Asian Americans Respond To Racist Comments
"Joke’s on YOU. I’m bad at math.”
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Unify / A Brighter Light
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WATCH PART 1 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuiWxIm3yiI
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One more story I didn't tell in the video, because I honestly don't know if I could've held up emotionally telling it:
So you know how you put your stuff down at lunch to save a seat? Well, after I did that one time, I got back to to the table and all the seats were full and my clarinet was gone. Everybody at the table knew who took my clarinet, but nobody would tell me where
CLICK HERE FOR FUNG BROS. SHIRTS: http://gummymall.com/fungbros
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Asian American Life
Asian American Life is a new monthly series featuring the Asian American community in the tri-state. The first show is an overview of the tri-state's Asian A...
Asian Americans Face Higher Rates of Bullying in School? - Angry Asian America Ep. 5
Jenny + Phil talk Asian Americans and Bullying in School!
Join the Act to Change Bullying Prevention Campaign
http://ActToChange.Org / Launches Tomorrow Oct 15
Let us know your thoughts below in comments!
More on Stories at http://AngryAsianMan.com
Tweet Us @JennyYangTV @AngryAsianMan @ISAtvOfficial
Snaps: @ISAtvOfficial / Instagram: @ISAtv
Watch Previous Ep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-94Yc
Young Americans (S2 / E2): "Asian American Experience" (VICE / Scion AV)
Next up, we discover what outdated stereotypes and everyday experiences Asian-Americans have to deal with today. Watch Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watc...
Do Americans Know Asian Geography?
“The big one is a country or body of water?”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Fornicary Gentlemen
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Jumping Jack
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Sweet Betty Browne
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Sizzlin’ Hot Club
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Mus
A message to Asian Americans
An Asian American actress (Grace Rowe) makes a plea for other Asian Americans to join her fight in Hollywood. http://igg.me/at/virtually
Americans Taste Exotic Asian Food
When your food fights back! Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1n4Gf3Q Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/...
Asian-American Underachievers?
A New York Magazine article titled "Paper Tiger" explains why so many Asian-Americans under-achieve in life after college after doing so well academically. A...
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Love is sacrifice. They had a lot of love…
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Weep Alone
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
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Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
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As the US Supreme Court decides what role race should play in college admissions, some Asian-Americans argue that the use of race as a criteria hurts more th...
What kind of Asian are you?
If you'd like to use this video for your company, school or other organization please email KenTanakaLA (at) gmail (dot) com.
Check out my site & mynew book! http://www.kentanakalovesyou.com/everybodydiesbook
Buy it now http://goo.gl/Si0TOV
Directed by Ken Tanaka and David Neptune
Thanks to Los Angeles YouTube studio for allowing us to film there.
Starring Scott Beehner, Stella Choe and a K
Unemployment, Poverty Grow Among Asian Americans in Los Angeles County
More Asian Americans live in Los Angeles County than anywhere else in the United States. A recent report by Asian Americans Advancing Justice L.A. found that...
Asian Culture vs. American Culture
"If you're late, you're on time."
Artwork from Yang Liu's book, East Meets West: http://www.amazon.com/Ost-trifft-West-Yang-Liu/dp/3874397335
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Social Experiment - What Will Americans Do When A Beautiful Asian Girl Is Slapped By A Male Pig??
Good News! It looks like WWYD is indeed coming back..let's hope it's before the end of the year but if not, it could be next spring. Look at this article where they discuss their future scenario involving an annoying child and mother!!
Anyways, this was a scenario done where americans are put to th
Asian Americans Respond To Racist Comments
"Joke’s on YOU. I’m bad at math.”
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos!
Unify / A Brighter Light
Licensed via War...
"Joke’s on YOU. I’m bad at math.”
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos!
Unify / A Brighter Light
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From hilarious social segments to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Yellow will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more yellow.
wn.com/Asian Americans Respond To Racist Comments
"Joke’s on YOU. I’m bad at math.”
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos!
Unify / A Brighter Light
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From hilarious social segments to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Yellow will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more yellow.
- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 1685338
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Shot by: Tim Shiiba, Stanley Chen
Edited by: Chester Xie
wn.com/Asian American Slang
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Shot by: Tim Shiiba, Stanley Chen
Edited by: Chester Xie
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 271116
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Shot/edited by: Tim (http://instagram.com/Judogreen)
Shot/edited by: Joe (http://www.instagram.com/JCovable)
wn.com/Asian Canadians Vs Asians Americans
Buy the BOBALIFE, ASIANS EAT & T.O.Y.S shirt: http://shop.akufuncture.com
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Shot/edited by: Tim (http://instagram.com/Judogreen)
Shot/edited by: Joe (http://www.instagram.com/JCovable)
- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 1538667
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Shot/edited by: Stanley Chen
Shot/edited by: Joe (http://www.instagram.com/JCovable)
Tim Shiiba (http://www.instagram.com/judogreen)
Kevin Zhou
Anh Ban
wn.com/Asian Australians Vs. Asian Americans
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Shot/edited by: Stanley Chen
Shot/edited by: Joe (http://www.instagram.com/JCovable)
Tim Shiiba (http://www.instagram.com/judogreen)
Kevin Zhou
Anh Ban
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 92166
WATCH PART 1 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuiWxIm3yiI
FUNG BROS SHIRTS: http://gummymall.com/fungbros
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WATCH PART 1 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuiWxIm3yiI
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DAVID: http://www.instagram.com/DavidBFung
ANDREW: http://www.instagram.com/AndrewJFung
Shot: Tim Shiiba
Edited: Nolan Tiongco
wn.com/Asian Canadians Vs. Asian Americans Pt. 2
WATCH PART 1 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuiWxIm3yiI
FUNG BROS SHIRTS: http://gummymall.com/fungbros
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DAVID: http://www.instagram.com/DavidBFung
ANDREW: http://www.instagram.com/AndrewJFung
Shot: Tim Shiiba
Edited: Nolan Tiongco
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 301
One more story I didn't tell in the video, because I honestly don't know if I could've held up emotionally telling it:
So you know how you...
One more story I didn't tell in the video, because I honestly don't know if I could've held up emotionally telling it:
So you know how you put your stuff down at lunch to save a seat? Well, after I did that one time, I got back to to the table and all the seats were full and my clarinet was gone. Everybody at the table knew who took my clarinet, but nobody would tell me where it was. They all just sat there laughing at me. I didn't even care about my seat anymore, I just wanted my stupid clarinet back. After some back and forth and back and forth, I screamed as loud as I could: "GIVE ME BACK MY F***ING CLARINET!" The entire cafeteria gets quiet but nobody gives me my clarinet back. Crying, I walk away and just sit in the bathroom sobbing. Later that day, somebody delivered the clarinet back to me but they wouldn't tell me who took it. To this day, I still don't know who took it.
