Moses Havini, leader of Bougainville liberation movement, dies

Saturday, May 16, 2015
Moses Havini

Moses Havini, former leader of the Bougainville independence movement, died in Sydney on May 2 after a long battle with cancer.

Vikki John from the Bougainville Freedom Movement said: “Moses inspired so many people and will be truly missed. The love, dignity and freedom for his people on Bougainville and their right to self-determination were at the forefront of Moses' life.

“The Bougainville Freedom Movement will continue to aspire to Moses’s belief that his people should be able to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development as a human right.”

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From GLW issue 1053


Rest in Peace Moses...

I remember a night in Clarence St, with Kirrallee, all those years ago...

Rest in Peace Moses, you will be missed.