Australian politics, society & culture


By Nick Feik on the
The asylum-seeker issue reared its head again this week, following the ALP’s policy reversal on turnbacks and revelations that Australia returned a boatload of Vietnamese asylum seekers to the place from which they fled. Meanwhile, up to a million Rohingya face genocide, and boats are their only possible means of...
Don’t expect the Chinese economy to play by familiar rules
By Satyajit Das on the
How statistics hide the victims of economic reform
By Dennis Glover on the
Tony Abbott is trying to con the states on tax reform
By Mungo MacCallum on the
Why I won’t be reading Harper Lee’s “new” novel
By Craig Silvey on the
What’s wrong with a child talking about politics?
By Mungo MacCallum on the
Comic artist Jon Sommariva and Oz Comic-Con
By Beau Kondos on the
Tony Abbott’s Q&A saga continues
By Mungo MacCallum on the
The absurd double standard behind the government’s “sovereignty” message
By Richard King on the
The Greeks emphatically voted “No”, but their troubles are far from over
By Satyajit Das on the
‘What Happened, Miss Simone?’ dir. Liz Garbus
By Anwen Crawford on the
If conservatives are distracted by same-sex marriage, perhaps they should get it out of the way with a vote
By Mungo MacCallum on the
Divergent central bank policies and unstable money markets mean a bumpy ride ahead
By Satyajit Das on the
The papal encyclical is the first work that has risen to the full challenge of climate change
By Robert Manne on the
Zaky Mallah and the Qanda quandary
By Mungo MacCallum on the
There’s only one way the Greek crisis will end
By Satyajit Das on the
By Nick Feik on the
Was anyone seriously suggesting that we didn’t already have sufficient laws to deal with terrorism? No. The citizenship issue is about national identity, and the right to dictate to whom it, and the law, applies. If Tony Abbott is choosing to exclude dual-national suspected terrorists from Australian legal...
Are young Muslims meant to be victims or heroes?
By Aicha Marhfour on the