On Asian American Bullying & Victimization: http://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resources/ethnicity-health/asian-american/bullying-and-victimization.aspx
On Asian American Suicide: http://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resources/ethnicity-health/asian-american/suicide.aspx
On Joining The Fight: http://www.pacer.org/bullying/
Follow me:
wn.com/4 Types Of Bullying That Asian Americans Experience (National Bullying Prevention Month)
One more story I didn't tell in the video, because I honestly don't know if I could've held up emotionally telling it:
So you know how you put your stuff down at lunch to save a seat? Well, after I did that one time, I got back to to the table and all the seats were full and my clarinet was gone. Everybody at the table knew who took my clarinet, but nobody would tell me where it was. They all just sat there laughing at me. I didn't even care about my seat anymore, I just wanted my stupid clarinet back. After some back and forth and back and forth, I screamed as loud as I could: "GIVE ME BACK MY F***ING CLARINET!" The entire cafeteria gets quiet but nobody gives me my clarinet back. Crying, I walk away and just sit in the bathroom sobbing. Later that day, somebody delivered the clarinet back to me but they wouldn't tell me who took it. To this day, I still don't know who took it.
On Asian American Bullying & Victimization: http://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resources/ethnicity-health/asian-american/bullying-and-victimization.aspx
On Asian American Suicide: http://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resources/ethnicity-health/asian-american/suicide.aspx
On Joining The Fight: http://www.pacer.org/bullying/
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- published: 08 Oct 2014
- views: 804
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ANDREW: http://www.twitter.com/AndrewJFung
DAVID: http://www.instagram.com/DavidBFung
ANDREW: http://www.instagram.com/AndrewJFung
Shot/edited by: Stanley Chen
Shot/edited by: Joe (http://www.instagram.com/JCovable)
Tim Shiiba (http://www.instagram.com/judogreen)
Kevin Zhou
Anh Ban
wn.com/Hot Asian Trends 2014 Asian Americans Like
CLICK HERE FOR FUNG BROS. SHIRTS: http://gummymall.com/fungbros
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DAVID: http://www.instagram.com/DavidBFung
ANDREW: http://www.instagram.com/AndrewJFung
Shot/edited by: Stanley Chen
Shot/edited by: Joe (http://www.instagram.com/JCovable)
Tim Shiiba (http://www.instagram.com/judogreen)
Kevin Zhou
Anh Ban
- published: 10 Oct 2014
- views: 22094
Asian American Life
Asian American Life is a new monthly series featuring the Asian American community in the tri-state. The first show is an overview of the tri-state's Asian A......
Asian American Life is a new monthly series featuring the Asian American community in the tri-state. The first show is an overview of the tri-state's Asian A...
wn.com/Asian American Life
Asian American Life is a new monthly series featuring the Asian American community in the tri-state. The first show is an overview of the tri-state's Asian A...
- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 4451
author: cunytv75
Asian Americans Face Higher Rates of Bullying in School? - Angry Asian America Ep. 5
Jenny + Phil talk Asian Americans and Bullying in School!
Join the Act to Change Bullying Prevention Campaign
http://ActToChange.Org / Launches Tomorrow Oct 15
Jenny + Phil talk Asian Americans and Bullying in School!
Join the Act to Change Bullying Prevention Campaign
http://ActToChange.Org / Launches Tomorrow Oct 15
Let us know your thoughts below in comments!
More on Stories at http://AngryAsianMan.com
Tweet Us @JennyYangTV @AngryAsianMan @ISAtvOfficial
Snaps: @ISAtvOfficial / Instagram: @ISAtv
Watch Previous Ep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-94YcWnmQ0
More on White House Initiative
On Asian Americans + Pacific Islanders
We're proud to have joined actor and activist, Maulik Pancholy (30 Rock / Sanjay+Craig) to discuss the White House Initiative on Asian Americans + Pacific Islanders' ACT TO CHANGE campaign about bullying prevention within the Asian American + Pacific Islander (API) community. API's face a significant rate of bullying in school for a variety of reasons - find out what YOU can do to fix this!
Phil Yu
Jenny Yang
Rebecca Lee
Kina Grannis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogcQq0AgD0U
Ep. 4 w/ Arthur Chu: https://youtu.be/s-94YcWnmQ0
Ep. 3 Jeremy Lin Leaves Lakers: https://youtu.be/LPyNgbAIZzE
Ep. 2 Asians+Academic Pressure: https://youtu.be/Xi-HIU6HYTQ
Ep. 1 MORE ASIANS ON TV!?: https://youtu.be/KF4BYkg25tw
ISA Insta / http://instagram.com/ISAtv
ISA Snaps / @ISAtvOfficial
ISA Tweets / @ISAtvOfficial
DANakaDAN / http://instagram.com/DANakaDAN
Ashley / http://instagram.com/Ashmats
Dan Matthews | http://youtube.com/DANakaDANtv
Phil Yu | http://twitter.com/AngryAsianMan
EDITOR: Christian Soriano
FILMED BY: Rommel Andaya, Christian Soriano
PRODUCTION TEAM: Andrew Yi + Krischana Vongpiansuksa
Contact: Shows@ISAtv.com
Official: http://ISAtv.com
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Snaps: @ISAtvOfficial
wn.com/Asian Americans Face Higher Rates Of Bullying In School Angry Asian America Ep. 5
Jenny + Phil talk Asian Americans and Bullying in School!
Join the Act to Change Bullying Prevention Campaign
http://ActToChange.Org / Launches Tomorrow Oct 15
Let us know your thoughts below in comments!
More on Stories at http://AngryAsianMan.com
Tweet Us @JennyYangTV @AngryAsianMan @ISAtvOfficial
Snaps: @ISAtvOfficial / Instagram: @ISAtv
Watch Previous Ep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-94YcWnmQ0
More on White House Initiative
On Asian Americans + Pacific Islanders
We're proud to have joined actor and activist, Maulik Pancholy (30 Rock / Sanjay+Craig) to discuss the White House Initiative on Asian Americans + Pacific Islanders' ACT TO CHANGE campaign about bullying prevention within the Asian American + Pacific Islander (API) community. API's face a significant rate of bullying in school for a variety of reasons - find out what YOU can do to fix this!
Phil Yu
Jenny Yang
Rebecca Lee
Kina Grannis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogcQq0AgD0U
Ep. 4 w/ Arthur Chu: https://youtu.be/s-94YcWnmQ0
Ep. 3 Jeremy Lin Leaves Lakers: https://youtu.be/LPyNgbAIZzE
Ep. 2 Asians+Academic Pressure: https://youtu.be/Xi-HIU6HYTQ
Ep. 1 MORE ASIANS ON TV!?: https://youtu.be/KF4BYkg25tw
ISA Insta / http://instagram.com/ISAtv
ISA Snaps / @ISAtvOfficial
ISA Tweets / @ISAtvOfficial
DANakaDAN / http://instagram.com/DANakaDAN
Ashley / http://instagram.com/Ashmats
Dan Matthews | http://youtube.com/DANakaDANtv
Phil Yu | http://twitter.com/AngryAsianMan
EDITOR: Christian Soriano
FILMED BY: Rommel Andaya, Christian Soriano
PRODUCTION TEAM: Andrew Yi + Krischana Vongpiansuksa
Contact: Shows@ISAtv.com
Official: http://ISAtv.com
Subscribe: http://youtube.com/ISAtv
Tumble: http://ISAtv.tumblr.com
Follow: http://twitter.com/ISAtvOfficial
Fan: https://www.facebook.com/internationa...
Pin: http://pinterest.com/ISAtv
Instagram: @ISAtv
Snaps: @ISAtvOfficial
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 1337
Young Americans (S2 / E2): "Asian American Experience" (VICE / Scion AV)
Next up, we discover what outdated stereotypes and everyday experiences Asian-Americans have to deal with today. Watch Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watc......
