Learn about instance types 

Data Transfer Fees not included
Learn more about Data Transfer Fees 

For lower prices you can utilize:
Reserved Instances 
Spot Instances 
See all Pricing Details 
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