Healthcare providers around the world are using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to deliver improved care to their patients by reducing the time and effort required to run existing workloads, and also providing access to powerful new analytics capabilities, all while meeting the security and privacy requirements you expect. You can save resources by using affordable archiving solutions, save space in your hospital by putting your backup servers in the cloud, and also take advantage of new ways to manage patient information in your hospital information systems.

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Any clinical system that contributes digital information to the larger patient record is a natural fit for the cloud, where data can be securely managed and transferred at a low cost.

See how Arterys built a cloud-based medical image visualization system »

AWS provides archiving solutions that can support your regulatory requirements and are cost-effective, with storage available for as little as $0.01 per gigabyte per month.

Learn about how Philips Healthcare stores 15 PB of data in the AWS cloud »

AWS can help enable data-driven insights, whether you are trying to conduct population risk analysis, analyze provider patterns, or improve patient satisfaction.

Learn about Eliza Corporation is using AWS for analytics »

The AWS environment is designed to give customers the ability to follow a broad range of international security and data protection standards. For your applications that use protected health information (as defined under the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)), AWS can sign Business Associate Agreements (BAA) and provide the technical infrastructure to ensure you have the ability to meet your statutory privacy requirements.

Learn more about HIPAA workloads on AWS »

The security features in the AWS Cloud are built to help you meet your regulatory and institutional requirements. AWS data centers are in buildings that utilize state-of-the art electronic surveillance systems and are staffed 24/7 by trained security guards. Your data is secured by a firewall by default, and data is encrypted while in transit and at rest, with encryption keys you can store yourself, with AWS, or using a Hardware Security Module.

Visit the AWS Security Center for a full listing of security features »

AWS can help you meet your IT budget by ensuring your IT resources are deployed as efficiently as possible so you can focus on delivering care. In fact, a recent study by IDC found that customers who deployed in the AWS cloud realized 72% savings over five years when compared with deploying the same resources on-premises, or in a hosted environment.

Visit the Economics Center to learn about how you can save on IT costs »

Once you are ready to get started, AWS can help connect you with the right resources to implement your project. In addition to support offered directly by AWS, the Amazon Partner Network (APN) includes partners who have achieved an AWS Healthcare Competency. Working with these Competency Partners gives you access to innovative, cloud-based solutions that have a proven track-record handling clinical data.

Learn more about Healthcare Partners »