Next up, we discover what outdated stereotypes and everyday experiences Asian-Americans have to deal with today. Watch Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watc...
wn.com/Young Americans (S2 E2) Asian American Experience (Vice Scion Av)
Next up, we discover what outdated stereotypes and everyday experiences Asian-Americans have to deal with today. Watch Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watc...
- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 33964
author: VICE
Do Americans Know Asian Geography?
“The big one is a country or body of water?”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Fornicary Gentlemen
Licensed ...
“The big one is a country or body of water?”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Fornicary Gentlemen
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Jumping Jack
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Sweet Betty Browne
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Sizzlin’ Hot Club
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
National flag of Laos
MyFortis / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Thailand
Flowgraph / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Philippines
Alexander Gatsenko / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Bangladesh
Sigurcamp / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Iran
Flowgraph / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Syria
Hermsdorf / Thinkstock.com
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/Do Americans Know Asian Geography
“The big one is a country or body of water?”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Fornicary Gentlemen
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Jumping Jack
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Sweet Betty Browne
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Sizzlin’ Hot Club
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
National flag of Laos
MyFortis / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Thailand
Flowgraph / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Philippines
Alexander Gatsenko / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Bangladesh
Sigurcamp / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Iran
Flowgraph / Thinkstock.com
National flag of Syria
Hermsdorf / Thinkstock.com
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 1988333
A message to Asian Americans
An Asian American actress (Grace Rowe) makes a plea for other Asian Americans to join her fight in Hollywood. http://igg.me/at/virtually...
An Asian American actress (Grace Rowe) makes a plea for other Asian Americans to join her fight in Hollywood. http://igg.me/at/virtually
wn.com/A Message To Asian Americans
An Asian American actress (Grace Rowe) makes a plea for other Asian Americans to join her fight in Hollywood. http://igg.me/at/virtually
- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 527
Americans Taste Exotic Asian Food
When your food fights back! Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1n4Gf3Q Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/......
When your food fights back! Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1n4Gf3Q Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/...
wn.com/Americans Taste Exotic Asian Food
When your food fights back! Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1n4Gf3Q Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/...
Asian-American Underachievers?
A New York Magazine article titled "Paper Tiger" explains why so many Asian-Americans under-achieve in life after college after doing so well academically. A......
A New York Magazine article titled "Paper Tiger" explains why so many Asian-Americans under-achieve in life after college after doing so well academically. A...
wn.com/Asian American Underachievers
A New York Magazine article titled "Paper Tiger" explains why so many Asian-Americans under-achieve in life after college after doing so well academically. A...
Children Of Asian Immigrants Reveal Sacrifices Their Parents Made
Love is sacrifice. They had a lot of love…
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos!
Weep Alone
Licensed via Warner C...
Love is sacrifice. They had a lot of love…
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos!
Weep Alone
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Aching Heart
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
AJ Rafael
Chris Dinh
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From hilarious social segments to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Yellow will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more yellow.
wn.com/Children Of Asian Immigrants Reveal Sacrifices Their Parents Made
Love is sacrifice. They had a lot of love…
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos!
Weep Alone
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Aching Heart
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
AJ Rafael
Chris Dinh
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From hilarious social segments to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Yellow will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more yellow.
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 2949403
[E07] ABC&FOB; (Part 1/2)
AngryGirlComics Artist Statement: "The comic is over three years old and it no longer reflects my views and opinions. Three years ago, I did not value the fr......
AngryGirlComics Artist Statement: "The comic is over three years old and it no longer reflects my views and opinions. Three years ago, I did not value the fr...
wn.com/E07 Abc Fob (Part 1 2)
AngryGirlComics Artist Statement: "The comic is over three years old and it no longer reflects my views and opinions. Three years ago, I did not value the fr...
The Rise of Asian Americans - Panel 1
WELCOME Andrew Kohut President, Pew Research Center OPENING REMARKS Paul Taylor Executive Vice President, Pew Research Center Conference Moderator OVERVIEW O......
WELCOME Andrew Kohut President, Pew Research Center OPENING REMARKS Paul Taylor Executive Vice President, Pew Research Center Conference Moderator OVERVIEW O...
wn.com/The Rise Of Asian Americans Panel 1
WELCOME Andrew Kohut President, Pew Research Center OPENING REMARKS Paul Taylor Executive Vice President, Pew Research Center Conference Moderator OVERVIEW O...
What Does Ferguson Mean for Asian Americans? - Angry Asian America Ep. 8
Mike Song + Emily Chang Join Phil and Jenny Talk Why Situation in Ferguson Matters to APA Community Previous Ep w/ Tim Delaghetto http://youtu.be/NZkY9lAa-5E Su...
Mike Song + Emily Chang Join Phil and Jenny Talk Why Situation in Ferguson Matters to APA Community Previous Ep w/ Tim Delaghetto http://youtu.be/NZkY9lAa-5E Support+Donate to Angry Asian Man...
wn.com/What Does Ferguson Mean For Asian Americans Angry Asian America Ep. 8
Mike Song + Emily Chang Join Phil and Jenny Talk Why Situation in Ferguson Matters to APA Community Previous Ep w/ Tim Delaghetto http://youtu.be/NZkY9lAa-5E Support+Donate to Angry Asian Man...
- published: 29 Aug 2014
- views: 12668
author: ISAtv
Asian-Americans Weigh in on Affirmative Action
As the US Supreme Court decides what role race should play in college admissions, some Asian-Americans argue that the use of race as a criteria hurts more th......
As the US Supreme Court decides what role race should play in college admissions, some Asian-Americans argue that the use of race as a criteria hurts more th...
wn.com/Asian Americans Weigh In On Affirmative Action
As the US Supreme Court decides what role race should play in college admissions, some Asian-Americans argue that the use of race as a criteria hurts more th...
What kind of Asian are you?
If you'd like to use this video for your company, school or other organization please email KenTanakaLA (at) gmail (dot) com.
Check out my site & mynew book! ...
If you'd like to use this video for your company, school or other organization please email KenTanakaLA (at) gmail (dot) com.
Check out my site & mynew book! http://www.kentanakalovesyou.com/everybodydiesbook
Buy it now http://goo.gl/Si0TOV
Directed by Ken Tanaka and David Neptune
Thanks to Los Angeles YouTube studio for allowing us to film there.
Starring Scott Beehner, Stella Choe and a Ken Tanaka jog by.
Directed by David Neptune and Ken Tanaka
Written by Ken Tanaka with David Ury
Camera and Sound by John Coyne and David Neptune
This is my first video that I worked on together with my long lost identical twin brother David Ury. He helped get the actors to do the video. You can see us meet in my videos, just search "Ken Tanaka " and "David Ury".
Scott Beehner is an actor from the Groundlings comedy troupe, and lots of tv shows like Zeke and Luther, Sunny in Philly, and Workaholics. Stella Choe is an actor and professional dancer from The Muppet Movie and other films and tv shows. Attention agents, She is seeking theatrical representation in Los Angeles.
In this video, What Kind of Asian are you? Scott plays a friendly jogger who is very interested in guessing the heritage of Stella.
New Tumblr account
My website
My Blog
2nd Channel
wn.com/What Kind Of Asian Are You
If you'd like to use this video for your company, school or other organization please email KenTanakaLA (at) gmail (dot) com.
