Freedom • Opportunity • Accountability

Press Release | September 4, 2015

Leader McCarthy Statement on August Jobs Report

Instead of prescribing more barriers on opportunity such as the Obama’s administration’s National Labor Relations Board did last week, the House is focused on pro-growth policies to increase prosperity for all Americans. We will continue to fight for an economy that pulls everyone out in front.

Press Release | September 3, 2015

Leader McCarthy Statement on the Retirement of Chairman John Kline

Chairman John Kline has selflessly spent his life in the service of our nation. As a Member of Congress, he has been one of the strongest advocates for our men and women in uniform.

Press Release | September 2, 2015

House to Vote on Disapproval of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Next week the House will consider a resolution of disapproval of the Iran nuclear deal. This vote will have an immense impact on our national security as well as the security of our friends and partners around the world.

Press Release | August 28, 2015

NLRB’s Latest Attack on American Jobs

In the House, we will continue to work on our common-sense agenda that takes Washington out of the driver’s seat in determining who succeeds and how they do it.

Press Release | August 26, 2015

McCarthy Statement on Women’s Equality Day

Ninety-five years later, we are continuing to make strides to ensure the opportunity for prosperity is offered to all Americans.

Press Release | August 20, 2015

Leader McCarthy on the Release of a Secret Side Agreement Through the Associated Press

Though President Obama claimed that this agreement is not based on trust but on verification, this side deal makes it look like the exact opposite. We cannot and should not trust Iran with any authority to police itself, whether at Parchin or elsewhere.

Press Release | August 19, 2015

Secret Side Deals Reveal Iran Nuclear Verification is a Sham

This side agreement shows that true verification is a sham, and it begs the question of what else the Administration is keeping from Congress.

Press Release | August 18, 2015

A ‘Fresh’ Reason For Why the Obama Climate Agenda is Unnecessary

What the president wants to achieve with more government intervention is, well, already happening thanks to free-market forces.

Blog | August 18, 2015

What the House is Doing About Planned Parenthood

We will continue our investigation, and we will not rest until we know the whole truth about exactly what Planned Parenthood is doing as they harvest organs. Life is sacred, and as a good and loving society we cannot accept this callous disregard for life.

Blog | August 17, 2015

House’s Policies Build America’s Energy Renaissance

Ever since hydraulic fracturing created an era of renewed American energy prosperity, we haven’t looked back. America is now the world leader in oil and gas production. As House Republicans continue to promote policies that support this robust development—and the jobs and economic growth that come with it—Congress is ensuring our energy security is here to…