Errors found while checking this document as HTML 4.01 Transitional!

Result: 2 Errors, 13 warning(s)
: utf-8
: HTML 4.01 Transitional
Root Element: html

Help on the options is available.

Notes and Potential Issues

The following notes and warnings highlight missing or conflicting information which caused the validator to perform some guesswork prior to validation, or other things affecting the output below. If the guess or fallback is incorrect, it could make validation results entirely incoherent. It is highly recommended to check these potential issues, and, if necessary, fix them and re-validate the document.

  1. Info No Character encoding declared at document level

    No character encoding information was found within the document, either in an HTML meta element or an XML declaration. It is often recommended to declare the character encoding in the document itself, especially if there is a chance that the document will be read from or saved to disk, CD, etc.

    See this tutorial on character encoding for techniques and explanations.

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Validation Output: 2 Errors

  1. Warning Line 24, Column 249: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …3 victims then took their own lives" class="solid" border="0"/></a><br /><br />

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  2. Warning Line 24, Column 259: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …3 victims then took their own lives" class="solid" border="0"/></a><br /><br />

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  3. Warning Line 24, Column 265: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …3 victims then took their own lives" class="solid" border="0"/></a><br /><br />

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  4. Warning Line 30, Column 251: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …p:5px; float:left;" alt="Share Button"/></a><script type="text/javascript">var…

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  5. Warning Line 34, Column 122: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …g" border="0" alt="Free Columbine CDROM" width="167" height="88"></a><br/><br/>

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  6. Warning Line 34, Column 127: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …g" border="0" alt="Free Columbine CDROM" width="167" height="88"></a><br/><br/>

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  7. Warning Line 37, Column 155: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …ht="15" border="0" align="bottom" alt="a Columbine site ror sitemap" /></a>    

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  8. Warning Line 39, Column 176: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …ue" alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" height="31" width="88" border="0" /></a>

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  9. Error Line 42, Column 5: end tag for "DIV" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
    </td><td valign="top" class="padded8">

    • You forgot to close a tag, or
    • you used something inside this tag that was not allowed, and the validator is complaining that the tag should be closed before such content can be allowed.

    The next message, "start tag was here" points to the particular instance of the tag in question); the positional indicator points to where the validator expected you to close the tag.

  10. Info Line 23, Column 1: start tag was here
    <div align="center">
  11. Warning Line 45, Column 660: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …happened, proceed.. with caution. Some content will be disturbing.</span><br />

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  12. Warning Line 48, Column 62: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    <span class="small2">+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +</span><br />

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  13. Warning Line 52, Column 117: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …-1999 : a Columbine site -- Historical archive of the tragic shooting" /><br />

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  14. Warning Line 52, Column 123: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
    …-1999 : a Columbine site -- Historical archive of the tragic shooting" /><br />

    For the current document, the validator interprets strings like <FOO /> according to legacy rules that break the expectations of most authors and thus cause confusing warnings and error messages from the validator. This interpretation is triggered by HTML 4 documents or other SGML-based HTML documents. To avoid the messages, simply remove the "/" character in such contexts. NB: If you expect <FOO /> to be interpreted as an XML-compatible "self-closing" tag, then you need to use XHTML or HTML5.

    This warning and related errors may also be caused by an unquoted attribute value containing one or more "/". Example: <a href=>W3C</a>. In such cases, the solution is to put quotation marks around the value.

  15. Error Line 62, Column 5: end tag for "DIV" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this

    • You forgot to close a tag, or
    • you used something inside this tag that was not allowed, and the validator is complaining that the tag should be closed before such content can be allowed.

    The next message, "start tag was here" points to the particular instance of the tag in question); the positional indicator points to where the validator expected you to close the tag.

  16. Info Line 43, Column 1: start tag was here
    <div class="padded8a1">

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