Check out my site & mynew book! http://www.kentanakalovesyou.com/everybodydiesbook
Buy it now http://goo.gl/Si0TOV
Directed by Ken Tanaka and David Neptune
Thanks to Los Angeles YouTube studio for allowing us to film there.
Starring Scott Beehner, Stella Choe and a Ken Tanaka jog by.
Directed by David Neptune and Ken Tanaka
Written by Ken Tanaka with David Ury
Camera and Sound by John Coyne and David Neptune
This is my first video that I worked on together with my long lost identical twin brother David Ury. He helped get the actors to do the video. You can see us meet in my videos, just search "Ken Tanaka " and "David Ury".
Scott Beehner is an actor from the Groundlings comedy troupe, and lots of tv shows like Zeke and Luther, Sunny in Philly, and Workaholics. Stella Choe is an actor and professional dancer from The Muppet Movie and other films and tv shows. Attention agents, She is seeking theatrical representation in Los Angeles.
In this video, What Kind of Asian are you? Scott plays a friendly jogger who is very interested in guessing the heritage of Stella.
New Tumblr account
My website
My Blog
2nd Channel
- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 7557866
Unemployment, Poverty Grow Among Asian Americans in Los Angeles County
More Asian Americans live in Los Angeles County than anywhere else in the United States. A recent report by Asian Americans Advancing Justice L.A. found that......
More Asian Americans live in Los Angeles County than anywhere else in the United States. A recent report by Asian Americans Advancing Justice L.A. found that...
wn.com/Unemployment, Poverty Grow Among Asian Americans In Los Angeles County
More Asian Americans live in Los Angeles County than anywhere else in the United States. A recent report by Asian Americans Advancing Justice L.A. found that...
- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 848
author: VOAvideo
Asian Culture vs. American Culture
"If you're late, you're on time."
Artwork from Yang Liu's book, East Meets West: http://www.amazon.com/Ost-trifft-West-Yang-Liu/dp/3874397335
Share on Facebo...
"If you're late, you're on time."
Artwork from Yang Liu's book, East Meets West: http://www.amazon.com/Ost-trifft-West-Yang-Liu/dp/3874397335
Share on Facebook: on.fb.me/1NBkKEm
Follow me everywhere!
Are you following Ying on instagram yet?? :)
Hi so on previous videos I asked you guys to tell me if you read to the end of comment boxes and a lot of you ACTUALLY DO. So now I'm stuck with the burden of actually writing stuff here to make you come down and read all this. La dee da dee da dee dum ba dum chaaaaa. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
BYE :)
wn.com/Asian Culture Vs. American Culture
"If you're late, you're on time."
Artwork from Yang Liu's book, East Meets West: http://www.amazon.com/Ost-trifft-West-Yang-Liu/dp/3874397335
Share on Facebook: on.fb.me/1NBkKEm
Follow me everywhere!
Are you following Ying on instagram yet?? :)
Hi so on previous videos I asked you guys to tell me if you read to the end of comment boxes and a lot of you ACTUALLY DO. So now I'm stuck with the burden of actually writing stuff here to make you come down and read all this. La dee da dee da dee dum ba dum chaaaaa. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
BYE :)
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 1604
Social Experiment - What Will Americans Do When A Beautiful Asian Girl Is Slapped By A Male Pig??
Good News! It looks like WWYD is indeed coming back..let's hope it's before the end of the year but if not, it could be next spring. Look at this article where ...
Good News! It looks like WWYD is indeed coming back..let's hope it's before the end of the year but if not, it could be next spring. Look at this article where they discuss their future scenario involving an annoying child and mother!!
Anyways, this was a scenario done where americans are put to the test when they see a woman being slapped by her pompous boyfriend...and whether or not people will step in to stop him! and then of course, they reverse the scenario where she's slapping him..now what will americans do?
It wasn't long, but at least they had the guts to do it in such a large setting :)
wn.com/Social Experiment What Will Americans Do When A Beautiful Asian Girl Is Slapped By A Male Pig
Good News! It looks like WWYD is indeed coming back..let's hope it's before the end of the year but if not, it could be next spring. Look at this article where they discuss their future scenario involving an annoying child and mother!!
Anyways, this was a scenario done where americans are put to the test when they see a woman being slapped by her pompous boyfriend...and whether or not people will step in to stop him! and then of course, they reverse the scenario where she's slapping him..now what will americans do?
It wasn't long, but at least they had the guts to do it in such a large setting :)
- published: 05 Nov 2014
- views: 840
Vera Wang Queen of Fashion Amazing Chinese American Biographies of Amazing Asian Americans Biographi
"Shattered Beauty" by Team Spirited - An 11th Annual 72 Hour Shootout Film Submission
This film was submitted to the Asian American Film Lab’s 11th annual 72 Hour Shootout Filmmaking Competition in June 2015. The Top Ten films premiered at the Asian American International Film Festival in New York City and at the Asians on Film Festival in Los Angeles. All films have the chance for televised broadcast on AAFL TV. The goal of the Shootout is to support and promote ethnic and gend
Isn't It Supposed To Be Asian Privilege?
Let's check whether the facts and evidences live up to the accusations.
Webinar: The Supreme Court in 2016 - Four Cases That Will Impact Asian Americans and Pacific
Cindy Moon and Amadeus Cho: Asian Americans in Marvel Comics
A partial critique, partial analysis of 2/3rds of of the Asian Americans with their own titles right now. Kamala Khan video to be out soon.
& Yep, like a quarter of this video is out of focus. My bad.
Let's start a conversation
on Twitter: http://twitter.com/_KimHernandez
on Instagram: http://instagram.com/kim.gif/
on Tumblr: http://kimmakesthethings.tumblr.com/
First Americans were Black Not Indians Native Americans, or Asian People
Tôi đã tạo video này bằng Trình chỉnh sửa video của YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
BRC and Friends — Kathy Khang and Laura Mariko Cheifetz: Holtzclaw, Asian Americans, and Race
BRC and Friends is back for at least one episode in 2015 before its big relaunch in 2016. Inspired by a twitter conversation about the recent trial and conviction of Oklahoma police officer, Daniel Holtzclaw. We will be discussing two central issues: namely what does it mean that so many have identified Holtzclaw as white, and what does it mean for the Asian American community to name his Asian Am
SAW Project part 3: Asian Americans in Media
SAW 2015
Who are Asian Americans: A Quick Look At Our Growing Community
Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders are #NotTheSame.
Remarks by Christopher Kang, National Director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (www.ncapaonline.org) at National Action Network rally supporting affirmative action on the steps of the Supreme Court. December 9, 2015.
#filmsavedme PSA for Asian Americans
A Moth to Flame Production (http://mothtoflamefilms.com)
How first generation Asian Americans feel like...
Are Asian Americans Discriminated Against in College Admissions?
"Changing the Stats: Asian Americans on Broadway" Concert Puts Actors in Non-Traditional Dream Roles
http://www.playbill.com/multimedia/video On Nov. 2, the "Changing the Stats: Asian Americans on Broadway" concert featured tunes from Broadway hits like "The Producers," "The Light in the Piazza," "Company" and "Gypsy" sung by Asian-American actors who traditionally wouldn’t be cast in the roles. Performers included Jose Llana, Ann Harada, Raymond J. Lee, Herman Sebek, Devin Ilaw, Emily Hsu, Ali E
History of Asian Americans Top # 5 Facts
Americans try Asian candy!
