A long way to go for Iranian approval of nuclear accord
Nuclear deal heads into next scrap over sanctions
After approving the nuclear deal, US Congress will submit a long list of pre-conditions for Iran to meet before sanctions are eased. Its failure will provoke new penalties.
Sep 4, 2015, 7:19 PM (IDT)
The New “Hashemite Army” Poised for Battle with ISIS
With US arms, Saudi funding, Abdullah builds a formidable new army 70,000 strong.
US Is Fed up with Iran’s Gen. Soleimeni
As his forces take a beating from ISIS in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, his charm fades in Washington.
Mediterranean Gas Pipelines Still in the Sky
Russian Gazprom nears a takeover of the potential gas pipeline project.
Israeli elite unit practices defense of gas field
DEBKAfile Special Report Sep 2, 2015, 8:28 PM (IDT)

The Israeli Navy Wednesday, Sept. 2, staged a defensive exercise, which centered on the elite Shayetet 13 unit practicing the silent, smooth ejection of terrorists who had “captured the Yam Tethys Mediterranean gas field, off Ashkelon.

Russian airborne troops for Syria
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Sep 1, 2015, 9:35 PM (IDT)

All of the steps being taken by Russia to lay the groundwork for the intervention of its ground forces in the Syrian civil war are being carried out in coordination with the US and Iran. Its preparations were further accelerated by the ISIS advance on Aug. 31 closer to central Damascus than any anti-Assad group has ever achieved. 

Israeli forces on anti-terror raid of Jenin
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Sep 1, 2015, 6:46 AM (IDT)

Palestinian rocket fire from the Gaza Strip put southern Israel on red alert before dawn Tuesday. Sept 1 - in the wake of a major clash erupting at the West Bank refugee camp of Jenin Sunday night when a large Israeli force arrived to arrest terrorist suspects. 

Islamic Caliphate currency in gold dinars.
DEBKAfile Special Report Aug 31, 2015, 2:00 PM (IDT)

The Islamic State on Sunday, Aug. 30, went to war on the US Dollar with a 54-minute video tape, produced professionally to New York Madison Avenue standards. This was the first time a terrorist organization had declared financial war on America. Shown is a mint in Mosul producing gold “dinars."



DEBKAfile Special Report Jun 14, 2015

If the breach of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) was conducted by hackers linked to China, as suspected, the secrets of an estimated 41 million US federal employees were laid bare in what may have been the biggest data base theft in cyber history. debkafile: That breach is still ongoing.  More malware is buried in the OPM’s infrastructure, ready for a remote signal from the hackers’ command and control centers working for China.


DEBKAfile Special Report May 5, 2015
Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, Texas

The two gunmen who Sunday, May 3, tried - and failed - to shoot up an exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, northeast of Dallas, sounded a wakeup call for US counter-terrorism agencies. Both homegrown Islamists were shot dead. The incident betrayed the “human intelligence” weakness of US and Western agencies – a shortage of undercover agents to mingle in communities which may produce terrorists.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Feb 23, 2015

DarkNet is the hidden bottom floor of the legal, public worldwide web. Extensively used by sophisticated criminal organizations and spooks, it conducts a lively trade in stolen official data, false identities, fake credit cards, firearms and ammo, human traffic and biological and chemical weapons. Also found there are hard porno, materials for pedophiles and snuff videos. 

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Jan 26, 2015
The Quad Copter that landed in White House grounds

The crash of a drone in the White House grounds Sunday night, Jan. 25, pointed to the absence of an electromagnetic perimeter fence. Its jammers would emit “white noise” to block off the communications links and command and control capacities of the smartphones and unmanned aerial vehicles serving a would-be assailant planning an attack by a tiny, armed drone.

Egyptian-made missile in Zabadani
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Aug 30, 2015

Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi has begun supplying Bashar Assad’s army with weapons, including missiles, after concluding a secret deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his consent to pick up the tab, debkafile reveals. The first batch of short-range Egyptian-made surface missiles has reached the Syrian forces battling rebels over the strategic town of Zabadani. (See picture.)  Ukrainian freighters are making the deliveries. The El-Sisi-Putin deal marks a certain parting of the ways between Moscow and Tehran on Syrian policy.

ISIS "mobile defense SVBIED" in action in Iraq
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Aug 29, 2015

Ongoing world power talks on ways to stop ISIS are stumped, as they move next week from Moscow to Washington. Vladimir Putin last week offered three worried Arab leaders nuclear reactors and other aid, but in plans for ending the Syrian war - on which they pinned high hopes – no silver bullet was found for stopping the inexorable Islamist advance. When Barack Obama meets Saudi King Salman in Washington next week, he will not find a customer to buy his reliance on Iran, which has failed to pull the anti-terror wagon out of the mud.

Mistral carriers at Saint-Nazaire shipyard
DEBKAfile Special Report Aug 27, 2015

Egypt is in advanced negotiations with France for two highly advanced French Mistral class assault-cum-helicopter carrier ships originally destined for the Russian Navy. debkafile reports that this deal, if it goes through, will substantially beef up the regional lineup of the Saudi, Egyptian and Israeli navies. The new vessels would enable it to contest Iranian naval challenges in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, and alter the balance of strength between the opposing sides. Saudis and the UAE are covering the bill.

SCF Byrranga tank carries Kurdish oil
DEBKAfile Special Report Aug 24, 2015

Israel began importing Iraqi Kurdish oil exactly a year ago, at odds with the Obama administration, as debkafile reported at the time. Binyamin Netanyahu and the Barack Obama don’t see to eye to eye - not just on nuclear Iran, but on Middle East policy in general and the autonomous Kurdish republic, in particular. Israel decided to import Kurdish oil - first, because it was cheap at a time of soaring world prices and, second, to provide Kurdistan with revenue to buy the arms withheld by the US for repelling the ISIS advance on Irbil. 

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