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Articles by this author

The Monthly Book April Live Chat
Watch the conversation with Ramona Koval here. Ramona Koval and Craig Sherborne discuss JM Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus. In this first Monthly Book...
A Letter to the Editor, from Joe Dolce
Joe Dolce is a singer-songwriter, poet and essayist.  This is Joe's letter to Monthly editor John van Tiggelen, written just prior to the publication of '...
The Monthly Classics
It has been quite a year: there was the hard-fought US election, Mary Poppins duelled with Voldemort at the London Olympics opening ceremony, the Syrian conflict raged and...
A frustrated politician: Rupert Murdoch in 1985. © Roger Ressmeyer/Corbis & Rupert Murdoch after facing the Leveson inquiry, 26 April 2012. © Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
Murdoch Madness
The saga of the Murdoch empire has always held a hypnotic appeal for the Monthly’s writers. So much political influence and control of information rests in the hands of this...
Top Political Satire of 2012
An editor’s selection of ten amusing political items from 2012 by PoliticOz. The Press Assesses the Gettysburg Address: “SEAN: No one says the man isn't a shrewd orator...
Julia Gillard one year into her prime ministership, July 2011. © Kym Smith/Newspix & Illustration by Jeff Fisher
One Term in the Life of Julia Gillard
Two years is a long time in politics, especially if your name’s Julia Gillard. The Monthly has seen the rolling crises as well as the successes: from Gillard’s...
Top SlowTV Videos of 2012
SlowTV presents an editor’s selection of this year’s best videos. Michael Palin in Conversation On Obsession – David Grann of the New YorkerIndigenous Exceptionalism –...
Best Australian Political Writing 2012
Last May saw the launch of PoliticOz, the Monthly’s daily roundup of the nation’s political action. In a dramatic and often chaotic parliamentary year, PoliticOz pointed out the...
Our selection of highlights from Best Australian Political Cartoons 2012 (Scribe).
Best Australian Political Cartoons 2012
Our selection of highlights from Best Australian Political Cartoons 2012 ($29.95), published by Scribe. Warren Brown, The Daily Telegraph  David Pope, The...
Best Image Galleries of 2012
Ten of the best image galleries of 2012 from around the world as selected by the Shortlist Daily. Planet Fantastic: Stunning Images Of World's Most Incredible Landscapes–...
Best Satire of 2012
Ten of the most amusing reads of 2012 from the Shortlist Daily. Republicans consider welcoming people who believe in math and science “After disappointing results in...
Top Reads of 2012
Ten of the best reads from around the world as featured in the Shortlist Daily.How a high-speed rail disaster exposed China's corruption “He captured a wobbly snapshot of the...
Top Monthly Essays of 2012
In 2012, the media struggled, news suffered and ephemera triumphed, while the Monthly maintained its dedication to essays and long-form journalism. From Wayne Swan’s broadside at...
A Letter to Helen
We have had a remarkable reaction to Helen Garner’s Vox article, written on the impact of Jill Meagher’s death (‘Death in Brunswick’, November). The story also included a chance...
The Monthly takes out top current affairs award second year running
The Monthly was named winner of the Business, Finance & Current affairs category for the second consecutive year at the 2012 Australian Magazine Awards ceremony in Sydney. The...
Obama: The story so far
Barack Obama has long fascinated the Monthly's writers, and last year we found out that he still does the same to the American public. In the wake of his decisive victory over...
Our readers react to the Presidential Debate
Barack Obama decisively won the second presidential debate, according to the Monthly’s readers, while less than half of Americans polled thought Obama won the latest round in the...
React to the Presidential Debate
Tell us – and the world – what you, along with other Australians, think of today’s US Presidential Debate. Simply watch an eight-minute excerpt from the debate and use the...