Hey guys this is Sidgie and Samantha! We hope you enjoyed watching us try Asian candy! If you did make sure you get this video a like! And if there are any other videos you would like to see us do comment it down below.
FOLLOW us on social media so you know what we are up to
sam :samdrew_123
sidgie : sidgieee
both of us: samandsidgie
"Shattered Beauty" by Team Spirited - An 11th Annual 72 Hour Shootout Film Submission
This film was submitted to the Asian American Film Lab’s 11th annual 72 Hour Shootout Filmmaking Competition in June 2015. The Top Ten films premiered at the A...
This film was submitted to the Asian American Film Lab’s 11th annual 72 Hour Shootout Filmmaking Competition in June 2015. The Top Ten films premiered at the Asian American International Film Festival in New York City and at the Asians on Film Festival in Los Angeles. All films have the chance for televised broadcast on AAFL TV. The goal of the Shootout is to support and promote ethnic and gender diversity in mainstream media, with a focus on Asian Americans. The Film Lab, a 501(c)(3) not for profit, runs monthly live events ranging from screenings to seminars to theatrical performances and script workshops, most of which are free and open to the public. Additionally, the Film Lab has a production arm of innovative, bold and deliciously diverse entertainment including AAFL TV and the television series, Film Lab Presents. For more, please visit www.film-lab.org.
© 2015 The Film Lab, All Rights Reserved
Reproduction or Dissemination without express written authorization strictly prohibited
wn.com/Shattered Beauty By Team Spirited An 11Th Annual 72 Hour Shootout Film Submission
This film was submitted to the Asian American Film Lab’s 11th annual 72 Hour Shootout Filmmaking Competition in June 2015. The Top Ten films premiered at the Asian American International Film Festival in New York City and at the Asians on Film Festival in Los Angeles. All films have the chance for televised broadcast on AAFL TV. The goal of the Shootout is to support and promote ethnic and gender diversity in mainstream media, with a focus on Asian Americans. The Film Lab, a 501(c)(3) not for profit, runs monthly live events ranging from screenings to seminars to theatrical performances and script workshops, most of which are free and open to the public. Additionally, the Film Lab has a production arm of innovative, bold and deliciously diverse entertainment including AAFL TV and the television series, Film Lab Presents. For more, please visit www.film-lab.org.
© 2015 The Film Lab, All Rights Reserved
Reproduction or Dissemination without express written authorization strictly prohibited
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 2
Isn't It Supposed To Be Asian Privilege?
Let's check whether the facts and evidences live up to the accusations.
Let's check whether the facts and evidences live up to the accusations.
wn.com/Isn't It Supposed To Be Asian Privilege
Let's check whether the facts and evidences live up to the accusations.
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 5
Cindy Moon and Amadeus Cho: Asian Americans in Marvel Comics
A partial critique, partial analysis of 2/3rds of of the Asian Americans with their own titles right now. Kamala Khan video to be out soon.
& Yep, like a quar...
A partial critique, partial analysis of 2/3rds of of the Asian Americans with their own titles right now. Kamala Khan video to be out soon.
& Yep, like a quarter of this video is out of focus. My bad.
Let's start a conversation
on Twitter: http://twitter.com/_KimHernandez
on Instagram: http://instagram.com/kim.gif/
on Tumblr: http://kimmakesthethings.tumblr.com/
wn.com/Cindy Moon And Amadeus Cho Asian Americans In Marvel Comics
A partial critique, partial analysis of 2/3rds of of the Asian Americans with their own titles right now. Kamala Khan video to be out soon.
& Yep, like a quarter of this video is out of focus. My bad.
Let's start a conversation
on Twitter: http://twitter.com/_KimHernandez
on Instagram: http://instagram.com/kim.gif/
on Tumblr: http://kimmakesthethings.tumblr.com/
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 7
First Americans were Black Not Indians Native Americans, or Asian People
Tôi đã tạo video này bằng Trình chỉnh sửa video của YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/editor)...
Tôi đã tạo video này bằng Trình chỉnh sửa video của YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/First Americans Were Black Not Indians Native Americans, Or Asian People
Tôi đã tạo video này bằng Trình chỉnh sửa video của YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 20 Dec 2015
- views: 1
BRC and Friends — Kathy Khang and Laura Mariko Cheifetz: Holtzclaw, Asian Americans, and Race
BRC and Friends is back for at least one episode in 2015 before its big relaunch in 2016. Inspired by a twitter conversation about the recent trial and convicti...
BRC and Friends is back for at least one episode in 2015 before its big relaunch in 2016. Inspired by a twitter conversation about the recent trial and conviction of Oklahoma police officer, Daniel Holtzclaw. We will be discussing two central issues: namely what does it mean that so many have identified Holtzclaw as white, and what does it mean for the Asian American community to name his Asian American identity?
These are not easy or simple questions but we hope that having this conversation will help.
Full blog post with bios and recap:
Please feel free to follow us on twitter
Kathy Khang: http://twitter.com/mskathykhang
Laura Mariko Cheifetz: http://twitter.com/lmcheifetz
Bruce Reyes-Chow: http://twitter.com/breyeschow
Also please visit the BRC and Friends on Patreon and consider supporting the 2016 show reboot.
wn.com/Brc And Friends — Kathy Khang And Laura Mariko Cheifetz Holtzclaw, Asian Americans, And Race
BRC and Friends is back for at least one episode in 2015 before its big relaunch in 2016. Inspired by a twitter conversation about the recent trial and conviction of Oklahoma police officer, Daniel Holtzclaw. We will be discussing two central issues: namely what does it mean that so many have identified Holtzclaw as white, and what does it mean for the Asian American community to name his Asian American identity?
These are not easy or simple questions but we hope that having this conversation will help.
Full blog post with bios and recap:
Please feel free to follow us on twitter
Kathy Khang: http://twitter.com/mskathykhang
Laura Mariko Cheifetz: http://twitter.com/lmcheifetz
Bruce Reyes-Chow: http://twitter.com/breyeschow
Also please visit the BRC and Friends on Patreon and consider supporting the 2016 show reboot.
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 35
Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders are #NotTheSame.
Remarks by Christopher Kang, National Director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (www.ncapaonline.org) at National Action Network rally support...
Remarks by Christopher Kang, National Director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (www.ncapaonline.org) at National Action Network rally supporting affirmative action on the steps of the Supreme Court. December 9, 2015.
wn.com/Asian Americans Pacific Islanders Are Notthesame.
Remarks by Christopher Kang, National Director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (www.ncapaonline.org) at National Action Network rally supporting affirmative action on the steps of the Supreme Court. December 9, 2015.
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 6
#filmsavedme PSA for Asian Americans
A Moth to Flame Production (http://mothtoflamefilms.com)
How first generation Asian Americans feel like......
A Moth to Flame Production (http://mothtoflamefilms.com)
How first generation Asian Americans feel like...
wn.com/Filmsavedme Psa For Asian Americans
A Moth to Flame Production (http://mothtoflamefilms.com)
How first generation Asian Americans feel like...
