Weekly Report


The US is testing the modified B61, which is a smart 0.3-50 Kt thermonuclear bomb that has a tail kit enabling guided targeting. 400 B61-12s will be made after 2020 costing $348 billion+.


Fortunately, the most recent inter-Korean dispute remained far from going critical which is to say all sides stayed well clear of invoking nuclear threats.

Governance and Civil Society

The community and ecological impacts of a factory explosion in Tianjin are coming to the fore, as citizens continue to hold daily protests and the extent of corruption involved becomes clear.

Austral Peace and Security

Three separate events in the South China Sea global games. Firstly, whose islands, rocks and shoals? An event for the imaginative.

Policy Forum

The Tesla Battery—An Electricity Storage Technology with Potentially “D...

Tesla image

The Tesla Powerwall battery has the potential to demand further change of the utility industry, perhaps in some places shifting el ...

July 21, 2015

Challenges Associated with Natural Gas Exports from the U.S. to Asia: the O...

lng image

In this Policy Forum David von Hippel writes "With an eye on the Asian market, developers have proposed two LNG export terminals f ...

July 7, 2015

Cyber threats and the challenge of de-alerting US and Russian nuclear force...


Andrew Futter writes ‘A quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War, both the United States and Russia retain a significa ...

June 15, 2015

Special Reports

The Search for Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Sto...

August 31, 2015

Plans call for a continued expansion in South Korea’s fleet of nuclear reactors, but at the same time, facilities for the temporary storage of spent fuel, mostl...

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Urban Security and Complexity in Northeast As...

August 24, 2015

Cities have become complex systems by virtue of their intersection with multiple global problems. Cities face new vulnerabilities and uncertainties as globalizati...

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The Higher Management of Pine Gap

August 17, 2015

by Desmond Ball, Bill Robinson and Richard Tanter 18 August 2015 The full report is available here. I. Introduction The higher management of Pine Gap is and has a...

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The militarisation of Pine Gap: Organisation...

August 13, 2015

Many Australians associate Pine Gap with the Central Intelligence Agency, and it probably remains the CIA’s most important technical intelligence collection sta...

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Crossing Borders: a feminist history of Women...

August 10, 2015

Suzy Kim writes, "On May 24, 2015, thirty women peacemakers from fifteen nations walked with Korean women of the North and South to call for an end to the Korean ...

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Japan’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Groun...

August 6, 2015

This is a study of Japan’s ground-based signals intelligence (SIGINT) stations, the 17 (soon to be 19) major facilities that intercept, monitor, collect, proces...

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An Updated Estimate of Energy Use in the Arme...

August 4, 2015

North Korea’s new leader inherited a large standing conventional military. Shortly after taking over, he succeeded in launching a rocket and testing a nuclear d...

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Energy Security and the Role of Green Economi...

July 28, 2015

by David von Hippel Contributing authors: Yi Wang, Kae Takase, Tetsunari Iida, Myungrae Cho, and Sun-Jin Yun 28 July 2015 I. Introduction David von Hippel writes ...

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FOIA Reports

Telephone Directory United Nations Command RO...

January 6, 2014

The Spring 1985 UNC/CFC/USFK/EUSA Telephone Directory package’s listings in this new directory are broken into geographic areas by telephone prefix. As inst...

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Intelligence Report: The Outlook for Nuclear ...

October 29, 2013

Date of report: August 2, 1957 Nautilus publication date: October 29, 2013 Description: After the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, postwar Japanese publ...

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Concept for Operations in a Nuclear Environme...

October 17, 2013

Date of report: June 8th, 1982 Nautilus publication date: October 17, 2013 The USSR increased its military abilities throughout the Cold War instituting a constan...

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1968 Quarterly Operational Report for the 7th...

October 16, 2013

In 1968, tensions were much higher in the Korean Peninsula than today. The United States had a variety of tactical and theater nuclear weapons deployed in South K...

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Targeting the Soviet Army Along the Sino-Sovi...

October 15, 2013

In the 1970s, US defense officials took notice of escalating Sino-Soviet disagreements, particularly around the north eastern border.  In an attempt to stem the ...

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Military Aspects of a Study of the Implicatio...

August 28, 2013

The advent of China’s nuclear weapons program in 1964 has played an important role in the military-security landscape of Asia. Prior to its first nuclear te...

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Headquarters UNC/CFC Organization and Functio...

September 17, 2012

This manual reflects the organization, functions and relationships which exist within Headquarters, United Nations Command and within Headquarters, ROK/US Combine...

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Climate Change Adaptation

The Climate Change Adaptation Network (AdaptNet) is a fortnightly report that highlights best practices and demonstration projects addressing climate change. It focuses on cities in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region and how they might best prepare for a warming planet.

AdaptNet tiếng Việt

AdaptNet là bản báo cáo được xuất bản hai lần mỗi tháng, chú trọng nêu bật các giải pháp thực tiễn hiệu quả nhất cũng như các dự án điển hình có khả năng thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu. Bên cạnh đó, AdaptNet chủ yếu tập trung vào các thành phố tại Ốt-xtrây-li-a và khu vực Châu Á- Thái Bình Dương với các biện pháp chuẩn bị thích ứng với hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu.

About Nautilus


Since its founding in Berkeley, California in 1992, the Nautilus Institute has evolved into a thriving public policy think-tank and community resource. Along the way it has addressed critical security and sustainability issues such as the United States nuclear policy in Korea and the effect of the U.S.-China relationship on environmental insecurity. The Institute has built a reputation not only for innovative research and analysis of critical global problems, it also translates ideas into practical solutions, often with high impact.

The Institute convenes a community of scholars and practitioners who conduct research on strategies to solve interconnected global problems. Our Associates and Partners are located in Asia, North America, Europe, Australia and India. With our network of partner organizations and associates, we develop and apply these strategies to the linked threats of nuclear war, urban and energy insecurity, and climate change in the Asia Pacific region.

Nautilus encourages civil society to strengthen regional governance of these common problems and shared solutions.

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Nautilus in the News

French spying agency tapping Australia’s communications

July 13, 2015

Melbourne University intelligence expert and research fellow at the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability Richard Tanter said the latest French revelations were part of a broader picture, largely revealed by Snowden as well as disclosure ...

North Korean drought is hobbling the power supply, and the economy with it

June 22, 2015

“Our understanding is that in the big power plants, not all of the boilers are working,” said David von Hippel, an expert on North Korea’s energy sector at the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability.

Recent Comments

Ian Fry

This report is important for my research. Ian R....

Aug 16 2015 on The militarisati..


Dear Stan, it matters to victims that our nation ...

Aug 10 2015 on Cleaning up John..


Aloha Herb, I was there in 1962/63 and yep I got...

Aug 10 2015 on Cleaning up John..

Richard Tanter

Hi Zan, I don't know it. You could just the Defen...

Jun 24 2015 on RAAF Base Darwin..


Is there an email address to contact the raaf Dar...

Jun 24 2015 on RAAF Base Darwin..

Alexander Judzewitsch

Which begs the question ... what should Australia...

Jun 13 2015 on The $40 billion ..

Simon Chiu

I agree with Mr. Valencia, and indeed the interna...

Jun 05 2015 on The South China ..