New Left Review I/180, March-April 1990

Paul Buhle

America: Post-Modernity?

Fredric Jameson understands the presence of [the] sedimented historical tradition when he argues that all works of popular culture have utopian dimensions that enable them to critique contemporary power relations. But even Jameson relegates the historical work of popular culture to a ‘political unconscious’, an uncomprehending desire to give concrete form to the absent cause that might make sense out of the incoherence of a world without believable historical narratives. But the ‘empty chair’ that Jameson believes to be waiting for a future history and politics is already occupied. George Lipsitz, Time Passages [1] George Lipsitz, Time Passages, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1990, p. 231. $14.95 Paperback.

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Paul Buhle, ‘America: Post-Modernity?’, NLR I/180: £3

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