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 5
"Changing the Stats: Asian Americans on Broadway" Concert Puts Actors in Non-Traditional Dream Roles
http://www.playbill.com/multimedia/video On Nov. 2, the "Changing the Stats: Asian Americans on Broadway" concert featured tunes from Broadway hits like "The Pr...
http://www.playbill.com/multimedia/video On Nov. 2, the "Changing the Stats: Asian Americans on Broadway" concert featured tunes from Broadway hits like "The Producers," "The Light in the Piazza," "Company" and "Gypsy" sung by Asian-American actors who traditionally wouldn’t be cast in the roles. Performers included Jose Llana, Ann Harada, Raymond J. Lee, Herman Sebek, Devin Ilaw, Emily Hsu, Ali Ewoldt, Josh Dela Cruz, Christine Toy Johnson, Pearl Sun, EJ Zimmerman, Joanna Carpenter, Alan Ariano and Albert Guerzon.
wn.com/Changing The Stats Asian Americans On Broadway Concert Puts Actors In Non Traditional Dream Roles
http://www.playbill.com/multimedia/video On Nov. 2, the "Changing the Stats: Asian Americans on Broadway" concert featured tunes from Broadway hits like "The Producers," "The Light in the Piazza," "Company" and "Gypsy" sung by Asian-American actors who traditionally wouldn’t be cast in the roles. Performers included Jose Llana, Ann Harada, Raymond J. Lee, Herman Sebek, Devin Ilaw, Emily Hsu, Ali Ewoldt, Josh Dela Cruz, Christine Toy Johnson, Pearl Sun, EJ Zimmerman, Joanna Carpenter, Alan Ariano and Albert Guerzon.
- published: 07 Dec 2015
- views: 116
Americans try Asian candy!
Hey guys this is Sidgie and Samantha! We hope you enjoyed watching us try Asian candy! If you did make sure you get this video a like! And if there are any othe...
Hey guys this is Sidgie and Samantha! We hope you enjoyed watching us try Asian candy! If you did make sure you get this video a like! And if there are any other videos you would like to see us do comment it down below.
FOLLOW us on social media so you know what we are up to
sam :samdrew_123
sidgie : sidgieee
both of us: samandsidgie
wn.com/Americans Try Asian Candy
Hey guys this is Sidgie and Samantha! We hope you enjoyed watching us try Asian candy! If you did make sure you get this video a like! And if there are any other videos you would like to see us do comment it down below.
FOLLOW us on social media so you know what we are up to
sam :samdrew_123
sidgie : sidgieee
both of us: samandsidgie
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 11
The Rise of Asian Americans - Panel 2
PANEL TWO The Honorable Elaine L. Chao 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor (2001-2009) First Asian Pacific American woman appointed to President's Cabinet in Americ...
Asian American Life: Asian Americans in Fashion
This month, we focus on Asian American leaders in fashion. The show highlights new designers, models, and business trends on Asian American Life. Watch more ...
What Black Americans Can Learn From Asian Americans
Please also Subscribe to Winner Laowai in China:
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Hit me on the Twit: https://twitter.com/chamaflauge2278
My Blogger: http://loserlao
Cultural & Therapist Factors in Treating Asian Americans
Dr. Nolan Zane, psychologist and director of the Asian American Center on Disparities Research, describes a paradigm for Asian American mental health researc...
Asian American Life: October 2015 Ellis Island Special
Correspondent Kyung Yoon looks at the new “Peopling of America” Exhibit in Ellis Island, which recently opened in May 2015. We take a close look at how people can trace their ancestors' and families' history inside the new interactive museum.
Thousands of immigrants passed through the registry room at Ellis Island but little is known about the Filipinos who arrived in the early 1900’s. Many came
Building a Theatre of Inclusion: Perspectives on Asian American Casting & Producing
On February 18, 2013, Silk Road Rising, the League of Chicago Theatres and Lifeline Theatre hosted a panel discussion and community conversation that addressed challenges faced by Asian American actors, particularly as regards casting, questions that theatres face in producing plays with Asian American content, as well as broader community concerns with productions that are not perceived as cultur
The Making of Asian America: A History
In the past fifty years, Asian Americans have helped change the face of America and are now the fastest growing group in the United States. But as award-winning historian Erika Lee reminds us, Asian Americans also have deep roots in the country. The Making of Asian America tells the little-known history of Asian Americans and their role in American life, from the arrival of the first Asians in the
First Americans were Black Not Indians/Native American, or Asian
Donate to brother Umar Johnson's School. Link here
Like us on facebook
DingDingTV-Asian Americans In Politics
The 14th Business Seminar Imapct Your World: Becoming an expert on your solution and issue Organizer:Taiwaness American Chamber of Commerce Northern Californ...
Asian-American Literature Today
MacArthur Genius Fellow Yiyun Li reads from her work and discusses the state of Asian-American literature.
For transcript, captions, and more information, visit http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=6625
Culturally-Sensitive Assessment and Treatment of Mental Health Symptoms Among Asian Americans
Speaker: Irene Chung Within the field of psychology, immigrants are often overlooked when it comes to assessing mental health. The Asian immigrant population...
Asian American Life - May 2014
In honor of Asian American Pacific Heritage Month, we feature influential Asian Americans with an impact on America. We focus on Assemblyman Ron Kim, the fir...
Female Asian-Americans: Finding a Voice
Handling the pressure from society's expectations is challenging enough; add more demands because of your race, gender, immigrant parents, and religion, and ...
LifeRaft: Asian Americans on the Stage
Join us for an evening with Asian-American actors who have made significant contributions on both the stage and screen. This conversation is meant to highlig...
Tufts Asian American Studies Teach-In 3/11/2012
WHAT IS ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES? "An interdisciplinary field that examines Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, their history, communities, and contemporary...
Noam Chomsky On Asian America
The White House Summit on AAPIs Closing Program
The full closing program for the White House Summit on AAPIs on May 12, 2015. The program includes the afternoon Plenary Session, the Fireside Chat with cabinet secretaries, and artistic presentations.
Justice AND Equity: What’s the Asian American Angle?
Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in the United States. We have the potential to expand the Black/White racial binary in order to spark complex discussions and actions to advance racial equity and justice for everyone in the United States. Yet Asian Americans continue to occupy ambiguous, uncertain, and often “wedge” positions in America’s changing racial landscape. Join ChangeL
Asian American Life - February 2014
Asian American Life remembers Private Danny Chen, a victim of military hazing who committed suicide in 2011. Ernabel Demillo has an exclusive interview with ...
Ceilings of Success: Asian Americans in Elite Professions
"Lean in" for a lively discussion from a diverse panel consisting of academic, creative, and corporate perspectives on the challenges faced by second generation Asian Americans (especially women) in the elite, competitive workplace. Topics include: How to battle The Model Minority stereotype, cultural and gender diversity at the workplace, glass ceilings for Asian Americans, and balancing work, ca
The Rise of Asian Americans - Panel 2
PANEL TWO The Honorable Elaine L. Chao 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor (2001-2009) First Asian Pacific American woman appointed to President's Cabinet in Americ......
PANEL TWO The Honorable Elaine L. Chao 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor (2001-2009) First Asian Pacific American woman appointed to President's Cabinet in Americ...
wn.com/The Rise Of Asian Americans Panel 2
PANEL TWO The Honorable Elaine L. Chao 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor (2001-2009) First Asian Pacific American woman appointed to President's Cabinet in Americ...
Asian American Life: Asian Americans in Fashion
This month, we focus on Asian American leaders in fashion. The show highlights new designers, models, and business trends on Asian American Life. Watch more ......
