Australian politics, society & culture


A dinner date with Billy Snedden
By Robert Drewe
There was once a speaker of the Australian parliament who loved to travel overseas, and who especially enjoyed the sensual benefits that taxpayer-provided travel could deliver. It was the end of the Haight-Ashbury rock ’n’ roll era in San Francisco. I was living there with my young family, on California and Laguna
The US and China’s struggle for power in Asia
By Hugh White
Kevin Rudd gave the ALP its best chance for stable leadership
By Richard Denniss
“Democracy is in serious trouble …” So begins Tariq Ali in his confronting new book, The Extreme Centre, challenging citizens and governments to ensure freedom and equality across the world. Australia, Ali says, “specialises in battery-farming politicians of a provincial cast with impressive regularity …
When social services are cut, hospitals are left to fill the holes
By Karen Hitchcock
Tony Abbott’s surprises keep coming
By Don Watson
Former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis on Greece’s economic crisis
By Christos Tsiolkas
The constitutional recognition of indigenous Australians requires meaningful consultation
By Noel Pearson
Why Australia won’t help the Rohingya
By Richard Cooke
Favours and foreign affairs: Joko Widodo’s first year as Indonesian president
By Hamish McDonald
Joe Hockey and the myth of Coalition economic management
By Richard Denniss
Talk of stripping citizenship is just one example of Tony Abbott’s alarmist rhetoric
By Mark McKenna
Richard Di Natale and a new leadership team hit the mainstream
By Amanda Lohrey
Australian universities need US-style funding, not US-style fees
By Linda Jaivin
A win for David Cameron and the Conservatives in the UK was inevitable
By Guy Rundle
The 2015 budget has come and gone, but where is Joe Hockey's National Conversation?
By Nick Feik
In this La Trobe University Ideas and Society session at the Wheeler Centre, David Kilcullen, author of the Quarterly Essay ‘Blood Year: Terror and the Islamic State’, and La Trobe University emeritus professor Robert Manne discuss the rise of ISIS and the threat it poses. David Kilcullen was a senior adviser to
David Manne addresses the Thinking For Yourself Conference (arranged in honour of his uncle, Robert Manne) on the ethics of protecting the rights of those that seek shelter on our shores. Presented by La Trobe University, Melbourne, March 2013

