Australian politics, society & culture

The Monthly Essays

Wilfred Burchett in Vietnam, c.1965. © The Wilfred Burchett Estate
The legendary war correspondent was in the pay of the KGB
By Robert Manne
Tim Minchin in rehearsals at the Sydney Theatre company. © Lisa Tomasetti
The musical funnyman returns home
By Jo Lennan
By Lally Katz
“Laila. Laila. I need your help now. If you don’t help me now, I am finish. And we are finish.” It was Maria on the phone. My 85-year-old Hungarian best friend and neighbour. “I never ask for nothing from no one. But, Laila, I ask you this. You must to help me. I got no one. Will be only
Frances Andrijich / Headpress
What is the mining mogul’s higher calling?
By Ramon Glazov
Sam Dastyari (L) and federal minister Anthony Albanese at the ALP National Conference in Sydney, 2011 © Dean Lewin / AAP
Is the general of NSW Labor serious about reform?
By Nick Bryant
The Age offices in Collins Street, Melbourne c. 1903. © Fairfax Syndication
Where is the journalism we need going to come from now?
By Eric Beecher
© John Woudstra / Fairfax Syndication
This is serious
By Waleed Aly
© Beawiharta Beawiharta / Reuters
Northern Exposure
By Hugh White
© David Moore / AAP
False Profits
By Bill McKibben
By Bem Le Hunte
We stepped into the temple and quietened as we passed in front of a depiction of Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god, tearing open his chest to reveal Ram and Sita inside: Ram and Sita, eternal consorts, the perfect balance of male and female cosmic forces. Jan’s smile was beatific. Standing in front of this line of
© Bazmark Film III Pty Limited
After Gatsby
By Luke Davies
Peter Sutton at a Wik outstation in 1977: “That period seems a little innocent now”. Photo courtesy of David Martin
An anthropologist hits the skids in Cape York
By Catherine Ford
Mental disorders are messy amalgams of biology, psychology and culture / ‘The Extraction of the Stone of Madness’ (c.1494), Hieronymus Bosch
Modern madness
By Nick Haslam
Illustration by Jeff Fisher.
By Margaretta Pos
Counting the numbers: Graham Richardson in December 2000 with Inside Sport model of the year finalists © Jaime Fawcett / Newspix
Party boys
By Mark Latham
Bob Katter in a Mareeba cafe. © Nic Walker / Fairfax Syndication
Adventures in Katterland
By Louis Nowra