This month, we focus on Asian American leaders in fashion. The show highlights new designers, models, and business trends on Asian American Life. Watch more ...
wn.com/Asian American Life Asian Americans In Fashion
This month, we focus on Asian American leaders in fashion. The show highlights new designers, models, and business trends on Asian American Life. Watch more ...
- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 1498
author: cunytv75
What Black Americans Can Learn From Asian Americans
Please also Subscribe to Winner Laowai in China:
Please Like and Subscribe
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3d modeling and animation: insomniakc (Joshua Rodriguez)
wn.com/What Black Americans Can Learn From Asian Americans
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3d modeling and animation: insomniakc (Joshua Rodriguez)
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 194
Cultural & Therapist Factors in Treating Asian Americans
Dr. Nolan Zane, psychologist and director of the Asian American Center on Disparities Research, describes a paradigm for Asian American mental health researc......
Dr. Nolan Zane, psychologist and director of the Asian American Center on Disparities Research, describes a paradigm for Asian American mental health researc...
wn.com/Cultural Therapist Factors In Treating Asian Americans
Dr. Nolan Zane, psychologist and director of the Asian American Center on Disparities Research, describes a paradigm for Asian American mental health researc...
Asian American Life: October 2015 Ellis Island Special
Correspondent Kyung Yoon looks at the new “Peopling of America” Exhibit in Ellis Island, which recently opened in May 2015. We take a close look at how people ...
Correspondent Kyung Yoon looks at the new “Peopling of America” Exhibit in Ellis Island, which recently opened in May 2015. We take a close look at how people can trace their ancestors' and families' history inside the new interactive museum.
Thousands of immigrants passed through the registry room at Ellis Island but little is known about the Filipinos who arrived in the early 1900’s. Many came as U.S. sponsored students and attended colleges like Columbia University and New York University. Host Ernabel Demillo traces their path to America.
Undocumented students face greater hurdles in getting a college education. Correspondent Paul Lin has an in-depth report on how these “Dreamers" achieved their American dream and the types of opportunities that are available today.
There’s only a handful of Asian American astronauts in the history of NASA, Dr. Leroy Chiao is one of them. He flew 3 shuttle flights and was the commander of Expedition 10, where he lived on board the International Space Station from Oct 13, 2004 to April 24, 2005. Correspondent Minnie Roh gets up close and personal with his inspirational story.
(Taped 09-11-2015)
wn.com/Asian American Life October 2015 Ellis Island Special
Correspondent Kyung Yoon looks at the new “Peopling of America” Exhibit in Ellis Island, which recently opened in May 2015. We take a close look at how people can trace their ancestors' and families' history inside the new interactive museum.
Thousands of immigrants passed through the registry room at Ellis Island but little is known about the Filipinos who arrived in the early 1900’s. Many came as U.S. sponsored students and attended colleges like Columbia University and New York University. Host Ernabel Demillo traces their path to America.
Undocumented students face greater hurdles in getting a college education. Correspondent Paul Lin has an in-depth report on how these “Dreamers" achieved their American dream and the types of opportunities that are available today.
There’s only a handful of Asian American astronauts in the history of NASA, Dr. Leroy Chiao is one of them. He flew 3 shuttle flights and was the commander of Expedition 10, where he lived on board the International Space Station from Oct 13, 2004 to April 24, 2005. Correspondent Minnie Roh gets up close and personal with his inspirational story.
(Taped 09-11-2015)
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 6
Building a Theatre of Inclusion: Perspectives on Asian American Casting & Producing
On February 18, 2013, Silk Road Rising, the League of Chicago Theatres and Lifeline Theatre hosted a panel discussion and community conversation that addressed ...
On February 18, 2013, Silk Road Rising, the League of Chicago Theatres and Lifeline Theatre hosted a panel discussion and community conversation that addressed challenges faced by Asian American actors, particularly as regards casting, questions that theatres face in producing plays with Asian American content, as well as broader community concerns with productions that are not perceived as culturally authentic.
Panelists included: David Henry Hwang, Playwright; Jamil Khoury, Artistic Director of Silk Road Rising; Eliza Shin, Actor; and Chay Yew, Artistic Director of Victory Gardens Theatre.
The panel was moderated by Danny Bernardo, actor and resident playwright at Bailiwick Chicago.
wn.com/Building A Theatre Of Inclusion Perspectives On Asian American Casting Producing
On February 18, 2013, Silk Road Rising, the League of Chicago Theatres and Lifeline Theatre hosted a panel discussion and community conversation that addressed challenges faced by Asian American actors, particularly as regards casting, questions that theatres face in producing plays with Asian American content, as well as broader community concerns with productions that are not perceived as culturally authentic.
Panelists included: David Henry Hwang, Playwright; Jamil Khoury, Artistic Director of Silk Road Rising; Eliza Shin, Actor; and Chay Yew, Artistic Director of Victory Gardens Theatre.
The panel was moderated by Danny Bernardo, actor and resident playwright at Bailiwick Chicago.
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 901
The Making of Asian America: A History
In the past fifty years, Asian Americans have helped change the face of America and are now the fastest growing group in the United States. But as award-winning...
In the past fifty years, Asian Americans have helped change the face of America and are now the fastest growing group in the United States. But as award-winning historian Erika Lee reminds us, Asian Americans also have deep roots in the country. The Making of Asian America tells the little-known history of Asian Americans and their role in American life, from the arrival of the first Asians in the Americas to the present-day. A book signing will follow the program.
wn.com/The Making Of Asian America A History
In the past fifty years, Asian Americans have helped change the face of America and are now the fastest growing group in the United States. But as award-winning historian Erika Lee reminds us, Asian Americans also have deep roots in the country. The Making of Asian America tells the little-known history of Asian Americans and their role in American life, from the arrival of the first Asians in the Americas to the present-day. A book signing will follow the program.
- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 0
First Americans were Black Not Indians/Native American, or Asian
Donate to brother Umar Johnson's School. Link here
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Donate to brother Umar Johnson's School. Link here
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wn.com/First Americans Were Black Not Indians Native American, Or Asian
Donate to brother Umar Johnson's School. Link here
Like us on facebook
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 42
DingDingTV-Asian Americans In Politics
The 14th Business Seminar Imapct Your World: Becoming an expert on your solution and issue Organizer:Taiwaness American Chamber of Commerce Northern Californ......
The 14th Business Seminar Imapct Your World: Becoming an expert on your solution and issue Organizer:Taiwaness American Chamber of Commerce Northern Californ...
wn.com/Dingdingtv Asian Americans In Politics
The 14th Business Seminar Imapct Your World: Becoming an expert on your solution and issue Organizer:Taiwaness American Chamber of Commerce Northern Californ...
- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 59
author: Diana Ding
Asian-American Literature Today
MacArthur Genius Fellow Yiyun Li reads from her work and discusses the state of Asian-American literature.
For transcript, captions, and more information, vis...
MacArthur Genius Fellow Yiyun Li reads from her work and discusses the state of Asian-American literature.
For transcript, captions, and more information, visit http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=6625
wn.com/Asian American Literature Today
MacArthur Genius Fellow Yiyun Li reads from her work and discusses the state of Asian-American literature.
For transcript, captions, and more information, visit http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=6625
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 15
Culturally-Sensitive Assessment and Treatment of Mental Health Symptoms Among Asian Americans
Speaker: Irene Chung Within the field of psychology, immigrants are often overlooked when it comes to assessing mental health. The Asian immigrant population......
