Australian politics, society & culture


The Monthly Book April Live Chat

Watch the conversation with Ramona Koval here.

Ramona Koval and Craig Sherborne discuss JM Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus. In this first Monthly Book discussion, Ramona and Craig will respond to readers’ questions about Coetzee’s latest novel.

Craig is a writer and journalist and has published two fine books of memoir – Hoi Polloi and Muck – and a novel, The Amateur Science of Love. Ramona is a
broadcaster, writer and former host of the Book Show on ABC Radio National – and now host of the Monthly Book, our club for readers.

This is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on the book and to have
your questions answered as part of our online book club. Please treat it like
you would a club in your living room: enter the debate and share your thoughts either below the video or on Twitter, using the hashtag #monthlybook. You can also email questions to [email protected]

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