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Haec pagina cane domestico explicat. Si aliud quaeris quod etiam "Canis" appellatur, vide Canis (discretiva).
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Canis lupus familiaris
Aetas fossilium: 0.015–0 Ma
Pleistocene – Recent
Conservationis status
Regnum: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Classis: Mammalia
Ordo: Carnivora
Familia: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: Canis lupus
Subspecies: Canis lupus familiaris
Nomen trinomine
Canis lupus familiaris
  • Canis familiaris
  • Canis familiaris domesticus
"Cave canem": inscriptio Pompeiana

Canis lupus familiaris, vulgo canis (-is, m.), est forma domestica Canis lupi, speciei familiae Canidarum, ordinis Carnivorum. Nomen varietates feras domesticasque ambas designat. Canis domesticus est unus ex latissime conservatis laborantibus, venaticis, et affabilibus animalibus in toto orbe terrarum.

Canes cito facti sunt omnibus culturis praesentes, et erant in primis conlocationibus humanis pretiosissimi. Tradunt migrationem trans Fretum Bering fortasse nullo modo fieri potuisse sine canibus trahendi (Anglice: sled dogs). Canes multas partes hominibus agunt, sicut in venatione, congregatione (Anglice: herding), tutela, opere vigilum et militum, sodalitate, et, recentius, hominibus impeditis ministratione (Anglice: aiding handicapped people).

Canes sunt animalia familiaria, comites hominum fideles, et saepe licet illis eorum domum intrare. Canis delicia etiam fama est fidelem amicitiamque de quo fabulae abunda sunt. Intelligentia omnino canina multum aestimata est. Mores populares indicant canes magnam intelligentiam habere, quamquam saepe non demonstrant. Intelligentia canina manifesta habetur in discendo atque problemata solvendo.

Olfactus caninus trigesies quinquies maior quam noster est, aures autem caninae percipiunt sonos satis infra vel supra illos quos homines possunt.

Vide etiam[recensere | fontem recensere]

Bibliographia[recensere | fontem recensere]

  • Abrantes, Roger. 1999. Dogs Home Alone. Wakan Tanka. ISBN 0-9660484-2-3.
  • A&E Television Networks. 1998. Big Dogs, Little Dogs: The companion volume to the A&E special presentation. A Lookout Book. GT Publishing. ISBN 1-57719-353-9.
  • Alderton, David. 1984. The Dog. Chartwell Books. ISBN 0-89009-786-0.
  • Bloch, Günther. 2007. Die Pizza-Hunde. Stuttgartiae: Franckh-Kosmos-Verlags GmbH & Co. ISBN 978-3-440-10986-1.
  • Brewer, Douglas J. 2002/ Dogs in Antiquity: Anubis to Cerberus: The Origins of the Domestic Dog. Aris & Phillips. ISBN 0-85668-704-9.
  • Coppinger, Raymond, et Lorna Coppinger. 2002. Dogs: A New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior and Evolution. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-11563-1.
  • Cunliffe, Juliette. 2004. The Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds. Parragon Publishing. ISBN 0-7525-8276-3.
  • Derr, Mark. 2004. Dog's Best Friend: Annals of the Dog-Human Relationship. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-14280-9.
  • Donaldson, Jean. 1997. The Culture Clash. James & Kenneth Publishers. ISBN 1-888047-05-4 (paperback).
  • Fogle, Bruce. 2000. The New Encyclopedia of the Dog. Dania: Doring Kindersley. ISBN 0-7894-6130-7.
  • Grenier, Roger. 2000. The Difficulty of Being a Dog. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-30828-6.
  • Milani, Myrna M. 198). The Body Language and Emotion of Dogs: A practical guide to the Physical and Behavioral Displays Owners and Dogs Exchange and How to Use Them to Create a Lasting Bond. William Morrow. ISBN 0-688-12841-6.
  • Pfaffenberger, Clare. 1971. New Knowledge of Dog Behavior. Wiley. ISBN 0-87605-704-0.
  • Pfaffenberger, Clare. 2001. New Knowledge of Dog Behavior. Dogwise Publications. ISBN 1-929242-04-2.
  • Shook, Larry. 1992. "Breeders Can Hazardous to Health." In The Puppy Report: How to Select a Healthy, Happy Dog, 13–34. Globe Pequot. ISBN 1-55821-140-3.
  • Shook, Larry. 1995. "Breeders Can Hazardous to Health." In The Puppy Report: How to Select a Healthy, Happy Dog, 13–34. Ballantine. ISBN 0-345-38439-3.
  • Shook, Larry. 1992. The Puppy Report: How to Select a Healthy, Happy Dog. Globe Pequot. ISBN 1-55821-140-3.
  • Shook, Larry. 1995. The Puppy Report: How to Select a Healthy, Happy Dog. Ballantine. ISBN 0-345-38439-3
  • Nelson, R. W. Small animal internal medicine. Couto.
  • Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall. 1993. The Hidden Life of Dogs A Peter Davison Book. Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0-395-66958-8.
  • Trumler, Eberhard. 1996. Mit dem Hund auf du; Zum Verständnis seines Wesens und Verhaltens. Ed. 4a. Monaci: R. Piper GmbH & Co. KG.

Nexus externi[recensere | fontem recensere]

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