Speaker: Irene Chung Within the field of psychology, immigrants are often overlooked when it comes to assessing mental health. The Asian immigrant population...
wn.com/Culturally Sensitive Assessment And Treatment Of Mental Health Symptoms Among Asian Americans
Speaker: Irene Chung Within the field of psychology, immigrants are often overlooked when it comes to assessing mental health. The Asian immigrant population...
- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 1200
author: aaaricuny
Asian American Life - May 2014
In honor of Asian American Pacific Heritage Month, we feature influential Asian Americans with an impact on America. We focus on Assemblyman Ron Kim, the fir......
In honor of Asian American Pacific Heritage Month, we feature influential Asian Americans with an impact on America. We focus on Assemblyman Ron Kim, the fir...
wn.com/Asian American Life May 2014
In honor of Asian American Pacific Heritage Month, we feature influential Asian Americans with an impact on America. We focus on Assemblyman Ron Kim, the fir...
- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 387
author: cunytv75
Female Asian-Americans: Finding a Voice
Handling the pressure from society's expectations is challenging enough; add more demands because of your race, gender, immigrant parents, and religion, and ......
Handling the pressure from society's expectations is challenging enough; add more demands because of your race, gender, immigrant parents, and religion, and ...
wn.com/Female Asian Americans Finding A Voice
Handling the pressure from society's expectations is challenging enough; add more demands because of your race, gender, immigrant parents, and religion, and ...
LifeRaft: Asian Americans on the Stage
Join us for an evening with Asian-American actors who have made significant contributions on both the stage and screen. This conversation is meant to highlig......
Join us for an evening with Asian-American actors who have made significant contributions on both the stage and screen. This conversation is meant to highlig...
wn.com/Liferaft Asian Americans On The Stage
Join us for an evening with Asian-American actors who have made significant contributions on both the stage and screen. This conversation is meant to highlig...
Tufts Asian American Studies Teach-In 3/11/2012
WHAT IS ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES? "An interdisciplinary field that examines Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, their history, communities, and contemporary......
WHAT IS ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES? "An interdisciplinary field that examines Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, their history, communities, and contemporary...
wn.com/Tufts Asian American Studies Teach In 3 11 2012
WHAT IS ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES? "An interdisciplinary field that examines Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, their history, communities, and contemporary...
- published: 01 Apr 2012
- views: 575
author: Alex Chan
The White House Summit on AAPIs Closing Program
The full closing program for the White House Summit on AAPIs on May 12, 2015. The program includes the afternoon Plenary Session, the Fireside Chat with cabinet...
The full closing program for the White House Summit on AAPIs on May 12, 2015. The program includes the afternoon Plenary Session, the Fireside Chat with cabinet secretaries, and artistic presentations.
wn.com/The White House Summit On Aapis Closing Program
The full closing program for the White House Summit on AAPIs on May 12, 2015. The program includes the afternoon Plenary Session, the Fireside Chat with cabinet secretaries, and artistic presentations.
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 1
Justice AND Equity: What’s the Asian American Angle?
Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in the United States. We have the potential to expand the Black/White racial binary in order to spark compl...
Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in the United States. We have the potential to expand the Black/White racial binary in order to spark complex discussions and actions to advance racial equity and justice for everyone in the United States. Yet Asian Americans continue to occupy ambiguous, uncertain, and often “wedge” positions in America’s changing racial landscape. Join ChangeLab and 18 Million Rising for a Google hangout, facilitated by writer and activist Deepa Iyer, to discuss how Asian Americans fight for racial equity, express their racial solidarity, and become active participants in twenty-first century movements for justice.
Ruben An, Program Coordinator of Asian Youth in Action, CAAAV
Subhash Kateel, Radio Host of Let’s Talk About It! and immigrant rights organizer
Karin Wang, Vice President of Programs & Communications, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Los Angeles
wn.com/Justice And Equity What’S The Asian American Angle
Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in the United States. We have the potential to expand the Black/White racial binary in order to spark complex discussions and actions to advance racial equity and justice for everyone in the United States. Yet Asian Americans continue to occupy ambiguous, uncertain, and often “wedge” positions in America’s changing racial landscape. Join ChangeLab and 18 Million Rising for a Google hangout, facilitated by writer and activist Deepa Iyer, to discuss how Asian Americans fight for racial equity, express their racial solidarity, and become active participants in twenty-first century movements for justice.
Ruben An, Program Coordinator of Asian Youth in Action, CAAAV
Subhash Kateel, Radio Host of Let’s Talk About It! and immigrant rights organizer
Karin Wang, Vice President of Programs & Communications, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Los Angeles
- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 0
Asian American Life - February 2014
Asian American Life remembers Private Danny Chen, a victim of military hazing who committed suicide in 2011. Ernabel Demillo has an exclusive interview with ......
Asian American Life remembers Private Danny Chen, a victim of military hazing who committed suicide in 2011. Ernabel Demillo has an exclusive interview with ...
wn.com/Asian American Life February 2014
Asian American Life remembers Private Danny Chen, a victim of military hazing who committed suicide in 2011. Ernabel Demillo has an exclusive interview with ...
- published: 10 Feb 2014
- views: 2079
author: cunytv75
Ceilings of Success: Asian Americans in Elite Professions
"Lean in" for a lively discussion from a diverse panel consisting of academic, creative, and corporate perspectives on the challenges faced by second generation...
"Lean in" for a lively discussion from a diverse panel consisting of academic, creative, and corporate perspectives on the challenges faced by second generation Asian Americans (especially women) in the elite, competitive workplace. Topics include: How to battle The Model Minority stereotype, cultural and gender diversity at the workplace, glass ceilings for Asian Americans, and balancing work, career, and family.
A conversation with:
Diana Pan, Assistant Professor of Sociology (Brooklyn College), author of “Becoming a (Pan)ethinic Attorney: How Asian American and Latino Law Students Manage Dual Identities” in the journal Sociological Forum
Helen Wan, author of The Partner Track (Macmillan), novelist, lawyer, and speaker on women and Asian Americans in the workplace
Moderated by Margaret M. Chin, Associate Professor of Sociology (Hunter College), author of Sewing Women, and currently working on a manuscript of Asian American College Graduates in the Professional work world
Hunter College Dept of Sociology
Asian American / Asian Research Institute - CUNY
wn.com/Ceilings Of Success Asian Americans In Elite Professions
"Lean in" for a lively discussion from a diverse panel consisting of academic, creative, and corporate perspectives on the challenges faced by second generation Asian Americans (especially women) in the elite, competitive workplace. Topics include: How to battle The Model Minority stereotype, cultural and gender diversity at the workplace, glass ceilings for Asian Americans, and balancing work, career, and family.
A conversation with:
Diana Pan, Assistant Professor of Sociology (Brooklyn College), author of “Becoming a (Pan)ethinic Attorney: How Asian American and Latino Law Students Manage Dual Identities” in the journal Sociological Forum
Helen Wan, author of The Partner Track (Macmillan), novelist, lawyer, and speaker on women and Asian Americans in the workplace
Moderated by Margaret M. Chin, Associate Professor of Sociology (Hunter College), author of Sewing Women, and currently working on a manuscript of Asian American College Graduates in the Professional work world
Hunter College Dept of Sociology
Asian American / Asian Research Institute - CUNY
- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 3